Should shunning be legal?

Should shunning be legal

  • Yes

  • No

  • It's different when we do it

  • It depends on whether I agree with their reasons

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Mayor Groot is a repulsive excuse for a human being...Let's not use outliers as the norm.
I don't think she looks human. She's the love child of Groot and Swamp Thing.
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
Yes, they should and no, the reasons shouldn't matter, not if one believes in a truly free society.
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
The Amish shun people. Far as stores ,the right to REFUSE is probably in the constitution. Have to look that one up.

Arguably it's covered by the 13th Amendment.
I already shun Trump cult traitors. All decent patriotic Americans do. That's not illegal. That's praiseworthy. I shun puppy kickers, child molestors, Trump cultists, islamic jihadists, ... you know, the same people that everyone shuns.
I just don't understand why some companies can do it and others can't.

For example :

Social Media platforms are allowed to just ban Donald Trump (and any immediate contacts with his message) forever - that's fine.
Bars are allowed to ban folk for however long or little they see fit (even for the smallest of reasons like saying something the bar maid doesn't like).
Nightclubs can refuse entry and service if they don't like the shoes someone has on.
Places to eat can refuse service to someone if they don't have a shirt, tie and a jacket.

Yet a Christian baker isn't allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding or a traditional B&B/motel owner is legally compelled to rent a room with a double bed out to an unmarried couple.

As always it's just the double standards that irk me.

Way I see it, it's your business you can refuse whatever business you want - that should be your right.

It's also the person/s who's been refused right in response to bad mouth the business/leave bad reviews off the back of it too.

If someone doesn't want my money I have no problem - I'll go elsewhere.

A lot of times I go to USA I get refused the chance to purchase alcohol to take back to my hotel room in gas stations etc because I don't have ID on me (despite being 36 years old, stubble and a receding hairline). It's frustrating, sure, but I don't get on my high horse about it I have a choice - go get my ID, keep my ID on me at all times or move onto the next shop. Simple.

Those are two very different issues

One is a religious liberty issue

The other is covered by communications decency act and just basically absolves internet platforms of liability. I too get angry when they ask for ID even tho i'm balding and show it to them. Fuckers
I get why they're considered different - I just don't agree with it.

All the examples I gave are businesses which make money and can refuse service.

The fact some of them are covered within a certain act or law is neither here nor there for me. In fact, it proves my point in regards double standards.

Well that's not how law works. And as some one from the UK I don't understand why you would balk at any of these regulations. You don't even have freedom of speech over there and yet you stay

Only "protected classes" can't be discriminated against. Everyone else you can refuse service to. Like Republicans or Hippies
I know that's not how the law works ffs.

I'm not denying it's the law - I'm disagreeing with the law and the double standard that it sets out.

and I'm not saying only protected classes can't be discriminated.

You've managed to miss the point about 100 times in 2 straight forward comments of mine. Well done to you. Have a virtual coconut as a reward.

I didn't miss the point. I hear a fucking brit whining about regulations that make infinitely more sense than his own shitty country

fuck off

you have no freedom of speech

"why do they have seperate rules"

*proceeds to explain the rules"

"well i don't like it"

Then fuck off back to your shitty little island where your inbred elites can piss on you
I just don't understand why some companies can do it and others can't.

For example :

Social Media platforms are allowed to just ban Donald Trump (and any immediate contacts with his message) forever - that's fine.
Bars are allowed to ban folk for however long or little they see fit (even for the smallest of reasons like saying something the bar maid doesn't like).
Nightclubs can refuse entry and service if they don't like the shoes someone has on.
Places to eat can refuse service to someone if they don't have a shirt, tie and a jacket.

Yet a Christian baker isn't allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding or a traditional B&B/motel owner is legally compelled to rent a room with a double bed out to an unmarried couple.

As always it's just the double standards that irk me.

Way I see it, it's your business you can refuse whatever business you want - that should be your right.

It's also the person/s who's been refused right in response to bad mouth the business/leave bad reviews off the back of it too.

If someone doesn't want my money I have no problem - I'll go elsewhere.

A lot of times I go to USA I get refused the chance to purchase alcohol to take back to my hotel room in gas stations etc because I don't have ID on me (despite being 36 years old, stubble and a receding hairline). It's frustrating, sure, but I don't get on my high horse about it I have a choice - go get my ID, keep my ID on me at all times or move onto the next shop. Simple.

Those are two very different issues

One is a religious liberty issue

The other is covered by communications decency act and just basically absolves internet platforms of liability. I too get angry when they ask for ID even tho i'm balding and show it to them. Fuckers
I get why they're considered different - I just don't agree with it.

All the examples I gave are businesses which make money and can refuse service.

The fact some of them are covered within a certain act or law is neither here nor there for me. In fact, it proves my point in regards double standards.

Well that's not how law works. And as some one from the UK I don't understand why you would balk at any of these regulations. You don't even have freedom of speech over there and yet you stay

Only "protected classes" can't be discriminated against. Everyone else you can refuse service to. Like Republicans or Hippies

It is illegal for anyone open to the public to discriminate for any reason.
The shoes and shirt requirements are not arbitrary, but to avoid cut feet and other customers grossed out by armpit hair.
No one can refuse service unless there is an provable need like that.
It is illegal for Twitter to ban Trump, but the internet is just too complicated for people to have figured out how to regulate and protect it yet.

It most definitely is NOT just explicitly protected classes that can not be discriminated against.
Those are just ones that historically were discriminated against so badly that they needed additional explicit protection.
Illegal does not mean criminal

What do you not understand?

No one goes to jail for just discriminating against others. What the fuck are you talking about?
No, freedom of association means you get to choose who you want to visit and share you free time with.
Hmm... gotta stop you right there. ALL my time is free time, as in my time to spend as I decide. Any questions?

Absolutely wrong.
Anyone who refuses to do business with some individuals by not others, is illegally discriminating and goes to jail.
Absolutely wronger.
Only specific classes of discrimination are illegal - and then only if you make a point of it. That doesn't really make a difference to the question posed by the poll though.
It is illegal for anyone open to the public to discriminate for any reason.
Nonsense. Cite something backing that up or stop making the claim.
There is no state or city where shunning is remotely legal, and I am shocked so many here do not even seem to know the law,
Obviously they have to be too young to have ever opened a business.
Cite the law. I think you're full of shit. Are boycotts illegal in your world?
I just don't understand why some companies can do it and others can't.

For example :

Social Media platforms are allowed to just ban Donald Trump (and any immediate contacts with his message) forever - that's fine.
Bars are allowed to ban folk for however long or little they see fit (even for the smallest of reasons like saying something the bar maid doesn't like).
Nightclubs can refuse entry and service if they don't like the shoes someone has on.
Places to eat can refuse service to someone if they don't have a shirt, tie and a jacket.

Yet a Christian baker isn't allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding or a traditional B&B/motel owner is legally compelled to rent a room with a double bed out to an unmarried couple.

As always it's just the double standards that irk me.

Way I see it, it's your business you can refuse whatever business you want - that should be your right.

It's also the person/s who's been refused right in response to bad mouth the business/leave bad reviews off the back of it too.

If someone doesn't want my money I have no problem - I'll go elsewhere.

A lot of times I go to USA I get refused the chance to purchase alcohol to take back to my hotel room in gas stations etc because I don't have ID on me (despite being 36 years old, stubble and a receding hairline). It's frustrating, sure, but I don't get on my high horse about it I have a choice - go get my ID, keep my ID on me at all times or move onto the next shop. Simple.
The left doesn't see citizens; the left sees subjects. You, me, and everyone else are subjects of the state that must be directed by the state.
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?

If I own a business I should be able to not do business with whoever the hell I want to. And why I do is my own reasoning and I don't owe anyone a explanation.

That's one of the benefits of owning a business, it belongs to me.

If I went in a store and someone told me to leave I'd just say gladly and walk out and never return. Even if they said they don't want whites in there then he'll that's all the more reason to never shop there again.
You are not a citizen. You are a subject of the state and must follow its directives.
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
Obviously yes. That's called freedom of association.
And when Facebook and Twitter shun Trump?

Are you sure you didn't mean to pick "It's different when we do it"? You can change your vote if you want.
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I already shun Trump cult traitors. All decent patriotic Americans do. That's not illegal. That's praiseworthy. I shun puppy kickers, child molestors, Trump cultists, islamic jihadists, ... you know, the same people that everyone shuns.
It comes as no surprise, of course, that the authoritarian right would use the power of the state to exact punitive measures against private entities because those entities are perceived to be ‘hostile’ to conservatives.

More government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – it’s the conservative way.
What do you think? Should people and businesses be allowed to refuse service to others?

follow up questions:

Does it matter what their reasons are?
What if the keep their reasons to themselves?
JC. Refusing service to certain customers means you won't be in biz for long. So retarded to refuse revenue because you don't like someone personally.

Piss off 5 people and they go out of their way to tell everyone they know, and it sticks. Same goes with excellent service and respect for the customer.
Every business owner's motto should be

"It's not personal. it's just business."
Of course businesses should be able to associate with whomever they wish*

*Unless I am (or people I support) are affected
Wrong forum ain't it?
Says the local 5th grade hall monitor
All these hall monitors here are desperate to become one thing they never will. A moderator.

Dreams were crushed. Life goals were not met. Bucket lists left unchecked. So an unpaid hall monitor is all they have for the dream they missed.

If I was a moderator I'd turn this place to a huge mosh pit with bite marks everywhere and rusty razor blades sticking from our shoes.
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