Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

You’re confused as always.
Soviet show trials led to convictions but didn’t involve evidence.
I thought we were the Nazis? Oh well…:dunno:
Well, don’t you worry your empty little head about evidence. With all the flipping going on, it’s already done except for the trial.
I’m looking foreword to your further emotional decline.

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims: Sources​

I thought we were the Nazis? Oh well…:dunno:
Well, don’t you worry your empty little head about evidence. With all the flipping going on, it’s already done except for the trial.
I’m looking foreword to your further emotional decline.

Ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows granted immunity, tells special counsel he warned Trump about 2020 claims: Sources​


Trump’s got problems
You people are the trash of America
You are the problem in America

Trump lost the election and then told you some big grand bullshit lie about election fraud that never happened and you dumb trash believed it like gullible fools. Then you played dress up at the Capitol and went crazy and attacked and beat cops all over total lies because you people are too stupid to know fact from fiction.

Republicans need to take a long long look in the mirror and figure why they are total trash and why they are so easily played and manipulated.

You people cry like weaklings, total weaklings, over everything and you are not tough at all in anyway. Republicans are the weak, because they are always crying like weaklings.
fuck you you you son of bitch...come to my house to get me for deprogramming and you'd be chopped to pieces and thrown in the woods
fuck you you you son of bitch...come to my house to get me for deprogramming and you'd be chopped to pieces and thrown in the woods
Save your violent paranoia. No one is coming for you.

But damn you NEED to be deprogrammed from The Cult.
come and deprogram me
your bald head would be beaten with a louisville slugger...come to my house and get bald headed mother fucker
What part of “no one is coming to get you” do you not understand tough guy?

What I very clearly said was that you REQUIRE deprograming from the cult. But as is almost always the case… you’ll never go along willingly so there is little hope for you.

Oh and by the way… I’m almost 70 with a full head of hair… not even completely grey.

Oh well.. being wrong is what you’re all about so, carry on
Such a thing would be a disaster for Democrats. Camps full of conservatives would demonstrate large numbers of people living in an orderly manner and promoting commerce and freedom when outside the indoctrination classes. Liberals in their urban hellholes would be clambering to get in.
Its all your people. You are all the same
You people run ya mouths, but in reality you are weaklings lacking in character and total garbage who are too weak to even admit Trump lost the election like little pathetic children. Worse still you claim Trump lost all his court cases because 50+ federal judges were all paid off and in on the steal, what a total joke.

Nothing you say to me has any effect at all because nothing you say has any merit or meaning or credibility in any way, you just type empty meaningless words in a box.

Its time you people realize your place in this world and in this country, you people are the problem with America, your politicians are the ones devastating America with all you failed policy and debt and riots and failed wars and tax cuts for the billionaires. Republicans have blood and failure on their hands.

Its time you people realize your place in this world and in this country

Do tell..what is their place….
Save your violent paranoia. No one is coming for you.

But damn you NEED to be deprogrammed from The Cult.
come and get me in my home like everyone on this thread says bald headed mother fucker.god damned gender confused waste
What part of “no one is coming to get you” do you not understand tough guy?

What I very clearly said was that you REQUIRE deprograming from the cult. But as is almost always the case… you’ll never go along willingly so there is little hope for you.

Oh and by the way… I’m almost 70 with a full head of hair… not even completely grey.

Oh well.. being wrong is what you’re all about so, carry on
read the posts on this thread you ignorant bastard..................i know you weak fuckers would never come get gd gender confused piece of libturd shit
fuck you you you son of bitch...come to my house to get me for deprogramming and you'd be chopped to pieces and thrown in the woods
go cry about election fraud that never happened and cry that the judges were "paid off" and "in on the steal" just like a little pussy weakling.

You are judged by your actions not your words, you message board wanna be tough guy. You people are weaklings and pussies and you cry over everything and you are too weak to man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election, like weak little babies. Your actions prove this. Your weak pathetic behavior proves this.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?

We should start out with a voluntary program. Then we can sentence them to it for certain crimes like attempting to overthrow elections. After we've got as many as we can that way we can look at other options.
First of all, you’re the Nazi.

Second of all, “lock her up” was never a chant I joined in on.

Finally, Minnie, “lock her up” actually only means “make a damn arrest for the crimes she committed which we know about.” But you can pretend we don’t know what she did.

You actual Nazis are scum. Gfy.
LOL Just like after WWII, you couldn't find a Nazi for miles around!!

You may or may not have joined the chant but you support the orange Nazi who led the chant. What the fuck do you think it meant when he encouraged everyone to chant "Lock Her Up"?

It meant locking her up without a trial. Or, how about J6? You supported the right-wing retards storming our Capitol and threatening the legislatures.

As I said, keep equivocating however you like but you guys proved that you are nothing but fucking Nazis. Now, go and whine in a corner you, fucking Nazi.
LOL Just like after WWII, you couldn't find a Nazi for miles around!!

No problem. Just vase into a mirror.
You may or may not have joined the chant but you support the orange Nazi who led the chant.
No. I support Trump. Your formulation is, as always, wholly dishonest.
What the fuck do you think it meant when he encouraged everyone to chant "Lock Her Up"?
Obviously it means “arrest her.” You’d have to be a libtard not to grasp that much. And you are obviously severely libtarded, Minnie.
It meant locking her up without a trial.
Everyone arrested is locked-up prior to the arraignment, you fucking imbecile.
Or, how about J6? You supported the right-wing retards storming our Capitol and threatening the legislatures.
I love it when clueless scumbags like you think you can tell me what I did or didn’t think or say or do. Instead of stating your bullshit guesswork, feel obligated to quote me.
As I said, keep equivocating however you like but you guys proved that you are nothing but fucking Nazis.

M not equivocating at all. You libturds remain the fascists. Not those of us on the right who value personal liberty.
Now, go and whine in a corner you, fucking Nazi.
Nah. Go suck a bag of Nazi cocks some more. The gfy, you Nazi bitch.
No problem. Just vase into a mirror.

No. I support Trump. Your formulation is, as always, wholly dishonest.

Obviously it means “arrest her.” You’d have to be a libtard not to grasp that much. And you are obviously severely libtarded, Minnie.

Everyone arrested is locked-up prior to the arraignment, you fucking imbecile.

I love it when clueless scumbags like you think you can tell me what I did or didn’t think or say or do. Instead of stating your bullshit guesswork, feel obligated to quote me.

M not equivocating at all. You libturds remain the fascists. Not those of us on the right who value personal liberty.

Nah. Go suck a bag of Nazi cocks some more. The gfy, you Nazi bitch.
Fuck off, Nazi. Keep chanting "LOCK HER UP" while we send your orange fuhrer to prison. :auiqs.jpg:
Fuck off, Nazi. Keep chanting "LOCK HER UP" while we send your orange fuhrer to prison.
Hey ass sucker. Try to think. It will only hurt for a while:

You’re the Nazi. Get it straight.

I didn’t chant “lock her up.”

I don’t have a fuhrer. You’re the Nazi.

Oh, and President Trump is never gonna spend a single moment in prison. I hate to burst your delusional bubble. (Nah. I actually enjoy it. 😂)
the words you type in the box have absolutely no meaning, merit, or credibility at all. There is nothing you can say to me or anybody that would ever have any real merit or significance at all. And you did this to yourself by crying and playing victim and denying fact based reality.
The problem with you libs is that you think we are trying to gain your approval....Hint: We are not.
go cry about election fraud that never happened and cry that the judges were "paid off" and "in on the steal" just like a little pussy weakling.

You are judged by your actions not your words, you message board wanna be tough guy. You people are weaklings and pussies and you cry over everything and you are too weak to man the fuck up and admit Trump lost the election, like weak little babies. Your actions prove this. Your weak pathetic behavior proves this.


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