Should religion be eliminated

Should religion be eliminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 85.4%

  • Total voters
And what you will do with believers?Murder like your leftist pals in occupied by commies countries did?
Murders, torture, robbery, concentration camps, it is the true face of liberalism.
I think it's logical not to leap to any conclusions yet before getting some kind of real data.

You prove nothing about the number of gods with you other statements.
We have all the data we are going to get. We can study what was created to learn about how it was created. When we do this we discover that space and time were created from nothing according to the laws of nature which means the laws of nature existed before the creation of space and time. Laws which predestined intelligence to arise and evolve. Specifically physical, biological and moral laws.

You are without excuse.
Again, you spout a personal opinion, not supported facts. Just know the difference, that's all.
It is totally supported by facts. Red shift, cosmic background radiation, general relativity, quantum mechanics, law of conservation, entropy, etc.

You are the one shitting all over science.
If it's real science, then link it to some. That's how this shit works here. If you don't, it's personal opinion. Know the difference.

Exact solutions of Einstein's equations - Scholarpedia

[1707.04909] Solutions of Einstein Field Equation for an Extra-Dimensional Anisotropic Metric with Two Scale Factors
Good try, but now you need to post not just random links, but a link, or links that support what you claimed in this thread, that there is only one god. Those 4 links don'y prove that.
He only cares that we seek him? You know this how?
Personal experience.
That not evidence.

And you are proving to be the kind of Christian I make fun of. It doesn’t matter how good you are. You believe so you think you’re in the club. That’s all Christians have to do is believe.

And be dunked. You’ve been baptized right?
Not for you because you didn't experience it. I did.

Do you mean the type of Christian who has witnessed a transformation in himself? Guilty as charged.

I see that you did agree that you believe religion should be eliminated. How far are you willing to go? Subversion? By force? What?

I will never do what Christianity did and force everyone under the kings rule to be a catholic or Protestant.

There will always be people who believe in god heaven and hell. It’s superstition. But you see how superstition doesn’t rule our lives like religion does?

Most people are living the way you are supposed to live. If they go to church, which most don’t, they keep it to themselves. It rarely comes up and most people don’t know I’m an atheist and I couldn’t tell you what religion they belong to.

Most Americans in the north east are only Christians because their parents told them they were. But they don’t practice at all. You count a lot of people as members and they are hardly members. And their kids will be agnostics. We see it happening now. Religion is declining naturally. We are evolving very fast on this. Even though the Bible Belt seems like it’s going nowhere it is. People aren’t buying it like they used to.
You have an idealized view of the path not taken. And you might be surprised to find out that the Church tempered the rule of the monarchs too. And lastly, you might be surprised to find out that your view of a future without religion isn't all that you suppose it to be. Only time will tell.
People are less likely to blow people up if they aren’t told a god will reward them.

And regardless. It’s still all lies. There isn’t one real religion. You agree with me about all the other religions just not yours.

I will never do what Christianity did and force everyone under the kings rule to be a catholic or Protestant.

There will always be people who believe in god heaven and hell. It’s superstition. But you see how superstition doesn’t rule our lives like religion does?

Most people are living the way you are supposed to live. If they go to church, which most don’t, they keep it to themselves. It rarely comes up and most people don’t know I’m an atheist and I couldn’t tell you what religion they belong to.

Most Americans in the north east are only Christians because their parents told them they were. But they don’t practice at all. You count a lot of people as members and they are hardly members. And their kids will be agnostics. We see it happening now. Religion is declining naturally. We are evolving very fast on this. Even though the Bible Belt seems like it’s going nowhere it is. People aren’t buying it like they used to.

Humanity learns as we go, mostly by trial and error. While an entire nation following the religion of their king sounds unifying and therefore good, it did not take long to learn religion doesn't work like that. God and an afterlife is not superstition. Most people are living the way you are supposed to live? I question that because major depression is on the rise--especially in teens and young adults, the very people you praise as quickly evolving.

What is right about good religions is that it teaches a way of life that points to striving for the ideal. The right thing about church is that it reminds one of their deepest beliefs, and these are something we of which we actually need to be reminded, as strange as that may seem. Humans are designed to need God. We remove Him from our lives and there is a big hole that even our best pharmaceuticals cannot fill.

Twenty-first century man does not understand the Bible. Plus, not everything in the Bible relates to each and every individual personally. There is, however, something it in for everyone. Just because not all of it fits each of us individually, should not be the reason to throw it out in its entirety.

While you may see religion in decline, I see it more as a lot of the dead-weight being removed. Only then can future growth be healthy and thriving.
Let me address your first point before I continue to read

I am not religious and I’m not depressed. I think that’s a false connection. People are depressed because they don’t have money.

And again, it doesn’t matter if religion makes you feel good. It’s a lie. And for as many positives you think happen because of it, I can show you many harms that come from it. Like it claims being gay is evil, a sin or abomination, or unnatural. If it happens then it’s natural. It might be yucky for a guy to watch two guys getting it on but what about two beautiful women? Not so yucky huh?

I will never do what Christianity did and force everyone under the kings rule to be a catholic or Protestant.

There will always be people who believe in god heaven and hell. It’s superstition. But you see how superstition doesn’t rule our lives like religion does?

Most people are living the way you are supposed to live. If they go to church, which most don’t, they keep it to themselves. It rarely comes up and most people don’t know I’m an atheist and I couldn’t tell you what religion they belong to.

Most Americans in the north east are only Christians because their parents told them they were. But they don’t practice at all. You count a lot of people as members and they are hardly members. And their kids will be agnostics. We see it happening now. Religion is declining naturally. We are evolving very fast on this. Even though the Bible Belt seems like it’s going nowhere it is. People aren’t buying it like they used to.

Humanity learns as we go, mostly by trial and error. While an entire nation following the religion of their king sounds unifying and therefore good, it did not take long to learn religion doesn't work like that. God and an afterlife is not superstition. Most people are living the way you are supposed to live? I question that because major depression is on the rise--especially in teens and young adults, the very people you praise as quickly evolving.

What is right about good religions is that it teaches a way of life that points to striving for the ideal. The right thing about church is that it reminds one of their deepest beliefs, and these are something we of which we actually need to be reminded, as strange as that may seem. Humans are designed to need God. We remove Him from our lives and there is a big hole that even our best pharmaceuticals cannot fill.

Twenty-first century man does not understand the Bible. Plus, not everything in the Bible relates to each and every individual personally. There is, however, something it in for everyone. Just because not all of it fits each of us individually, should not be the reason to throw it out in its entirety.

While you may see religion in decline, I see it more as a lot of the dead-weight being removed. Only then can future growth be healthy and thriving.
Speak for yourself. I have no hole in my life.

If you believe in god and heaven yes taking that away would create a hole but then you fill that hole up with an appreciation of how lucky I am to have been born here and now. And to enjoy what time I have left.

I feel much luckier than the cow in a slaughterhouse that will eventually end up in your freezer.

You are right the Bible rambles on so much that not everything in it applies to every person but it rambles on so much that it basically talks about everything. I can even show you where it contradicts itself.

I’m fascinated with people who read it over and over again. I was bored to tears and not feeling it.
Personal experience.
That not evidence.

And you are proving to be the kind of Christian I make fun of. It doesn’t matter how good you are. You believe so you think you’re in the club. That’s all Christians have to do is believe.

And be dunked. You’ve been baptized right?
Not for you because you didn't experience it. I did.

Do you mean the type of Christian who has witnessed a transformation in himself? Guilty as charged.

I see that you did agree that you believe religion should be eliminated. How far are you willing to go? Subversion? By force? What?

I will never do what Christianity did and force everyone under the kings rule to be a catholic or Protestant.

There will always be people who believe in god heaven and hell. It’s superstition. But you see how superstition doesn’t rule our lives like religion does?

Most people are living the way you are supposed to live. If they go to church, which most don’t, they keep it to themselves. It rarely comes up and most people don’t know I’m an atheist and I couldn’t tell you what religion they belong to.

Most Americans in the north east are only Christians because their parents told them they were. But they don’t practice at all. You count a lot of people as members and they are hardly members. And their kids will be agnostics. We see it happening now. Religion is declining naturally. We are evolving very fast on this. Even though the Bible Belt seems like it’s going nowhere it is. People aren’t buying it like they used to.
You have an idealized view of the path not taken. And you might be surprised to find out that the Church tempered the rule of the monarchs too. And lastly, you might be surprised to find out that your view of a future without religion isn't all that you suppose it to be. Only time will tell.
People are less likely to blow people up if they aren’t told a god will reward them.

And regardless. It’s still all lies. There isn’t one real religion. You agree with me about all the other religions just not yours.
Again, let me say you have an idealized view of a path not take. You only believe the pasture on the other side of the fence is greener because you have never been in it.

You have never made an objective analysis of religion because you are incapable of doing so.

Would you like to debate me on that in the bull ring?
Personal experience.
That not evidence.

And you are proving to be the kind of Christian I make fun of. It doesn’t matter how good you are. You believe so you think you’re in the club. That’s all Christians have to do is believe.

And be dunked. You’ve been baptized right?
Not for you because you didn't experience it. I did.

Do you mean the type of Christian who has witnessed a transformation in himself? Guilty as charged.

I see that you did agree that you believe religion should be eliminated. How far are you willing to go? Subversion? By force? What?

I will never do what Christianity did and force everyone under the kings rule to be a catholic or Protestant.

There will always be people who believe in god heaven and hell. It’s superstition. But you see how superstition doesn’t rule our lives like religion does?

Most people are living the way you are supposed to live. If they go to church, which most don’t, they keep it to themselves. It rarely comes up and most people don’t know I’m an atheist and I couldn’t tell you what religion they belong to.

Most Americans in the north east are only Christians because their parents told them they were. But they don’t practice at all. You count a lot of people as members and they are hardly members. And their kids will be agnostics. We see it happening now. Religion is declining naturally. We are evolving very fast on this. Even though the Bible Belt seems like it’s going nowhere it is. People aren’t buying it like they used to.
You have an idealized view of the path not taken. And you might be surprised to find out that the Church tempered the rule of the monarchs too. And lastly, you might be surprised to find out that your view of a future without religion isn't all that you suppose it to be. Only time will tell.
People are less likely to blow people up if they aren’t told a god will reward them.

And regardless. It’s still all lies. There isn’t one real religion. You agree with me about all the other religions just not yours.
Have you ever seen me argue against the faith of another religion? No. Because I have not.

It is you that must believe every religion is wrong. I see truths in all religions because all religions have more in common than they have differences.
We have all the data we are going to get. We can study what was created to learn about how it was created. When we do this we discover that space and time were created from nothing according to the laws of nature which means the laws of nature existed before the creation of space and time. Laws which predestined intelligence to arise and evolve. Specifically physical, biological and moral laws.

You are without excuse.
Again, you spout a personal opinion, not supported facts. Just know the difference, that's all.
It is totally supported by facts. Red shift, cosmic background radiation, general relativity, quantum mechanics, law of conservation, entropy, etc.

You are the one shitting all over science.
If it's real science, then link it to some. That's how this shit works here. If you don't, it's personal opinion. Know the difference.

Exact solutions of Einstein's equations - Scholarpedia

[1707.04909] Solutions of Einstein Field Equation for an Extra-Dimensional Anisotropic Metric with Two Scale Factors
Good try, but now you need to post not just random links, but a link, or links that support what you claimed in this thread, that there is only one god. Those 4 links don'y prove that.
I say they do. Can you show me where they don’t?
The problem with your perception that religions are controlling is that it is wrong.

I just randomly visited The Atlantic website (as is my wont) and found this article: Lauren Daigle and the lost art of discernment. It happens to provide a pretty good example of what I had in mind when I talk about enforcement of social norms. I'm not citing it as though it proves some argument about representativeness, but I think it illustrates how these things are not rare exceptions to an otherwise general rule:

"The Grammy-nominated singer’s woes began in late October when she appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to perform her newest single, “Still Rolling Stones.” Many of her conservative religious fans lashed out following the performance, since the show’s host is an openly gay woman....

This week, another radio host asked her directly about whether she believed that homosexuality was sinful, and Daigle responded that she wasn’t sure....

When the clip of her interview was posted online, it drew condemnation from conservative Christians. A writer at The Christian Post said Daigle had been tested by God and “failed,” choosing instead to “fraternize” with the devil by not condemning homosexuality. A Townhall columnist argued that Daigle had given into “the temptations that come with fame and influence” and called on Christians to pray for her to change course. Conservative Christian author John Burton claimed Daigle’s ambiguity compromised biblical truth and now “millions are at risk of deception.” Many on Twitter quickly declared that she can no longer be considered a Christian."
Also they get points for citing John Climacus of all people, IMO. The Ladder of Divine Ascent is an interesting work :p
I have yet to find anything that all people agree with 100%.

The reality is that religion has no enforcement, secular institutions like governments do.
Again, you spout a personal opinion, not supported facts. Just know the difference, that's all.
It is totally supported by facts. Red shift, cosmic background radiation, general relativity, quantum mechanics, law of conservation, entropy, etc.

You are the one shitting all over science.
If it's real science, then link it to some. That's how this shit works here. If you don't, it's personal opinion. Know the difference.

Exact solutions of Einstein's equations - Scholarpedia

[1707.04909] Solutions of Einstein Field Equation for an Extra-Dimensional Anisotropic Metric with Two Scale Factors
Good try, but now you need to post not just random links, but a link, or links that support what you claimed in this thread, that there is only one god. Those 4 links don'y prove that.
I say they do. Can you show me where they don’t?
None of them talk about how many god’s there are. Please try again.
It is totally supported by facts. Red shift, cosmic background radiation, general relativity, quantum mechanics, law of conservation, entropy, etc.

You are the one shitting all over science.
If it's real science, then link it to some. That's how this shit works here. If you don't, it's personal opinion. Know the difference.

Exact solutions of Einstein's equations - Scholarpedia

[1707.04909] Solutions of Einstein Field Equation for an Extra-Dimensional Anisotropic Metric with Two Scale Factors
Good try, but now you need to post not just random links, but a link, or links that support what you claimed in this thread, that there is only one god. Those 4 links don'y prove that.
I say they do. Can you show me where they don’t?
None of them talk about how many god’s there are. Please try again.
Each one proves a belief that I have used to show you the evidence for a creator.
Specifically, those links prove the universe had a beginning. That it was created from nothing. That the laws of nature existed before it was created from nothing. And that those same laws predestined intelligence to arise.
I am not religious and I’m not depressed. I think that’s a false connection. People are depressed because they don’t have money.
I was not speaking of you personally. Guess what? I don't have money, and I'm not depressed. All I pointed out is that the number of teens and young adults suffering from major depression is rising even faster than the general population. You are arguing teens are depressed because their parents aren't giving them enough money? I think there is more to it than that, something more philosophical. Religion is a method of addressing philosophies in this life.
I am not religious and I’m not depressed. I think that’s a false connection. People are depressed because they don’t have money.
I was not speaking of you personally. Guess what? I don't have money, and I'm not depressed. All I pointed out is that the number of teens and young adults suffering from major depression is rising even faster than the general population. You are arguing teens are depressed because their parents aren't giving them enough money? I think there is more to it than that, something more philosophical. Religion is a method of addressing philosophies in this life.
It has been proven that success does not lead to happiness. That happiness leads to success.

A world without meaning will not be a happy world.
Speak for yourself. I have no hole in my life.
Again, I was not speaking of you personally. I can imagine my life without religion and it would be like living this life in a hut instead of in a mansion, or like living one's life in the back yard as opposed to living life on an entire mountain. But...I wouldn't know what else was even possible, would I?
It has been proven that success does not lead to happiness. That happiness leads to success.

A world without meaning will not be a happy world.
Well put.
Normalization of deviance (i.e. deviating from a standard and normalizing it such that people forget why the previous standard existed) eventually leads to predictable surprises.
I am not religious and I’m not depressed. I think that’s a false connection. People are depressed because they don’t have money.
I was not speaking of you personally. Guess what? I don't have money, and I'm not depressed. All I pointed out is that the number of teens and young adults suffering from major depression is rising even faster than the general population. You are arguing teens are depressed because their parents aren't giving them enough money? I think there is more to it than that, something more philosophical. Religion is a method of addressing philosophies in this life.

Sure... they get people to meditate on nothingness, or believe that suffering is a virtue or that paradise can only be found after death, and they will become a self negating non-entity who will take tons of crap from the political and religious authorities without question daily for the rest of their lives... the sweat of their brow, thinking, producing only thorns and thistles.

And you think that taking young adults who are drowning in despair over the fact that they are being led like sheep to the slaughter into living lives of insanity can be cured by filling their heads with religious lies until they just give up the ghost and become happy idiots?

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