Should Statues and Other Memorials To Harvey Milk Also Be Removed?

In fairness, should statues etc. of Harvey Milk displayed in public be removed also?

  • Yes. A disgusting past is a disgusting past.

  • No. It's different with Harvey Milk stuff

  • I think people should be able to vote on what statues stay and which are removed.

Results are only viewable after voting.
LOL- of course you believe that GLAAD controls Hollywood and of course you prefer that children be taught to hate and fear gays like you do.

That is why you start all of these gay bashing threads.
I don’t believe GLAAD controls Hollywood. I know they do.

I prefer children be left the fuck alone and not be influenced towards any sexuality. You want to get at them at the earliest of ages under the cloak of “ anti-bullying” as you bully them if they choose not to participate in your indoctrinization programs for the cult.

You’re here defending the statue of a child rapist (celebrated for his openness of statutory rape/sodomizing of vulnerable boys as his #1 "accomplishment") at City Hall while in your spare time donning your rainbow jackboots demanding nativity scenes at Christmas be removed “because they’re offensive”.
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Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Hmmm which Democrats promote slavery?

Oh wait- there isn't a Democrat alive who has promoted slavery. That is like saying that Christians want to get rid of all of the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.

Who promoted slavery?
Mostly Conservative Christian white men who voted Democratic until they seceded from the Union.

After the secession- the only Democrats were in the Union.
More revisionist history. Republicans ended slavery and Jim Crowe. Read a book.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Hmmm which Democrats promote slavery?

Oh wait- there isn't a Democrat alive who has promoted slavery. That is like saying that Christians want to get rid of all of the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.

Who promoted slavery?
Mostly Conservative Christian white men who voted Democratic until they seceded from the Union.

After the secession- the only Democrats were in the Union.
More revisionist history. Republicans ended slavery and Jim Crowe. Read a book.
Would you have been a Republican in 1860 Guy? It`s more likely that you would have been riding with John Wilkes Booth if you had the guts.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Hmmm which Democrats promote slavery?

Oh wait- there isn't a Democrat alive who has promoted slavery. That is like saying that Christians want to get rid of all of the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.

Who promoted slavery?
Mostly Conservative Christian white men who voted Democratic until they seceded from the Union.

After the secession- the only Democrats were in the Union.
More revisionist history. Republicans ended slavery and Jim Crowe. Read a book.

You should actually read some history. We werent' talking about Republicans- we were talking a
about Democrats.

When the Conservative Christian slave states seceded- they were indeed majority Democrat- but the Confederate States specifically rejected party affiliations- so there was no Democratic Party in the Confederacy.

Meanwhile- back in the United States- there continued to be a contingent of loyal Democrats who stayed in the Union.

So when we talk about who promoted slavery- it is most accurate to say Conservative Christian white men.

And for all of the Jim Crow years- it was again Conservative Christian white men.

Who ended Jim Crow? Jim Crow was defeated mostly through the courts, when the NAACP led by Thurgood Marshall sued Southern states- controlled by Conservative Christian- and yes- Democratic men- who argued for Jim Crow on the basis of 'States Rights".

Now which party today is the party controlled by Conservative Christian white men who rant about State's Rights?

Not the party of the President that appointed Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court......
LOL- of course you believe that GLAAD controls Hollywood and of course you prefer that children be taught to hate and fear gays like you do.

That is why you start all of these gay bashing threads.

You’re here defending the statue of a child rapist (celebrated for his openness of statutory rape/sodomizing of vulnerable boys as his #1 "accomplishment") at City Hall while in your spare time donning your rainbow jackboots demanding nativity scenes at Christmas be removed “because they’re offensive”.

Silly Silly - you are repeating your lies again.

You know that Milk was never accused of raping or sodomizing anyone- and you know what he is celebrated for you just lie because your intent is to harm gay Americans- and their children.

Ms. PELOSI. Today, a statue of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk will be unveiled at City Hall in San Francisco. It is fitting that on the occasion of his 78th birthday, San Franciscans will gather to pay tribute to Harvey Milk's life and work at City Hall, where he served San Francisco and so tragically lost his life 30 years ago.

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to any significant political office in our history. This memorial will be the first such tribute to an LGBT leader to be placed in a seat of government in the United States.

Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. A year later, in one of the darkest weeks of San Francisco's history, Supervisor Milk and our beloved Mayor George Moscone were assassinated by Supervisor Dan White.

Harvey Milk was a San Francisco hero, a champion of human rights and symbol to the world for LGBT civil rights. His political career was dedicated to shattering the silence of gay America. He firmly believed that the only way for gays to break down homophobia was to increase their visibility and irrevocably enter the consciousness of our Nation.

A popular neighborhood merchant and activist, Harvey Milk became a great progressive leader who transformed San Francisco political life and social culture for all time. He pioneered an open, participatory government accessible to all, especially those who had never before been engaged. For the first time, neighborhood and ethnic community activists and openly gay men and lesbians were appointed to positions of power and authority. He was a passionate advocate for seniors, and his populist agenda encompassed the needs of all of San Francisco's minorities.

Last week's California Supreme Court decision to strike the ban on gay marriage is a testament to Harvey Milk's enduring legacy. It is a significant milestone for which all Californians can take pride, and one we would not have reached without the courage and dedication of Harvey Milk and many LGBT leaders after him.

Harvey Milk did not live to see the immeasurable and global ramifications of his life. He continues to inspire us to strive for a society that honors his values of unlimited and equal opportunities for all our citizens. His legacy helps bring our country closer to the ideal of equality that is both our heritage and our hope.

And that is of course why you start thread after thread attacking Milk- and never a thread attacking Elvis.
Milk was a gay who the hell cared, that he sexually abused kids put him in the disgusting human category.
Milk was a gay who the hell cared, that he sexually abused kids put him in the disgusting human category.
And therefore statues of him at public places must be removed. They are extremely offensive to rape victims; statutory or otherwise.
Milk was a gay who the hell cared, that he sexually abused kids put him in the disgusting human category.
And therefore statues of him at public places must be removed. They are extremely offensive to rape victims; statutory or otherwise.

Totally agree, his conduct is offensive to all people of society.
And yet his statues remain defended and in place by the same political ideology that demands other "offensive" statues be torn down. Ironic, isn't it?
Milk was a gay who the hell cared, that he sexually abused kids put him in the disgusting human category.
And therefore statues of him at public places must be removed. They are extremely offensive to rape victims; statutory or otherwise.

Totally agree, his conduct is offensive to all people of society.
And yet his statues remain defended and in place by the same political ideology that demands other "offensive" statues be torn down. Ironic, isn't it?

It's pathetic and shows the hypocrisy of the left wing. To have any defense of these people and preserving their perversion is a clear sign how far we have fallen morally.
LOL- of course you believe that GLAAD controls Hollywood and of course you prefer that children be taught to hate and fear gays like you do.

That is why you start all of these gay bashing threads.
I don’t believe GLAAD controls Hollywood. I know they do.

I prefer children be left the fuck alone and not be influenced towards any sexuality. You want to get at them at the earliest of ages under the cloak of “ anti-bullying” as you bully them if they choose not to participate in your indoctrinization programs for the cult.

You’re here defending the statue of a child rapist (celebrated for his openness of statutory rape/sodomizing of vulnerable boys as his #1 "accomplishment") at City Hall while in your spare time donning your rainbow jackboots demanding nativity scenes at Christmas be removed “because they’re offensive”.

Aren't you the same hapless soul that insisted that 'the gays' had blackmailed the Pope, that 'the gays' had control over Justice Kennedy and that 'the gays' had infiltrated Gallup polling?

Your anti-gay hysterics generally don't amount to much.
This is a thread about a statutory rapist, Harvey Milk & his statues at City Hall in SF & other public spots. These statues are offensive & must be removed.
Milk may have committed criminal acts, but he wasn't a traitor.

Not at all.

To Pedocrats he was a hero!

If the shoe fits.......
Like Republican Roy Moore? Oh wait, Roy liked little girls. Guess that means Republicans think he was normal.

Former Miss Arizona says Donald Trump used to 'stroll in' to see naked women in dressing room

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."
Like Republican Roy Moore? Oh wait, Roy liked little girls. Guess that means Republicans think he was normal.

Former Miss Arizona says Donald Trump used to 'stroll in' to see naked women in dressing room

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Please cite which of the above has had statues erected in their honor.
Like Republican Roy Moore? Oh wait, Roy liked little girls. Guess that means Republicans think he was normal.

Former Miss Arizona says Donald Trump used to 'stroll in' to see naked women in dressing room

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Please cite which of the above has had statues erected in their honor.
Here's one:

Please cite who erected that thing so he/she/it can be prosecuted.

Remember, confession is said to be good for the soul.

Though for the soul-less.....yeah, that does raise a small question.

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