Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

come and deprogram me and i'd beat you to a mother fucking pulp so bad ya wished your father never met your mudder you gender confused faggot
Just stop retard. No one believes your internet tough guy act and fewer people care
Just stop retard. No one believes your internet tough guy act and fewer people care
i'm just telling you what would happen if this scenario played out ever happened....i would easily give up my life to bolshevism

trump leading biden by 8 points in swing states you absolute dumb mother fucking union parasite slug
You intimidate no one, drama queen. Sorry.
There are many people involved in politics who have never been taken to the woodshed. an education in itself for many who experience it. Women by a huge percentage never have experienced this. There are many ways to e humbled. This is one of them Of course there are people who never experienced any humbling or do not care. Hillary was never humbled in her life. Someone eating on her for 15 minutes or so may give her a new appreciation on how she shits on others and even has gotten people killed.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?
And we wonder why they want to take our guns.
There’s a very good chance that Trump WILL get convicted.

Whether he gets actual jail or house arrest matters little
I am not disputing that Trump could be convicted, albeit for reasons having nothing to do with “justice.” BUT, the likelihood of any conviction in any of these bogus cases surviving appeal is minimal.

Plus, President Trump will never serve a moment in prison.
There are many people involved in politics who have never been taken to the woodshed. an education in itself for many who experience it. Women by a huge percentage never have experienced this. There are many ways to e humbled. This is one of them Of course there are people who never experienced any humbling or do not care. Hillary was never humbled in her life. Someone eating on her for 15 minutes or so may give her a new appreciation on how she shits on others and even has gotten people killed.
“eating on her”?????


Most disgusting typo this entire year!! 😂
i'm just telling you what would happen if this scenario played out ever happened....i would easily give up my life to bolshevism

trump leading biden by 8 points in swing states you absolute dumb mother fucking union parasite slug
What do you mean IF soy boy? We rounded up Jan 6ers and look how many of them suddenly turned bitch afterwards. 😄
come and deprogram me and i'd beat you to a mother fucking pulp so bad ya wished your father never met your mudder you gender confused faggot

yea ok you weakling wanna be internet tough guy.
go cry like a pussy some more then tell us how tough you are.
You people are the joke of America. Its laughable you think you are tough

Crying is the new tough in republican circles.
What are you going to do get your tears on me?
You don't fight. You cry like a weakling and play victim.
Just stop retard. No one believes your internet tough guy act and fewer people care
He cries like a pussy and plays victim over everything, then tries to act tough all while hiding behind a computer screen

Republicans are the weak of America, they cry over everything then somehow try to act tough. Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of republicans are pure weakness.
What do you mean IF soy boy? We rounded up Jan 6ers and look how many of them suddenly turned bitch afterwards. 😄
How many pussy weak MAGA bitches cried, literally cried like weaklings at their sentencing?
Lots of the MAGA weaklings cried at their sentencing

Republicans are the joke of America, they cry over everything, then try to pretend they are tough. its all an act because deep down they are very insecure and they know they are cowards and weaklings and their actions prove they are weak.

Crying is for the weak, somebody forgot to tell the MAGA weaklings that
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I am not disputing that Trump could be convicted, albeit for reasons having nothing to do with “justice.” BUT, the likelihood of any conviction in any of these bogus cases surviving appeal is minimal.

Plus, President Trump will never serve a moment in prison.
WhT the hell is going on with this “overturned on appeal” argument?

Why would he have a better chance on appeal than in the actual trial?

The bar gets HIGHER
WhT the hell is going on with this “overturned on appeal” argument?

Why would he have a better chance on appeal than in the actual trial?

The bar gets HIGHER
You’re too narrow minded to understand it, Letch.

The short answer, however, is found in recognition that not one charge in any of these indictments is legally valid. Note: I said “legally” valid.

There may be legitimate evidence supporting a factual assertion that Trump did certain acts. But the “facts” have to be applied to the LAW.

Here, in these four cases, every single charge alleges a “crime” that has no bearing on the “facts.”

This is why no conviction will withstand legal scrutiny by an impartial appellate court.
Hey ass sucker. Try to think. It will only hurt for a while:

You’re the Nazi. Get it straight.

I didn’t chant “lock her up.”

I don’t have a fuhrer. You’re the Nazi.

Oh, and President Trump is never gonna spend a single moment in prison. I hate to burst your delusional bubble. (Nah. I actually enjoy it. 😂)
Poor retard. Not just a retard but a Nazi retard! :auiqs.jpg:
Poor retard. Not just a retard but a Nazi retard!
Another false claim from the libtarded Nazi. Also: Minnie, you’re off topic and engaged in nothing but trolling.

The topic remains the insidious comment by Shrillary Rotten Clinton that calls for the “re-programming” of those with whom she ignorantly and maliciously disagrees.

Only morons would agree that her comment is proper or even intelligent.

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