Should shunning be legal?

Should shunning be legal

  • Yes

  • No

  • It's different when we do it

  • It depends on whether I agree with their reasons

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Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.
Moderators here are not paid either even though this company has 4 million in revenue, so the moderators are actually communist working for the good of the party
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
JC. Refusing service to certain customers means you won't be in biz for long. So retarded to refuse revenue because you don't like someone personally.

Piss off 5 people and they go out of their way to tell everyone they know, and it sticks. Same goes with excellent service and respect for the customer.
Every business owner's motto should be

"It's not personal. it's just business."
I'd welcome all people with Obama tees shirts as I would red hatters. I would treat all customers with respect because everyone deserves their opinion.

If a customer talked politics, I would be what they were in the moment but very vague and just nodding. Period.

If I was a cake decorator and 2 queers wanting me to decorate the cake, I'd do the cake. If they wanted cake statues with the groom bent over and the other groom split roasting him, I would.
Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.
Moderators here are not paid either even though this company has 4 million in revenue, so the moderators are actually communist working for the good of the party
4 million in revenue?......Link??
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
no one should be forced to do anything they dont want to do,,
Like pay taxes?
taxs that dont provide a service to the ones paying it,,
so most of them
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
no one should be forced to do anything they dont want to do,,
Like pay taxes?
taxs that dont provide a service to the ones paying it,,
so most of them
its hard to tell anymore,, but yeah,,
Of course businesses should be able to associate with whomever they wish*

*Unless I am (or people I support) are affected
Yeah. If the poll were being answered honestly, the majority would be "It's different when we do it".
  • Thanks
Reactions: mdk
Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.
Moderators here are not paid either even though this company has 4 million in revenue, so the moderators are actually communist working for the good of the party
4 million in revenue?......Link??
Sure they sell millions of dollars in ads and then sucker fools into donating because they cry that they have no operating cash

Description​ was founded in 2003 with the intent of allowing all voices to be heard. With a wildly diverse community from all sides of the political spectrum, continues to build on that tradition. We welcome everyone despite political and/or religious beliefs, and we continu... Read More






$4 Million
Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.
Moderators here are not paid either even though this company has 4 million in revenue, so the moderators are actually communist working for the good of the party
4 million in revenue?......Link??
Sure they sell millions of dollars in ads and then sucker fools into donating because they cry that they have no operating cash

Description​ was founded in 2003 with the intent of allowing all voices to be heard. With a wildly diverse community from all sides of the political spectrum, continues to build on that tradition. We welcome everyone despite political and/or religious beliefs, and we continu... Read More






$4 Million
Well I hope Vegetable and Kramalot Harris tax the living crap out of them.
Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.
Moderators here are not paid either even though this company has 4 million in revenue, so the moderators are actually communist working for the good of the party
4 million in revenue?......Link??
Sure they sell millions of dollars in ads and then sucker fools into donating because they cry that they have no operating cash

Description​ was founded in 2003 with the intent of allowing all voices to be heard. With a wildly diverse community from all sides of the political spectrum, continues to build on that tradition. We welcome everyone despite political and/or religious beliefs, and we continu... Read More






$4 Million
OMG the scandal you have unleashed...............BAWWWWHAHAHAHA! I donated 100 bucks when I came back here......................LOLOL......I have a sign on my ass that reads, " Kick me hard"
Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.
Moderators here are not paid either even though this company has 4 million in revenue, so the moderators are actually communist working for the good of the party
4 million in revenue?......Link??
Sure they sell millions of dollars in ads and then sucker fools into donating because they cry that they have no operating cash

Description​ was founded in 2003 with the intent of allowing all voices to be heard. With a wildly diverse community from all sides of the political spectrum, continues to build on that tradition. We welcome everyone despite political and/or religious beliefs, and we continu... Read More






$4 Million
I wonder how much it costs to keep the hamsters running on the wheels to keep the servers going?
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
Of course.
It is a natural right, constitutional right, human right and private property right.
I just don't understand why some companies can do it and others can't.

For example :

Social Media platforms are allowed to just ban Donald Trump (and any immediate contacts with his message) forever - that's fine.
Bars are allowed to ban folk for however long or little they see fit (even for the smallest of reasons like saying something the bar maid doesn't like).
Nightclubs can refuse entry and service if they don't like the shoes someone has on.
Places to eat can refuse service to someone if they don't have a shirt, tie and a jacket.

Yet a Christian baker isn't allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding or a traditional B&B/motel owner is legally compelled to rent a room with a double bed out to an unmarried couple.

As always it's just the double standards that irk me.

Way I see it, it's your business you can refuse whatever business you want - that should be your right.

It's also the person/s who's been refused right in response to bad mouth the business/leave bad reviews off the back of it too.

If someone doesn't want my money I have no problem - I'll go elsewhere.

A lot of times I go to USA I get refused the chance to purchase alcohol to take back to my hotel room in gas stations etc because I don't have ID on me (despite being 36 years old, stubble and a receding hairline). It's frustrating, sure, but I don't get on my high horse about it I have a choice - go get my ID, keep my ID on me at all times or move onto the next shop. Simple.


Like anyone remember during the
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
no one should be forced to do anything they dont want to do,,

Well isn't there also the case of money as well.

Like you spent about $80.00 at a business and they refuse to do business with you anymore and that really hurts. After you spent your hard earned money.

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