Should religion be eliminated

Should religion be eliminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 85.4%

  • Total voters
There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
This is the exact approach I've taken with my Children. I agree that they're too young for it, similar to porn. They are in their formative years and that's not the time to introduce them to faith-based ideas as the answers to things. I dont think it needs to be "legally" restricted, but based on the Parents' decision.

It's better to say that "I dont know" than to fill in the blank.

Many converts who grew up in the Faith but left it as an adult describe the difficulty of leaving due to the cognitive bias it gave them as a child. Things stick deep, in the formative years, and can effect being rational as an adult.
I'm not an expert in religion at all...


I think.....why eliminate Religion and take away that little bit of faith that people have?

Because there are so many people here who are convinced that religion has done nothing good and is responsible for so much bad.

I just wish more of them would take this opportunity to tell us how evil religion has been and make a really good case for abolishing it.

I don't care for religion in general that much.....

I do care about Faith!:)
they are mutually exclusive....~S~
There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
This is the exact approach I've taken with my Children. I agree that they're too young for it, similar to porn. They are in their formative years and that's not the time to introduce them to faith-based ideas as the answers to things. I dont think it needs to be "legally" restricted, but based on the Parents' decision.

It's better to say that "I dont know" than to fill in the blank.

Many converts who grew up in the Faith but left it as an adult describe the difficulty of leaving due to the cognitive bias it gave them as a child. Things stick deep, in the formative years, and can effect being rational as an adult.

When Jesus argued that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, he was arguing against the religious elite for holding back the secret teaching of the law perpetuating every evil among the population born from the confusion of unrestrained archaic superstitious lore..

Without the benefit of clear instruction the people were bound by their ignorance to degenerate as individuals and as a society and the people perpetuating those conditions and persecuting anyone who dared to speak truth to power were bound to bear the guilt of it all.
There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
This is the exact approach I've taken with my Children. I agree that they're too young for it, similar to porn. They are in their formative years and that's not the time to introduce them to faith-based ideas as the answers to things. I dont think it needs to be "legally" restricted, but based on the Parents' decision.

It's better to say that "I dont know" than to fill in the blank.

Many converts who grew up in the Faith but left it as an adult describe the difficulty of leaving due to the cognitive bias it gave them as a child. Things stick deep, in the formative years, and can effect being rational as an adult.

When Jesus argued that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, he was arguing against the religious elite for holding back the secret teaching of the law perpetuating every evil among the population born from the confusion of archaic superstitious lore..

Without the benefit of clear instruction the people were bound by their ignorance to degenerate as individuals and as a society and the people perpetuating those conditions were bound to bear the guilt of it all.
I'm not consistent in 1's that I couldn't/wouldn't buck the trend of Santa Clause.

These 2 are very social and I didnt want to deprive them of that wonder that all of their friends have, and plus it's nice to watch and imagine the level of enchantment they're experiencing.

I don't do 1 thing though, which is use Santa too much as a crutch (for discipline).
There is no ‘opposition to religion’ on USMB.

No one advocates for religion to be ‘eliminated.’
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
This is the exact approach I've taken with my Children. I agree that they're too young for it, similar to porn. They are in their formative years and that's not the time to introduce them to faith-based ideas as the answers to things. I dont think it needs to be "legally" restricted, but based on the Parents' decision.

It's better to say that "I dont know" than to fill in the blank.

Many converts who grew up in the Faith but left it as an adult describe the difficulty of leaving due to the cognitive bias it gave them as a child. Things stick deep, in the formative years, and can effect being rational as an adult.

When Jesus argued that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, he was arguing against the religious elite for holding back the secret teaching of the law perpetuating every evil among the population born from the confusion of archaic superstitious lore..

Without the benefit of clear instruction the people were bound by their ignorance to degenerate as individuals and as a society and the people perpetuating those conditions were bound to bear the guilt of it all.
I'm not consistent in 1's that I couldn't/wouldn't buck the trend of Santa Clause.

These 2 are very social and I didnt want to deprive them of that wonder that all of their friends have, and plus it's nice to watch and imagine the level of enchantment they're experiencing.

I don't do 1 thing though, which is use Santa too much as a crutch (for discipline).

Don't be surprised one day if they develop a mistrust and subconscious anger towards you when they found out you were disrespecting them and insulting their intelligence as If you didn't give a shit by teaching them bullshit.

"Things stick deep, in the formative years,"

Who gives their children a snake if they ask for an egg? If they ask for cereal, do you give them a bowl of turds?

Why teach your children bullshit when they are seeking the truth?
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When Jesus argued that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, he was arguing against the religious elite for holding back the secret teaching of the law perpetuating every evil among the population born from the confusion of unrestrained archaic superstitious lore..

So the bible is literal now? Or is it more cherry-picking?
If it is bad as everyone says it is the logical conclusion would be to eliminate it. Right? Am I missing something?
No, you are wrong. And yes you are missing everything. What should be eliminated is the religious indoctrination of children before they are taught about the realities of what is possible or impossible in this world. They need to first have a sound education in scientific discoveries, literary techniques of instruction, critical thinking, and the natural history of the world, to avoid thought and behavioral disorders and any number of mental health issues.

I think it should be restricted like porn and for the same reason.

My position is that if a grown adult wants to throw their mind in the trash after they received an education, they should have every right to do so.
This is the exact approach I've taken with my Children. I agree that they're too young for it, similar to porn. They are in their formative years and that's not the time to introduce them to faith-based ideas as the answers to things. I dont think it needs to be "legally" restricted, but based on the Parents' decision.

It's better to say that "I dont know" than to fill in the blank.

Many converts who grew up in the Faith but left it as an adult describe the difficulty of leaving due to the cognitive bias it gave them as a child. Things stick deep, in the formative years, and can effect being rational as an adult.

When Jesus argued that no one lights a candle and then hides it under a bushel, he was arguing against the religious elite for holding back the secret teaching of the law perpetuating every evil among the population born from the confusion of archaic superstitious lore..

Without the benefit of clear instruction the people were bound by their ignorance to degenerate as individuals and as a society and the people perpetuating those conditions were bound to bear the guilt of it all.
I'm not consistent in 1's that I couldn't/wouldn't buck the trend of Santa Clause.

These 2 are very social and I didnt want to deprive them of that wonder that all of their friends have, and plus it's nice to watch and imagine the level of enchantment they're experiencing.

I don't do 1 thing though, which is use Santa too much as a crutch (for discipline).

Don't be surprised one day if they develop a mistrust and subconscious anger towards you when they found out you were disrespecting them and insulting their intelligence as If you didn't give a shit by teaching them bullshit.

"Things stick deep, in the formative years,"

Who gives their children a snake if they ask for an egg?

Why teach your children bullshit when they are seeking the truth?
I know, & it's a judgment call I'm comfortable with.

Im not sure that I subconsciously or otherwise developed anything like that towards MY mom/gram, etc. or know anybody that has.

It probably happens, though.

If I had the choice, I'd have them give me the Santa experience again. It's a fun one, I didnt take it personal.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
Without the benefit of clear instruction the people were bound by their ignorance to degenerate as individuals and as a society and the people perpetuating those conditions and persecuting anyone who dared to speak truth to power were bound to bear the guilt of it all.

and that's exactly the cue these guys ran with>>>

Without the benefit of clear instruction the people were bound by their ignorance to degenerate as individuals and as a society and the people perpetuating those conditions and persecuting anyone who dared to speak truth to power were bound to bear the guilt of it all.

and that's exactly the cue these guys ran with>>>


Hence the early christian warnings about a coming beast that wore the horns of a lamb but spoke like a dragon usurping a place as a representative of Christ that was not his, receiving his authority from the beast that was Caesar, conjuring the antichrist from the depths of a Roman hell, and compelling by threats of real and imaginary violence the worship of a three in one edible god made man made matzo made by human hands.

And then the world was deliberately and ruthlessly plunged into darkness through the power of death consequent to setting aside divine instruction. The rest is history.
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As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...

The only mystery remaining is why the simple teachings of simple ancient people remains above your grasp.
Crepitus believes he is better than others after he judges them. That's why he used the weasel word "assume" as in he doesn't assume he is better than others. He waits to make that judgement. I suspect there are few people he doesn't see himself better than. Some Germans thought they were better than the Jews. Like I said, it's a slippery slope.
After judging him, Ding believes, Crepitus believes,
he is better than others after he judges them.

Ding 'assumes' he knows why,
Crepitus used the word assume

Yes, I am making that assumption until he says otherwise because I believe it is true.
I don't think you read it properly.

If anyone thinks they are better than another they are not.

This I do know, so when I said I do, that's what I was talking about. Not that I know I am better.

You are so certain about me that you let your bias get the better of you.
Keep backing up kid.
Feel free to believe what you want. I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me. I wonder if you can say the same without using the word assume.
I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me.
Oh my!


There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures.

Believing you are better than others is a slippery slope.
There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures
The devil is a liar!

God has not chosen everyone He created..He chose me
I am not a creature, I AM His creation, there is no one like me
I AM special..I AM a child of God...He knew me before I was

My beloved child, let not your heart be troubled,
by those things happening in your life and in this world;
For I AM creating the circumstances
which will bring you to the joy I had planned, before you
I have brought you too far to forsake you now,
I AM the Lord who loves you
If everyone is special than no one is special.
As the populace gets smarter, religion is being abandoned more and more. Although I seriously doubt that the general population will ever be smart enough to abandon superstition completely.

Sure Taz, and maybe one day you will be smart enough to decipher bronze age metaphors of wandering shepherds and understand the deep mysteries of talking snakes, talking donkeys, angels in heaven, demons in hell, and solve the great riddle of the kangaroo.......

but, that isn't very likely.

You seem to lack training in the basic disciplines foundational to life.
I've listened to a ton of different views here about god... I've come to the conclusion that you all live in a fantasy land. So what if shepherds or whatever wrote a book? It's more a book of philosophy than it is pointing to anything real (provable). And it's ok if you use it as a moral compass, not a very good one imho, but hey, to each his or her own. Like you say, talking snakes, demons, angels, floods that never happened... It's simply a colorful book of philosophy or moral guidance...

The only mystery remaining is why the simple teachings of simple ancient people remains above your grasp.
I grasp them, I just don't see what it has to do with a potential real god, because they are all over the place.Like, a god who cares if we obey what some guy wrote in a book? Like c'mon, doesn't your scam radar go off?
Keep backing up kid.
Feel free to believe what you want. I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me. I wonder if you can say the same without using the word assume.
I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me.
Oh my!


There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures.

Believing you are better than others is a slippery slope.
There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures
The devil is a liar!

God has not chosen everyone He created..He chose me
I am not a creature, I AM His creation, there is no one like me
I AM special..I AM a child of God...He knew me before I was

My beloved child, let not your heart be troubled,
by those things happening in your life and in this world;
For I AM creating the circumstances
which will bring you to the joy I had planned, before you
I have brought you too far to forsake you now,
I AM the Lord who loves you
If everyone is special than no one is special.
We can't all be rock stars, somebody has to drive the bus! :biggrin:
There's quite a bit of opposition to religion here. I am just wondering how many of you people believe religion should be eliminated. It's been tried before and failed, but don't let that deter you in your quest.

Learn from their mistakes and give it another try.

Why the Soviet attempt to stamp out religion failed | Giles Fraser: Loose canon
In addition to being inane and ridiculous, the thread premise also fails as a strawman fallacy.

Again, to question religious dogma, to challenge theists as to their beliefs, and to make factual observations concerning the hypocrisy and inconsistency common to all religions is not to ‘oppose’ religion or seek to ‘eliminate’ it.

If a theist is hurt or offended because his beliefs and religion are subjected to appropriate, warranted questioning and criticism, then he needs to explore the faults and failings of his beliefs and religion, not attempt to find fault with those who question and criticize.
Just proving a point. One you must not necessarily agree with.
Feel free to believe what you want. I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me. I wonder if you can say the same without using the word assume.
I am not better than anyone. There's nothing special about me.
Oh my!


There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures.

Believing you are better than others is a slippery slope.
There is nothing special about any of us. We are all God's creatures
The devil is a liar!

God has not chosen everyone He created..He chose me
I am not a creature, I AM His creation, there is no one like me
I AM special..I AM a child of God...He knew me before I was

My beloved child, let not your heart be troubled,
by those things happening in your life and in this world;
For I AM creating the circumstances
which will bring you to the joy I had planned, before you
I have brought you too far to forsake you now,
I AM the Lord who loves you
If everyone is special than no one is special.
We can't all be rock stars, somebody has to drive the bus! :biggrin:
many rock stars have driven their own buses : 0

if that was my lifestyle, id be driving, too. trusting other drivers over long stretches freaks me out sometimes

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