Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

you people are pussies and weaklings. You weaklings cry and play victim over everything.
There is nothing remotely tough about a republican. There is nothing remotely impressive about the party of crying.
If there were a civil war you'd lose badly, what are you going to do cry on me? Get your tears on me? I'm really scared...
This republican would kick your arse in a heartbeat! You think you scare anyone
Another false claim from the libtarded Nazi. Also: Minnie, you’re off topic and engaged in nothing but trolling.

The topic remains the insidious comment by Shrillary Rotten Clinton that calls for the “re-programming” of those with whom she ignorantly and maliciously disagrees.

Only morons would agree that her comment is proper or even intelligent.
Fuck off, Nazi. Stop wasting our time.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?
Yes. They serve no purpose.
Fuck off, Nazi. Stop wasting our time.
Stop trolling, you Nazi scumbag.

Either start posting ON topic or stop posting all together.

Again, you Nazi bitch, the topic here was what the hideous Shrillary Rotten Clinton said.

The notion that, based upon mere political disagreement, anyone needs to be
“re-programmed” is offensive.

Why would any thinking American agree with that rancid former first spouse?
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?

RINOs should either be re-programmed or forced to switch to the Dem Party.

Not really. I don't believe in forcing anyone to think a particular way but I do believe RINO Republicans should be "outed" as enemies of the people they're supposed to represent.
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This republican would kick your arse in a heartbeat! You think you scare anyone
you people are not tough at all, not even remotely.
You cry like pussies constantly and play victim over everything.
When aren;t weak bitches crying? You weakling are on perma cry and you are not remotely tough at all

What are you going to do, get your tears on me. so scary. Crying is for the weak, somebody forgot to tell you that.
It's why those wise forefathers put the 2A in
yea because you people are total weaklings and crybabies and without your gun you are absolutely nothing.
Its so funny watching republicans try to act tough, then they go cry like pussies and play victim or shoot innocent unarmed women and children through closed doors due to fear.

Republicans epitomize fear, panic, weakness, crying.
you people are not tough at all, not even remotely.
You cry like pussies constantly and play victim over everything.
When aren;t weak bitches crying? You weakling are on perma cry and you are not remotely tough at all

What are you going to do, get your tears on me. so scary. Crying is for the weak, somebody forgot to tell you that.
Then quit crying Beeeeeeeeyotch!

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