should repentance save his life? death row asks for mercy

But in my experience, true remorse is accompanied by the feeling that you deserve the negative consequences of your actions and a desire to atone for them, not an attempt to use your "sorrow" to escape the consequences.

Kind of hard to atone for your actions when you have been EXECUTED.

Aside from forfeiting his own life, what else could possibly atone for what he did?
Too many excuses are made about how someone was treated which caused them to become what they are. mother was horrible. I will not go into details but she was a mental case and her daughters suffered for it. We both have issues that have affected us and will affect us as long as we are breathing, but we didnt go torture or murder anyone for the experiences we suffered.

With that said...IF it was a crime of passion, or spur of the moment, or under a drug that caused this person to murder someone else and it was a moment of passion or just flat out idiocy, and it was quick-like, Id consider it. However, this guy TORTURED two people, then murdered them. Then fell back on the "I was abused" schtick. Sorry. But no. Go meet your maker, bubba. Let Him judge you on where your final place will be, but before He can do you go. Needle time. At least that is more merciful than what the victims had to experience.
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But in my experience, true remorse is accompanied by the feeling that you deserve the negative consequences of your actions and a desire to atone for them, not an attempt to use your "sorrow" to escape the consequences.

Kind of hard to atone for your actions when you have been EXECUTED.

George my friend, if you were repeatedly raped and tortured for hours before finally being killed, what would you consider appropriate atonement for the person who did that to you? Would a hearty, "I'm sorry" be enough?
But in my experience, true remorse is accompanied by the feeling that you deserve the negative consequences of your actions and a desire to atone for them, not an attempt to use your "sorrow" to escape the consequences.

Kind of hard to atone for your actions when you have been EXECUTED.

George my friend, if you were repeatedly raped and tortured for hours before finally being killed, what would you consider appropriate atonement for the person who did that to you? Would a hearty, "I'm sorry" be enough?

I appreciate that - but my post is a specific response to a specific statement made by CG. Check it out, you'll see what I'm talking about.

I don't really take a position one way or the other on this one, by the way. Kind of hard for even this bleeding heart liberal to imagine any way someone could atone for something like that. However, in the history of mankind, there have been lots of instances where people have forgiven other people for some pretty horrible stuff.
But in my experience, true remorse is accompanied by the feeling that you deserve the negative consequences of your actions and a desire to atone for them, not an attempt to use your "sorrow" to escape the consequences.

Kind of hard to atone for your actions when you have been EXECUTED.

Aside from forfeiting his own life, what else could possibly atone for what he did?

As I mentioned above - my post here is a specific response to a specific statement made by CG. Go back and look at it, and you should see what I'm talking about.

Hey - I don't necessarily disagree with you. I am opposed to the death penalty (big surprise, eh?) but that really is a separate issue from the one put forth on this thread. I would point out, however, that what you or I would require in order to get atonement, may not necessarily be what the particular victim in this case would require. A very individual thing.
I appreciate that - but my post is a specific response to a specific statement made by CG. Check it out, you'll see what I'm talking about.

I don't really take a position one way or the other on this one, by the way. Kind of hard for even this bleeding heart liberal to imagine any way someone could atone for something like that. However, in the history of mankind, there have been lots of instances where people have forgiven other people for some pretty horrible stuff.
I appreciate that - but my post is a specific response to a specific statement made by CG. Check it out, you'll see what I'm talking about.

I don't really take a position one way or the other on this one, by the way. Kind of hard for even this bleeding heart liberal to imagine any way someone could atone for something like that. However, in the history of mankind, there have been lots of instances where people have forgiven other people for some pretty horrible stuff.

If you click on the following link, it will take you to the post of mine that is being referred to, and the post of CG's that my post was in response to. If you read what she had to say and then my response, it should be clearer.
He can die like the sum he is. He's lucky he's not in BH world where I make the laws. He should have been slowly burned alive. However, To show some compassion for you weak knee'd liberal pacifists, you could brutally beat him with a rubber hose for a few months and then just drown him. I would be ok with that, but obviously prefer the first method.

Oh and uh, It would be available on pay per view for those who want to educate possible future offenders. ~BH
yes and supposed brain damage

What do you do with a mad dog that bites? You put it down. No matter how sorrowful the eyes look at you, you take out the gun and you put it down. You don't wait either. You put it down. Same thing should go for human beings.
i noticed a Latino was one of the victims.....was he also charged with a Hate crime?.....if so he should be killed twice.....
Many have forgiven horrendous crimes they committed, by the victim. But in this case, the victims are dead. They cant forgive him even if they chose to.
Rabid animals have to be put down. It does them a service so they dont suffer and dont cause more damage to others. This guy waited too long to show remorse and he showed no pity until it was his time to face death.
Sorry, but Id have him "put down" and refuse his request.
If it was my daughter or Son, I know it was two males, I would have blown his head off in Court. Maybe his lawyer too just for kicks. ~BH
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Many have forgiven horrendous crimes they committed, by the victim. But in this case, the victims are dead. They cant forgive him even if they chose to.
Rabid animals have to be put down. It does them a service so they dont suffer and dont cause more damage to others. This guy waited too long to show remorse and he showed no pity until it was his time to face death.
Sorry, but Id have him "put down" and refuse his request.

If the families of his victims wish to forgive him, then I applaud them for their charity and for being much bigger of spirit than I could be. However, it still wouldn't have a damned thing to do with whether or not society should still extract the punishment from him that has already been assessed.
Many have forgiven horrendous crimes they committed, by the victim. But in this case, the victims are dead. They cant forgive him even if they chose to.
Rabid animals have to be put down. It does them a service so they dont suffer and dont cause more damage to others. This guy waited too long to show remorse and he showed no pity until it was his time to face death.
Sorry, but Id have him "put down" and refuse his request.

If the families of his victims wish to forgive him, then I applaud them for their charity and for being much bigger of spirit than I could be. However, it still wouldn't have a damned thing to do with whether or not society should still extract the punishment from him that has already been assessed.

Why not, You don't think that Society has a right to be protected or make Laws to punish bottomfeeders like this sicko? Listen, Even way back when, we had what was called Tribal Law, or Natural Law. I guess it's easier to sit back on the side lines and let others do the decision making and final dirty work. It would bring me great pleasure to slap the horses ass with this waste of air and space.

Those who shed the blood of Man, By Man his blood shall be shed! :clap2: ~BH
His punishment was death, correct?

Yup. He is a death-row inmate who thinks the fact that he has finally learned, after all these years, to feel remorse for horrific crimes he committed should somehow translate into the state commuting his sentence to life in prison.
The problem has become that there is just so little if any punishment for wrong doers anymore. Perhaps some things should and could be pardoned but most definitely not everything should be.
Let me ask you guys something ok? I know this sounds harsh, but if a sick maggot puke bag like this thought that he would be burned alive if he was prosecuted for a crime like this, do you think that it ever would have happened?

Now let's sit back and wait for the nutcase liberals to post about how the sicko would just kill his victim in order to not leave a witness. The biggest fucking counter arguement for these twisted weaklings who can't even fathom what it means to defend victims from monters like this. Well guess what? He killed them anyway you idiots. ~BH
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