Should religion be eliminated

Should religion be eliminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 85.4%

  • Total voters
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.

lol... If you are any indication, the fruit of your religion is rotten to the core.
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
keep it real and crepitus are two more people youre talking to punitively, and they were not being ass holes, either, the way that I shove it right back in your face and be 1

you do pretend youre better than everyone else, and say you dont, and thats twatty.

the 1st time you discuss something in disagreement with someone and dont resort to being twatty hasnt happened yet

for whatever reason ~ you thought threads like these make a point but its just a furthering of your superiority complex and speaking "punitively"

you seek conflict
I pretend to be better than everyone else but say I am not? How is it that you know that pretend I am better than everyone else?

This thread did make its point.
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.

Outcomes being good or bad of one tried culture vs. the next tells someone nothing about the truth or falsehood of said culture. That's a non sequitur fallacy.

If atheism kills ten million people and religion saves the lives of double that, it tells us nothing in terms of which is true.
There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, before studying scripture to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
So you don’t want to abolish religion, you just want to regulate it?
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
keep it real and crepitus are two more people youre talking to punitively, and they were not being ass holes, either, the way that I shove it right back in your face and be 1

you do pretend youre better than everyone else, and say you dont, and thats twatty.

the 1st time you discuss something in disagreement with someone and dont resort to being twatty hasnt happened yet

for whatever reason ~ you thought threads like these make a point but its just a furthering of your superiority complex and speaking "punitively"

you seek conflict
I pretend to be better than everyone else but say I am not? How is it that you know that pretend I am better than everyone else?

This thread did make its point.
Because you judge and make nit picky assumptions about so many folks' posts that they didnt even say, or imply.

You tell everyone how they are, and then judge again when someone tells you that youre just a hypocrite. Im someone doing that right now. Thats why you judge me.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...
So you don’t want to abolish it because you don’t believe it is harmful?

If you did find it harmful would you support banning it then?
I'm not an expert in religion at all...


I think.....why eliminate Religion and take away that little bit of faith that people have?

Because there are so many people here who are convinced that religion has done nothing good and is responsible for so much bad.

I just wish more of them would take this opportunity to tell us how evil religion has been and make a really good case for abolishing it.

I don't care for religion in general that much.....

I do care about Faith!:)
they are mutually exclusive....~S~
Necessarily exclusive?
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...

The only mystery remaining is why the simple teachings of simple ancient people remains above your grasp.
I grasp them, I just don't see what it has to do with a potential real god, because they are all over the place.Like, a god who cares if we obey what some guy wrote in a book? Like c'mon, doesn't your scam radar go off?
Damn. My scam radar went off when I was 8 years old. Can't you retain any information at all?

All I am saying is that maybe you should take a crack at learning what those stories are actually teaching if you are going to be endlessly arguing about them with people who really don't understand what they are reading anymore than you do.
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There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, before studying scripture to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
So you don’t want to abolish religion, you just want to regulate it?

Its really not about this religion or that religion. Its more about enforcing existing laws against child abuse.

Your openly professed religious beliefs are a piss poor excuse for crippling the minds of the innocent.

Like I said, if you want to throw your mind in the trash and spend the rest of your days crawling on your belly and eating dust, leave the children out of it. When they become adults they can decide for themselves if they want to follow you into hell by throwing their minds and life in the trash.
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Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
keep it real and crepitus are two more people youre talking to punitively, and they were not being ass holes, either, the way that I shove it right back in your face and be 1

you do pretend youre better than everyone else, and say you dont, and thats twatty.

the 1st time you discuss something in disagreement with someone and dont resort to being twatty hasnt happened yet

for whatever reason ~ you thought threads like these make a point but its just a furthering of your superiority complex and speaking "punitively"

you seek conflict
I pretend to be better than everyone else but say I am not? How is it that you know that pretend I am better than everyone else?

This thread did make its point.
Because you judge and make nit picky assumptions about so many folks' posts that they didnt even say, or imply.

You tell everyone how they are, and then judge again when someone tells you that youre just a hypocrite. Im someone doing that right now. Thats why you judge me.
Yes, I do judge behaviors. Just not the person.

I don’t believe you understand the importance of the difference.

That isn’t a judgment of you that is an observation of your past actions.

Just as my belief that crepitus was using a weasel word to hide his true belief. Which if I am correct is tantamount to an admission that he knows it is wrong.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...

The only mystery remaining is why the simple teachings of simple ancient people remains above your grasp.
I grasp them, I just don't see what it has to do with a potential real god, because they are all over the place.Like, a god who cares if we obey what some guy wrote in a book? Like c'mon, doesn't your scam radar go off?
Damn. My scam radar went off when I was 8 years old.

All I am saying is that maybe you should take a crack at learning what those stories are actually teaching if you are going to be endlessly arguing about them with people who really don't understand what they are reading anymore than you do.
It seems to me that its a macro thinking vs micro thinking phenomena.

I don't think that people are stupid, (I think the tooth and nail Theists might be that, or deeply dishonest), but instead I think that most folks are born in certain places, develop some Macro view of things and so....loosely hold to a Religion without ever bothering to journey into scrutinizing it, and just live their lives worrying about the Micro, or day to day activities.

I also think that most folks are like that with Politics, as well, which is why we have such an uninformed electorate. Its not stupidity, its theyre taking their "general" ideas without too much scrutiny, and then just focusing on their day to day without studying the consequences.

This is probably why "most people" say that "most people" are stupid, at one point or another.
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
keep it real and crepitus are two more people youre talking to punitively, and they were not being ass holes, either, the way that I shove it right back in your face and be 1

you do pretend youre better than everyone else, and say you dont, and thats twatty.

the 1st time you discuss something in disagreement with someone and dont resort to being twatty hasnt happened yet

for whatever reason ~ you thought threads like these make a point but its just a furthering of your superiority complex and speaking "punitively"

you seek conflict
I pretend to be better than everyone else but say I am not? How is it that you know that pretend I am better than everyone else?

This thread did make its point.
Because you judge and make nit picky assumptions about so many folks' posts that they didnt even say, or imply.

You tell everyone how they are, and then judge again when someone tells you that youre just a hypocrite. Im someone doing that right now. Thats why you judge me.
Yes, I do judge behaviors. Just not the person.

I don’t believe you understand the importance of the difference.

That isn’t a judgment of you that is an observation of your past actions.

Just as my belief that crepitus was using a weasel word to hide his true belief. Which if I am correct is tantamount to an admission that he knows it is wrong.
Im not interested in the content or rationalization of your twatty judgeyness, its merely enjoyable to watch you behave as such a hypocrite toward so many posters.

Its fabulous/wonderful, in my opinion.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...
So you don’t want to abolish it because you don’t believe it is harmful?

If you did find it harmful would you support banning it then?
I'm not for banning it, as people get smarter, they abandon their superstitions. I found that in general, the dumber the person, the more they believe in god. By dumb, I don't mean necessarily book dumb, I mean more like clueless and simple in their way of thinking.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...

The only mystery remaining is why the simple teachings of simple ancient people remains above your grasp.
I grasp them, I just don't see what it has to do with a potential real god, because they are all over the place.Like, a god who cares if we obey what some guy wrote in a book? Like c'mon, doesn't your scam radar go off?
Damn. My scam radar went off when I was 8 years old. Can't you retain any information at all?

All I am saying is that maybe you should take a crack at learning what those stories are actually teaching if you are going to be endlessly arguing about them with people who really don't understand what they are reading anymore than you do.
The simplest explanation for those stories is usually the right one. You're trying to twist them all to make goat herders appear like geniuses, which they clearly weren't. And all this because you think the bible as written is crap. So you invent other meanings. Like I say, as a book of philosophy I can see it. As a book leading straight to an invisible superbeing, not at all.
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.

lol... If you are any indication, the fruit of your religion is rotten to the core.

I never claimed to be a saint. In fact I have consistently said I am a sinner.

Unfortunately for you reason and experience tells us that religion has been a force for good.

Your righteous indignation directed at religion only exists because you grew up in a nation that was built upon values espoused by religion.
There's quite a bit of opposition to religion here. I am just wondering how many of you people believe religion should be eliminated. It's been tried before and failed, but don't let that deter you in your quest.

Learn from their mistakes and give it another try.

Why the Soviet attempt to stamp out religion failed | Giles Fraser: Loose canon
It isn't possible to stop "religion." Organized religions might be curtailed somehow, but that has never worked very well either.
But religion itself? The belief in a better "life" to come, hope that there is something/someone good out there possibly organizing a chaotic and seemingly senseless world? People will just invent new "religions." That hope and that need will not be going anywhere for a long, long time.
A lot of humans need that comfort, that answer to "why?" And there is something comforting in ritual, a steadying routine no matter how nuts things become.
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.

Outcomes being good or bad of one tried culture vs. the next tells someone nothing about the truth or falsehood of said culture. That's a non sequitur fallacy.

If atheism kills ten million people and religion saves the lives of double that, it tells us nothing in terms of which is true.

I couldn’t disagree more. Cultures rise and cultures fall. All one has to do to understand why is look at their behaviors and values which inform their decisions and actions.

Conversely some cultures never rise and there is a logical reason for that too. They keep doing the same thing.
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.

lol... If you are any indication, the fruit of your religion is rotten to the core.

I never claimed to be a saint. In fact I have consistently said I am a sinner.

Unfortunately for you reason and experience tells us that religion has been a force for good.

Your righteous indignation directed at religion only exists because you grew up in a nation that was built upon values espoused by religion.

Ya, 9/11 was a force for good. :surprised1:
Not unless by education and free choice.
So a subversive movement. I like it.

Religion is brainwashing if it isnt true. Religions are similar, but many are mutually exclusive, therefore, some must be brainwashing necessarily.

My post mentioned education and free choice. Subversiveness is your take on education and free choice, is what you said.

Subversion is as subversion does. I suggest you look up Yuri Bezmenov and cultural Marxism.

No good fruit has come from atheism. Good fruit has come from religion.

lol... If you are any indication, the fruit of your religion is rotten to the core.

I never claimed to be a saint. In fact I have consistently said I am a sinner.

Unfortunately for you reason and experience tells us that religion has been a force for good.

Your righteous indignation directed at religion only exists because you grew up in a nation that was built upon values espoused by religion.

Who was it that said, "Give me a child for ten years and I'll give you a Catholic for life"?

You see him as a champion of the faith. I see him as a sadistic serial killer.

Lets face it. There is no way to reconcile these two points of view.

So you go ahead and mislead others and perjure yourself in the name of God till kingdom come.

I'll continue to diminish your pool of potential victims.

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