Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

Nazis do tend to dispense with “minor technicalities” like evidence, proof, trials and so forth.
Yeah, you mean like when the orange loser led the chant of "LOCK HER UP" and you retards enthusiastically joined him?

Like that, you Nazi?
I was nowhere near DC on J6 you little lying feeble excuse for a real man. Stop lying
Its all your people. You are all the same
You people run ya mouths, but in reality you are weaklings lacking in character and total garbage who are too weak to even admit Trump lost the election like little pathetic children. Worse still you claim Trump lost all his court cases because 50+ federal judges were all paid off and in on the steal, what a total joke.

Nothing you say to me has any effect at all because nothing you say has any merit or meaning or credibility in any way, you just type empty meaningless words in a box.

Its time you people realize your place in this world and in this country, you people are the problem with America, your politicians are the ones devastating America with all you failed policy and debt and riots and failed wars and tax cuts for the billionaires. Republicans have blood and failure on their hands.
Yeah, you mean like when the orange loser led the chant of "LOCK HER UP" and you retards enthusiastically joined him?

Like that, you Nazi?
First of all, you’re the Nazi.

Second of all, “lock her up” was never a chant I joined in on.

Finally, Minnie, “lock her up” actually only means “make a damn arrest for the crimes she committed which we know about.” But you can pretend we don’t know what she did.

You actual Nazis are scum. Gfy.
Yeah, you mean like when the orange loser led the chant of "LOCK HER UP" and you retards enthusiastically joined him?

Like that, you Nazi?
You long for the touch of your orange god.

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