should repentance save his life? death row asks for mercy

Many have forgiven horrendous crimes they committed, by the victim. But in this case, the victims are dead. They cant forgive him even if they chose to.
Rabid animals have to be put down. It does them a service so they dont suffer and dont cause more damage to others. This guy waited too long to show remorse and he showed no pity until it was his time to face death.
Sorry, but Id have him "put down" and refuse his request.

If the families of his victims wish to forgive him, then I applaud them for their charity and for being much bigger of spirit than I could be. However, it still wouldn't have a damned thing to do with whether or not society should still extract the punishment from him that has already been assessed.

Why not, You don't think that Society has a right to be protected or make Laws to punish bottomfeeders like this sicko? Listen, Even way back when, we had what was called Tribal Law, or Natural Law. I guess it's easier to sit back on the side lines and let others do the decision making and final dirty work. It would bring me great pleasure to slap the horses ass with this waste of air and space.

Those who shed the blood of Man, By Man his blood shall be shed! :clap2: ~BH

Umm, thank you for impassionedly arguing at me for a position I never opposed. :confused:
Let me ask you guys something ok? I know this sounds harsh, but if a sick maggot puke bag like this thought that he would be burned alive if he was prosecuted for a crime like this, do you think that it ever would have happened?

Now let's sit back and wait for the nutcase liberals to post about how the sicko would just kill his victim in order to not leave a witness. The biggest fucking counter arguement for these twisted weaklings who can't even fathom what it means to defend victims from monters like this. Well guess what? He killed them anyway you idiots. ~BH

As a matter of fact, I think there would be a lot fewer murderers if we burned them at the stake, but I DO think there would still be some. There are always crazies and those who think they're too slick to get caught . . . until they are.
I don't know to which case you are referring...but chop his head off anyways.
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
Colonel William Tavington: And indeed you may! But that's between you and God. -The Patriot
If the families of his victims wish to forgive him, then I applaud them for their charity and for being much bigger of spirit than I could be. However, it still wouldn't have a damned thing to do with whether or not society should still extract the punishment from him that has already been assessed.

Why not, You don't think that Society has a right to be protected or make Laws to punish bottomfeeders like this sicko? Listen, Even way back when, we had what was called Tribal Law, or Natural Law. I guess it's easier to sit back on the side lines and let others do the decision making and final dirty work. It would bring me great pleasure to slap the horses ass with this waste of air and space.

Those who shed the blood of Man, By Man his blood shall be shed! :clap2: ~BH

Umm, thank you for impassionedly arguing at me for a position I never opposed. :confused:

That is irritating isn't it? That wasn't my intention, well maybe a little, but I think we are on the same page. ~BH
Let me ask you guys something ok? I know this sounds harsh, but if a sick maggot puke bag like this thought that he would be burned alive if he was prosecuted for a crime like this, do you think that it ever would have happened?

Now let's sit back and wait for the nutcase liberals to post about how the sicko would just kill his victim in order to not leave a witness. The biggest fucking counter arguement for these twisted weaklings who can't even fathom what it means to defend victims from monters like this. Well guess what? He killed them anyway you idiots. ~BH

As a matter of fact, I think there would be a lot fewer murderers if we burned them at the stake, but I DO think there would still be some. There are always crazies and those who think they're too slick to get caught . . . until they are.

Yeah, I don't think Jeffery Dahmer would have thought twice either way. Course, that's concerning lunatic serial killers, not your average criminal rapist. I dunno really. I think in the end it would do more good than bad though. Just my opinion anyways. ~BH
Let me ask you guys something ok? I know this sounds harsh, but if a sick maggot puke bag like this thought that he would be burned alive if he was prosecuted for a crime like this, do you think that it ever would have happened?

Now let's sit back and wait for the nutcase liberals to post about how the sicko would just kill his victim in order to not leave a witness. The biggest fucking counter arguement for these twisted weaklings who can't even fathom what it means to defend victims from monters like this. Well guess what? He killed them anyway you idiots. ~BH

As a matter of fact, I think there would be a lot fewer murderers if we burned them at the stake, but I DO think there would still be some. There are always crazies and those who think they're too slick to get caught . . . until they are.

Yeah, I don't think Jeffery Dahmer would have thought twice either way. Course, that's concerning lunatic serial killers, not your average criminal rapist. I dunno really. I think in the end it would do more good than bad though. Just my opinion anyways. ~BH

Might be worth a try.

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