Should sex offenders be absolved from public stigma?

The reason that you don't administer the death penalty to sexual offenders is because it saves many lives. If a sexual offender is facing the death penalty anyway, what is the detrerrent to killing the only witness?

You are correct, but some people refuse to hear that logic.
The reason that you don't administer the death penalty to sexual offenders is because it saves many lives. If a sexual offender is facing the death penalty anyway, what is the detrerrent to killing the only witness?

You are correct, but some people refuse to hear that logic.

By that measure, perhaps a potential murderer might spare his first victim's life--without fear of the possibility of facing capital punishment, thus allowing said victim to live. Yes, society ought to reward the sex offender, with a lesser punishment so he or she stops at just rape. This idea is an example of the most heinous brand of apologist sophistry for one of the most vicious kinds of real world savagery. Whatever the intention, choose your society, the death penalty has never functioned as a foolproof deterrent. The death penalty is a punishment. One hundred percent effective, speaking to the prevention of recidivism--each and every time it has been administered.
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In a culture like ours, which is becoming more degenerate wouldn't you expect that sex offenders be treated with more leniency? We could completely eliminate the crime of rape with the use of a simple redefinition, like "unconsented couplling" or "unauthorized penetration".
More klllers murder their victims to keep from going to prison for a long time. That's what leave no witnesses mean. A murderer is not going to show mercy to a victim in order to avoid the death penalty. They will kill them to avoid a life sentence though.
I've always been under the firm belief that a rapists and other sex offenders should be castrated for their crimes. No jail time....just snip snip and send them home to go blow their own brains out smothered in guilt and no penis. save that tax money for something more important.

I have ZERO TOLERANCE for scumbags like that . I could never be a Warden. I would secretly get rid of a lot assholes in the penal system.
Sadly, they don't need their penises to abuse children.

Many pedophiles have multiple sexual issues. Lacking a penis would just be one more.
Sadly, they don't need their penises to abuse children.

Many pedophiles have multiple sexual issues. Lacking a penis would just be one more.

I was just using the penis as a reference. but even if they use their hands and no penis, just hands....then chop with the hands and let him go home and figure out how to fall on that butcher knife now that he has no more hands and his life is over.

I want to inflict the most suffering as humanly possible for what they do.
Sadly, they don't need their penises to abuse children.

Many pedophiles have multiple sexual issues. Lacking a penis would just be one more.

I was just using the penis as a reference. but even if they use their hands and no penis, just hands....then chop with the hands and let him go home and figure out how to fall on that butcher knife now that he has no more hands and his life is over.

I want to inflict the most suffering as humanly possible for what they do.

If they don't have hands, they'll use hooks.
Sadly, they don't need their penises to abuse children.

Many pedophiles have multiple sexual issues. Lacking a penis would just be one more.

I was just using the penis as a reference. but even if they use their hands and no penis, just hands....then chop with the hands and let him go home and figure out how to fall on that butcher knife now that he has no more hands and his life is over.

I want to inflict the most suffering as humanly possible for what they do.

If they don't have hands, they'll use hooks.

and people who see Captain Hook in the streets will immediately report

He won't be able to function socially anymore. might as welll fall on that butcher knife.
Germany tried castration as a way to keep multiple time child sex abusers out of prison. It didn't work. Not only did it not work, but the children were tortured for much longer periods of time. Sex crimes happen in the head. A lobotomy is the only thing that is effective.
Germany tried castration as a way to keep multiple time child sex abusers out of prison. It didn't work. Not only did it not work, but the children were tortured for much longer periods of time. Sex crimes happen in the head. A lobotomy is the only thing that is effective.

why stop at a lobotomy. just behead them. nip it in the medulla bud.
Germany tried castration as a way to keep multiple time child sex abusers out of prison. It didn't work. Not only did it not work, but the children were tortured for much longer periods of time. Sex crimes happen in the head. A lobotomy is the only thing that is effective.

why stop at a lobotomy. just behead them. nip it in the medulla bud.

Depo primevera, is a birth control shot for women, when given to men it is a form chemical castration, and depletes their libido. I believe they do give it to some pedophiles in some cases, but I think after they've done their time in jail I think Depo should be given to all pedophiles. You can try to argue about the ethics of punishing them after they've done their time but 1# who are they (pedophiles) to argue ethics with us, and try to manipulate ethics to their own gain. #2 Just like gun ownership is a right, when you are a felon you forefit that right; so when you prove that you are a pedophile, you forefit your right to sex.

I think it is a little harsh to execute because pedophilia is a mental illness. Its a sexual deviance just like homosexuality, but instead of being attracted the same sex it is either young boys or girls. I still think those sex crimes are sick, and you have to have some sort of anti-social personality to commit it, and I think since they cant handle their urges, chemical castration is plenty fair... and the pedophiles should want to get it done to themselves.

I do think the law goes after too many people who arn't pedophiles, and rapist's and I think that it has to be modified or changed.
Depo is a shot that can be ordered for certain sex offenders. I worked with a violent sex offender who was court ordered to take it every month or whatever it was.

Lowers libido, but it doesn't make them safe. Sex offenders tend to just keep pushing the violence higher and higher as it becomes more difficult for them to get aroused anyway...not being able to get a woody just means they will try harder, in some cases.
Depo is a shot that can be ordered for certain sex offenders. I worked with a violent sex offender who was court ordered to take it every month or whatever it was.

Lowers libido, but it doesn't make them safe. Sex offenders tend to just keep pushing the violence higher and higher as it becomes more difficult for them to get aroused anyway...not being able to get a woody just means they will try harder, in some cases.

Im pretty sure thats not how it works. Maybe in a very limited cases of those who are severe anti-social with a concentration of some form of sexual based violence, which is the profile of a serial killer like Jeffry dhamer, whose going to be locked away for life anyway, and you have maybe one of these every decade in the entire united states. Look pedophiles, just like homosexuals, havn't all of a sudden popped up in the last 30 years. They've been around as long as ancient history. It just that they 9 times out of 10 do it within the family, and back then you did not talk about it. You covered it up, and you still see that in our culture today, look at Joe paterno recently. I don't think punishing them after they have already commited years of abuse is our only answer. It does nothing to prevent further attacks. I do think Depo coupled with supervision is a good solution to prevent the ones we have already caught from commiting. But we need to focus on changing our culture to prevent new attacks. Pedophiles are not going to go away because of a list we make. We need to educate kids and parents on what to do when sexual advances are made. Jerry Sandusky got away with at least 40 years of sexual abuse, the only reason was no one came forward, and the few who did got covered up. This is what we need to change, and it irks the hell out of me that this is what no one is talking about. There are many victims out there who try to deal with their memories on their own, which usually leads to some sort of self medication. Look at a drug and alcohol rehab, if you interview the women there, half of them will tell you they were sexually abused as a child. This is terrible, and they should not feel embarrassed or afraid to go into treatment because of someone that abused them when they were a kid. This is the culture we need to change so we can prevent further attacks from happening, to quickly catch those who still commit attacks, and to get the proper treatment to the victims so they don't wind up wasting half of their life on drinking away their memories. Megans law is not the answer, changing our culture and education is.
The problem with the left is that they are convinced that the evil in the world can be dealt with by the proper application of the right kind of therapy.
And they seem to think it's the responsibility of children to identify and correctly channel sexual advances.

It's not. I'm not teaching my children how to recognize grooming behavior, because to a kid, the same behavior in a different person is loving kindness. It is my job to recognize grooming, not theirs...and it is the job of the judicial system to punish sex offenders, and protect the population from them.
Yeah, well that is how it works, and you don't know what you're talking about.

Yea actually I do. I would like to see the stats claiming that depo makes pedophiles more violent. I've heard nothing but otherwise. And it also logically makes sense that someone without a sex drive, who is being supervised, is not very likely to re-offend.

And I never said that it was the childs job to recognize grooming or sexual advances. But you can not deny that too many children out there are too afraid to speak up when it does happen. Or that there are too many adults who havn't educated themselves on how to prevent these attacks from happening, recognize grooming, or the signs that their child might be getting abused. I.E. when a kid says they do not want to go to uncle so-and-so's house, and the parents just assume that it is because that uncle isn't fun. I do think that when your kids reach a certain level of cognitive thinking that while it might be an awkward conversation, it is important to teach them to recognize the signs of grooming, and advances, and how to react when they happen. I mean why would you not do everything in your power to protect your kids from one of the most heinous crimes that can be done to them? I just think that too many people rely on the megans law or whatever its called in your state to protect their kids. Pedophiles are not going to go away, but you can educate yourselves and your kids to make sure: A it does not happen to them or B. if it does you can stop the abuse right there in its tracks. Too many kids out there suffer the abuse for years, this is what we need to change...but no one seems to be concerned with this.

Think about it this way. What if we treated those who are HIV +, like we do our sex offenders. (I am not comparing pedophiles to AIDS patients, just using an example on how we changed our thinking). When AIDS was discovered, there were a lot of people who wanted those who were HIV + to be required to wear a bracelet or something disclosing to the public (especially to the medical community) that they were HIV+. The medical community was very worried that they were going to become HIV+, because they were the ones handling the biohazardous blood. Instead, the medical community decided to treat everyone as if they had AIDS. Not only did this prevent them from becoming HIV+ from the ones we know about, it also prevented them from becoming HIV+ from the ones who didn't know they were (which was a lot), and also prevented them from catching other blood-borne illness's like Hep-c. Right now we are just catching the pedophiles after they've been abusing for years, but not really doing anything to prevent new attacks, or to make the abuse a 1 time deal.

Is what I am saying making sense, or am I just taking crazy pills. I just don't see how people could say that what we are doing to protect our kids is enough. NO IT ISN'T. We are just spraying buckshot around hoping we catch a pedophile every once in a while, when we could be using a sniper rifle and almost put an end to the terrible abuse we see everyday. Why would you not want to do everything in your power to protect your kids?
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