Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

yea because you people are total weaklings and crybabies and without your gun you are absolutely nothing.
Its so funny watching republicans try to act tough, then they go cry like pussies and play victim or shoot innocent unarmed women and children through closed doors due to fear.

Republicans epitomize fear, panic, weakness, crying.

Well you can personally try and force someone to be deprogrammed, march right up their door.... see what happens since the 2A is constitutional

By the way, you don't have the gonads to try it
Well you can personally try and force someone to be deprogrammed, march right up their door.... see what happens since the 2A is constitutional

By the way, you don't have the gonads to try it
Ha! you think they have gonads, probably had them removed in favor of a gap between their legs, and had those gonads surgically attached to their chin just like their dear leader
The RNC and the DNC needs to be abolished and 90% of the voting public needs to be deprogrammed.
you people are not tough at all, not even remotely.
You cry like pussies constantly and play victim over everything.
When aren;t weak bitches crying? You weakling are on perma cry and you are not remotely tough at all

What are you going to do, get your tears on me. so scary. Crying is for the weak, somebody forgot to tell you that.

Yeah ... conservatives do all the crying:


Well you can personally try and force someone to be deprogrammed, march right up their door.... see what happens since the 2A is constitutional

By the way, you don't have the gonads to try it
i love how you crybabies pretend to be so tough hiding behind your computers or hiding behind closed dorrs

You cowards literally shoot innocent women and children through closed doors, that defines you people as the weak.

Toughness is earned not proclaimed, and crying like weaklings over election fraud that didn't happen, claiming all the judges who ruled against Trump we "paid off" or "in on the steal", playing victim and crying about the DOJ in the face of extreme evidence of Trump's guilt, and shooting innocent women and children from behind closed doors proves you are weak.
You can say whatever you want, but the actions of republicans prove they are the weak of America.
i love how you crybabies pretend to be so tough hiding behind your computers or hiding behind closed dorrs

You cowards literally shoot innocent women and children through closed doors, that defines you people as the weak.

Toughness is earned not proclaimed, and crying like weaklings over election fraud that didn't happen, claiming all the judges who ruled against Trump we "paid off" or "in on the steal", playing victim and crying about the DOJ in the face of extreme evidence of Trump's guilt, and shooting innocent women and children from behind closed doors proves you are weak.
You can say whatever you want, but the actions of republicans prove they are the weak of America.
I will meet you halfway from where you live, and where I live we can settle it like men! DEAL?
i [sic] love how you crybabies pretend to be so tough hiding behind your computers or hiding behind closed dorrs [sic]

So that's what, ten times today you have posted this exact same ^^^^^ overcompensation cry for help? Did the bigger boys take your bike away? :lol:
I will meet you halfway from where you live, and where I live we can settle it like men! DEAL?
yea sure tough guy
go cry some more about fraud and all the other shit you people cry about on a daily basis.
contact me when you are in boston

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