Should religion be eliminated

Should religion be eliminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 85.4%

  • Total voters
You mean you don't think you are better than them?

Surely you jest.

It's ok, you can be honest.
Different yes, better? Who knows?
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
There's a fundamental difference right there. I don't assume I'm.netter than other people.
You misunderstood what I wrote too.

I do know that anyone who believes they are better than another person isn't.

That's what I know.

Let me ask you this, you used the word assume. Does that mean that you may come to a point where you think you are better than someone else?
Keep backing up.
Nice dodge.

Saying you assume you are not better is not the same thing as saying you are not better. Just saying.
Let me ask you this question, were you in the conversations I was in when I was being told that religion had never done anything good and was responsible for everything which was bad

I'm not commenting on conversations you may have had in the past, I'm commenting on this thread. I would say that if someone says that religion is responsible for literally everything bad and literally nothing good than they are being hyperbolic. They probably know they are being hyperbolic. I don't have any problem with you pointing that out. But it has seemed to me you are trying to make that hyperbolic statement stand in for what are usually a little more nuanced positions, which is why so few people have been willing to answer your poll affirmatively. It seems to me that you're trying to accuse people who haven't said the above of fallaciously believing it. In any case, sure, if someone says that religion is purely evil and responsible for every bad thing in the world I think you can justifiably roll your eyes at them. But I don't think that view is quite as common as you seem to think it is?

Because I don't believe you have complete knowledge in judging me.

I'm not judging you at all, I'm commenting on the argument you're making in this thread.
Let me ask you this question, were you in the conversations I was in when I was being told that religion had never done anything good and was responsible for everything which was bad

I'm not commenting on conversations you may have had in the past, I'm commenting on this thread. I would say that if someone says that religion is responsible for literally everything bad and literally nothing good than they are being hyperbolic. They probably know they are being hyperbolic. I don't have any problem with you pointing that out. But it has seemed to me you are trying to make that hyperbolic statement stand in for what are usually a little more nuanced positions, which is why so few people have been willing to answer your poll affirmatively. It seems to me that you're trying to accuse people who haven't said the above of fallaciously believing it. In any case, sure, if someone says that religion is purely evil and responsible for every bad thing in the world I think you can justifiably roll your eyes at them. But I don't think that view is quite as common as you seem to think it is?

Because I don't believe you have complete knowledge in judging me.

I'm not judging you at all, I'm commenting on the argument you're making in this thread.
And when I drill down and start asking questions, they don't budge from their positions. Which is why I created this thread.
Let me ask you this question, were you in the conversations I was in when I was being told that religion had never done anything good and was responsible for everything which was bad

I'm not commenting on conversations you may have had in the past, I'm commenting on this thread. I would say that if someone says that religion is responsible for literally everything bad and literally nothing good than they are being hyperbolic. They probably know they are being hyperbolic. I don't have any problem with you pointing that out. But it has seemed to me you are trying to make that hyperbolic statement stand in for what are usually a little more nuanced positions, which is why so few people have been willing to answer your poll affirmatively. It seems to me that you're trying to accuse people who haven't said the above of fallaciously believing it. In any case, sure, if someone says that religion is purely evil and responsible for every bad thing in the world I think you can justifiably roll your eyes at them. But I don't think that view is quite as common as you seem to think it is?

Because I don't believe you have complete knowledge in judging me.

I'm not judging you at all, I'm commenting on the argument you're making in this thread.
You haven't been here very long. You'll see for yourself how disingenuous some of these people can be.
Different yes, better? Who knows?
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
See...see what I mean!

The poster stated 'better?...who knows'

You state...I do...he doesn't know but, you do

Then, after he already stated, 'who knows',
you continue on with...'if you think...'

You don't know are not all that, darling

In the precious name of Jesus,
unclean spirit be still!
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you.
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you
NO, my comprehensive skills are just fine!

YOU, are so certain about YOURSELF...
back peddling and excuses, under the guise of explanations,
doesn't do anything but prove me right!

You are too wise in your own eyes!
No. I am certain that ANYBODY who says they are better than another person, isn't.

Do you think you are better than me?
No. I am certain that ANYBODY who says they are better than another person, isn't.
That poster didn't say he was better then anyone...
You said, you knew they weren't

I'm no better than a homeless person,
just because I'm not homeless

A person who is rich isn't better than me,
just because they have money and I don't

Even Jesus said,
Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord,
will enter the kingdom of heaven

Obviously, God and Jesus regard 'better'
Do you think you are better than me
I'm not going there with you
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
See...see what I mean!

The poster stated 'better?...who knows'

You state...I do...he doesn't know but, you do

Then, after he already stated, 'who knows',
you continue on with...'if you think...'

You don't know are not all that, darling

In the precious name of Jesus,
unclean spirit be still!
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you.
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you
NO, my comprehensive skills are just fine!

YOU, are so certain about YOURSELF...
back peddling and excuses, under the guise of explanations,
doesn't do anything but prove me right!

You are too wise in your own eyes!
No. I am certain that ANYBODY who says they are better than another person, isn't.

Do you think you are better than me?
No. I am certain that ANYBODY who says they are better than another person, isn't.
That poster didn't say he was better then anyone...
You said, you knew they weren't

I'm no better than a homeless person,
just because I'm not homeless

A person who is rich isn't better than me,
just because they have money and I don't

Even Jesus said,
Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord,
will enter the kingdom of heaven

Obviously, God and Jesus regard 'better'
Do you think you are better than me
I'm not going there with you
You do think you are better than me. :lol:
Amish men don't shave because they believe it is a sign of vanity. The problem with this is that eventually they elevate not being vain to a vanity.

Many Christians are like that. Surprisingly, these are the Christians the atheists hate the most.

Let me be very clear. I am a sinner. Who's with me?
Different yes, better? Who knows?
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
See...see what I mean!

The poster stated 'better?...who knows'

You state...I do...he doesn't know but, you do

Then, after he already stated, 'who knows',
you continue on with...'if you think...'

You don't know are not all that, darling

In the precious name of Jesus,
unclean spirit be still!
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you.
Keep backing up kid.
Feel free to believe what you want. I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me. I wonder if you can say the same without using the word assume.
I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me.
Oh my!


I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
I do. If you think you are better you aren't.
See...see what I mean!

The poster stated 'better?...who knows'

You state...I do...he doesn't know but, you do

Then, after he already stated, 'who knows',
you continue on with...'if you think...'

You don't know are not all that, darling

In the precious name of Jesus,
unclean spirit be still!
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you.
Keep backing up kid.
Feel free to believe what you want. I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me. I wonder if you can say the same without using the word assume.
I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me.
Oh my!


There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures.

Believing you are better than others is a slippery slope.
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
See...see what I mean!

The poster stated 'better?...who knows'

You state...I do...he doesn't know but, you do

Then, after he already stated, 'who knows',
you continue on with...'if you think...'

You don't know are not all that, darling

In the precious name of Jesus,
unclean spirit be still!
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you.
Keep backing up kid.
Feel free to believe what you want. I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me. I wonder if you can say the same without using the word assume.
I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me.
Oh my!


There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures.

Believing you are better than others is a slippery slope.
There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures
The devil is a liar!

God has not chosen everyone He created..He chose me
I am not a creature, I AM His creation, there is no one like me
I AM special..I AM a child of God...He knew me before I was

My beloved child, let not your heart be troubled,
by those things happening in your life and in this world;
For I AM creating the circumstances
which will bring you to the joy I had planned, before you
I have brought you too far to forsake you now,
I AM the Lord who loves you
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
After judging him, Ding believes, Crepitus believes,
he is better than others after he judges them.

Ding 'assumes' he knows why,
Crepitus used the word assume

There's quite a bit of opposition to religion here. I am just wondering how many of you people believe religion should be eliminated. It's been tried before and failed, but don't let that deter you in your quest.

Learn from their mistakes and give it another try.

Why the Soviet attempt to stamp out religion failed | Giles Fraser: Loose canon
In addition to being inane and ridiculous, the thread premise also fails as a strawman fallacy.

Again, to question religious dogma, to challenge theists as to their beliefs, and to make factual observations concerning the hypocrisy and inconsistency common to all religions is not to ‘oppose’ religion or seek to ‘eliminate’ it.

If a theist is hurt or offended because his beliefs and religion are subjected to appropriate, warranted questioning and criticism, then he needs to explore the faults and failings of his beliefs and religion, not attempt to find fault with those who question and criticize.
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
keep it real and crepitus are two more people youre talking to punitively, and they were not being ass holes, either, the way that I shove it right back in your face and be 1

you do pretend youre better than everyone else, and say you dont, and thats twatty.

the 1st time you discuss something in disagreement with someone and dont resort to being twatty hasnt happened yet

for whatever reason ~ you thought threads like these make a point but its just a furthering of your superiority complex and speaking "punitively"

you seek conflict
There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, before studying scripture to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
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