Should Statues and Other Memorials To Harvey Milk Also Be Removed?

In fairness, should statues etc. of Harvey Milk displayed in public be removed also?

  • Yes. A disgusting past is a disgusting past.

  • No. It's different with Harvey Milk stuff

  • I think people should be able to vote on what statues stay and which are removed.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.

Actually as you know- you are lying again.

There is no evidence that Milk either raped or sodomized anyone
You also know that Milk is celebrated for promoting equality for gay Americans- which of course is wy you attack him so often- and not say Elvis Presley- who didn't promote equality for gay Americans.

Here is specifically what the only statue of Harvey Milk that I know of- is in honor of:

Ms. PELOSI. Today, a statue of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk will be unveiled at City Hall in San Francisco. It is fitting that on the occasion of his 78th birthday, San Franciscans will gather to pay tribute to Harvey Milk's life and work at City Hall, where he served San Francisco and so tragically lost his life 30 years ago.

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to any significant political office in our history. This memorial will be the first such tribute to an LGBT leader to be placed in a seat of government in the United States.

Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. A year later, in one of the darkest weeks of San Francisco's history, Supervisor Milk and our beloved Mayor George Moscone were assassinated by Supervisor Dan White.

Harvey Milk was a San Francisco hero, a champion of human rights and symbol to the world for LGBT civil rights. His political career was dedicated to shattering the silence of gay America. He firmly believed that the only way for gays to break down homophobia was to increase their visibility and irrevocably enter the consciousness of our Nation.

A popular neighborhood merchant and activist, Harvey Milk became a great progressive leader who transformed San Francisco political life and social culture for all time. He pioneered an open, participatory government accessible to all, especially those who had never before been engaged. For the first time, neighborhood and ethnic community activists and openly gay men and lesbians were appointed to positions of power and authority. He was a passionate advocate for seniors, and his populist agenda encompassed the needs of all of San Francisco's minorities.

Last week's California Supreme Court decision to strike the ban on gay marriage is a testament to Harvey Milk's enduring legacy. It is a significant milestone for which all Californians can take pride, and one we would not have reached without the courage and dedication of Harvey Milk and many LGBT leaders after him.

Harvey Milk did not live to see the immeasurable and global ramifications of his life. He continues to inspire us to strive for a society that honors his values of unlimited and equal opportunities for all our citizens. His legacy helps bring our country closer to the ideal of equality that is both our heritage and our hope.

And that is of course why you start thread after thread attacking Milk- and never a thread attacking Elvis.
He was only important for being a fag who openly was nailing in the ass a minor Jack Mckinley & many other young males legally incapable of consent. His “penchant” that was noted by his friend & gay journalist/ biographer Randy Shilts.

But let’s say he was famous for inventing the cotton gin. His sexual past time of statutory rape/sodomy disqualifies him from having statues in public places. According to the left’s own criteria for monument removal in public places.
He was only important for being a fag who openly was nailing in the ass a minor Jack Mckinley & many other young males legally incapable of consent. His “penchant” that was noted by his friend & gay journalist/ biographer Randy Shilts.

But let’s say he was famous for inventing the cotton gin. His sexual past time of statutory rape/sodomy disqualifies him from having statues in public places. According to the left’s own criteria for monument removal in public places.

If Mr. Milk was engaged in pederasty and paedophilia with minors under 18 years of age, it really shouldn't matter what else he may have done. Child Molestation is wrong, whether its Jerry Sandusky, Gerry Studds or Harvey Milk. It should not be tolerated and people of both political ideologies should be able to agree on this.
If Mr. Milk was engaged in pederasty and paedophilia with minors under 18 years of age, it really shouldn't matter what else he may have done. Child Molestation is wrong, whether its Jerry Sandusky, Gerry Studds or Harvey Milk. It should not be tolerated and people of both political ideologies should be able to agree on this.
Yes. Yet statues honoring the man for his sexual penchant exist to this very minute in public buildings/lands in San Francisco California.
Milk is one of the great Gay Martyrs, along with Matt Shepard, who died as promoters for Homosexuality.

If it wasn't for pioneers like Mr. Milk, taking it up the keister would be no where near as popular in liberal cities as it is today.

When I was a kid, before the work of Milk and Shepard, there were relatively few gay beaus around seeking to convince young men to get sodomized.
That's because it could get them killed coming out of the closet, what with the Christian/redneck Sharia law back then..

That just isn't true. Sodomy was legalized in 1963 in Illinois, the only thing is that people really didn't want homosexuals to spread their ideology back in the day. Trying to recruit people into homosexuality wasn't tolerated that well, but if two acknowledged fruitcakes wanted to go behind closed doors and shove gerbils up their keisters, no one much cared. The problems that gays had was when they proselytize young people or undercover police for their activities which were considered perversion
Recruiting people into homosexuality? I hope I don`t read anything dumber than that today.

If it isn't recruitment, how do you explain the prevalence of these sexual practices in some communities like San Francisco and that homosexuality is almost unheard of in other communities. Are you contending that teen age boys in San Fran are consuming something in the water that gets them curious?

Or could it be that gay people from across the country move(d) to neighborhoods where they would feel welcomed and accepted? Like the Castro, Provincetown, or the Gayborhood?
Have to admit. The gay boys dress the area up and improve property values.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Says the guy who would have rode with John Wilkes Booth. What the Democrats were 150 years ago is unimportant today. Do you know what year it is?
He was only important for being a fag who openly was nailing in the ass a minor Jack Mckinley & many other young males legally incapable of consent. His “penchant” that was noted by his friend & gay journalist/ biographer Randy Shilts.

But let’s say he was famous for inventing the cotton gin. His sexual past time of statutory rape/sodomy disqualifies him from having statues in public places. According to the left’s own criteria for monument removal in public places.

Except of course- you are lying again- which is what you do.
As I point out over and over- there is absolutely no record of Milk commiting statutory rape, or sodomy with anyone. He was never accused, he was never convicted- this is just your character assassination because Milk had the temerity to be a gay who fought for equal rights- and you hate that.

Once again- here is what the only statue I know of honoes
Ms. PELOSI. Today, a statue of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk will be unveiled at City Hall in San Francisco. It is fitting that on the occasion of his 78th birthday, San Franciscans will gather to pay tribute to Harvey Milk's life and work at City Hall, where he served San Francisco and so tragically lost his life 30 years ago.

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to any significant political office in our history. This memorial will be the first such tribute to an LGBT leader to be placed in a seat of government in the United States.

Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. A year later, in one of the darkest weeks of San Francisco's history, Supervisor Milk and our beloved Mayor George Moscone were assassinated by Supervisor Dan White.

Harvey Milk was a San Francisco hero, a champion of human rights and symbol to the world for LGBT civil rights. His political career was dedicated to shattering the silence of gay America. He firmly believed that the only way for gays to break down homophobia was to increase their visibility and irrevocably enter the consciousness of our Nation.

A popular neighborhood merchant and activist, Harvey Milk became a great progressive leader who transformed San Francisco political life and social culture for all time. He pioneered an open, participatory government accessible to all, especially those who had never before been engaged. For the first time, neighborhood and ethnic community activists and openly gay men and lesbians were appointed to positions of power and authority. He was a passionate advocate for seniors, and his populist agenda encompassed the needs of all of San Francisco's minorities.

Last week's California Supreme Court decision to strike the ban on gay marriage is a testament to Harvey Milk's enduring legacy. It is a significant milestone for which all Californians can take pride, and one we would not have reached without the courage and dedication of Harvey Milk and many LGBT leaders after him.

Harvey Milk did not live to see the immeasurable and global ramifications of his life. He continues to inspire us to strive for a society that honors his values of unlimited and equal opportunities for all our citizens. His legacy helps bring our country closer to the ideal of equality that is both our heritage and our hope.

And that is of course why you start thread after thread attacking Milk- and never a thread attacking Elvis.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Hmmm which Democrats promote slavery?

Oh wait- there isn't a Democrat alive who has promoted slavery. That is like saying that Christians want to get rid of all of the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.

Who promoted slavery?
Mostly Conservative Christian white men who voted Democratic until they seceded from the Union.

After the secession- the only Democrats were in the Union.
He was only important for being a fag who openly was nailing in the ass a minor Jack Mckinley & many other young males legally incapable of consent. His “penchant” that was noted by his friend & gay journalist/ biographer Randy Shilts.

But let’s say he was famous for inventing the cotton gin. His sexual past time of statutory rape/sodomy disqualifies him from having statues in public places. According to the left’s own criteria for monument removal in public places.

If Mr. Milk was engaged in pederasty and paedophilia with minors under 18 years of age, it really shouldn't matter what else he may have done. Child Molestation is wrong, whether its Jerry Sandusky, Gerry Studds or Harvey Milk. It should not be tolerated and people of both political ideologies should be able to agree on this.

I absolutely agree- that we should not tolerate child molestation.

But as I keep pointing out- Milks was never charged with any type of child molestation- his biography doesn't mention any, his supposed victims never mentioned it. We can infer that it very possibly happened- but there is no evidence that it did.

Now with Elvis- we have Priscilla's own words- which do describe sexual behavior between them when she was a minor. This has been public knowledge for decades......don't see any rush to tear down Grace Land.

Does that make what Milk or Elvis supposedly did right? No.

But again- this crusade of Silhouette's has nothing to do with concern for children- it is only to attack gays. Which is why even though she knows about Elvis she has never started a single thread calling for Graceland to be shut down.
If Mr. Milk was engaged in pederasty and paedophilia with minors under 18 years of age, it really shouldn't matter what else he may have done. Child Molestation is wrong, whether its Jerry Sandusky, Gerry Studds or Harvey Milk. It should not be tolerated and people of both political ideologies should be able to agree on this.
Yes. Yet statues honoring the man for his sexual penchant exist to this very minute in public buildings/lands in San Francisco California.

Statues? I don't know about that but the only statue I know of honors Milk for his contributions to society

Ms. PELOSI. Today, a statue of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk will be unveiled at City Hall in San Francisco. It is fitting that on the occasion of his 78th birthday, San Franciscans will gather to pay tribute to Harvey Milk's life and work at City Hall, where he served San Francisco and so tragically lost his life 30 years ago.

Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to any significant political office in our history. This memorial will be the first such tribute to an LGBT leader to be placed in a seat of government in the United States.

Harvey Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. A year later, in one of the darkest weeks of San Francisco's history, Supervisor Milk and our beloved Mayor George Moscone were assassinated by Supervisor Dan White.

Harvey Milk was a San Francisco hero, a champion of human rights and symbol to the world for LGBT civil rights. His political career was dedicated to shattering the silence of gay America. He firmly believed that the only way for gays to break down homophobia was to increase their visibility and irrevocably enter the consciousness of our Nation.

A popular neighborhood merchant and activist, Harvey Milk became a great progressive leader who transformed San Francisco political life and social culture for all time. He pioneered an open, participatory government accessible to all, especially those who had never before been engaged. For the first time, neighborhood and ethnic community activists and openly gay men and lesbians were appointed to positions of power and authority. He was a passionate advocate for seniors, and his populist agenda encompassed the needs of all of San Francisco's minorities.

Last week's California Supreme Court decision to strike the ban on gay marriage is a testament to Harvey Milk's enduring legacy. It is a significant milestone for which all Californians can take pride, and one we would not have reached without the courage and dedication of Harvey Milk and many LGBT leaders after him.

Harvey Milk did not live to see the immeasurable and global ramifications of his life. He continues to inspire us to strive for a society that honors his values of unlimited and equal opportunities for all our citizens. His legacy helps bring our country closer to the ideal of equality that is both our heritage and our hope.

And that is of course why you start thread after thread attacking Milk- and never a thread attacking Elvis.
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Hmmm which Democrats promote slavery?

Oh wait- there isn't a Democrat alive who has promoted slavery.

Nonsense. Today's Democrats seek to replace black-to-white slavery with the slavery of all to the State.

After the secession- the only Democrats were in the Union.

Your grasp of history is quite thin. Public school victim?
Funny isn't it.

Silhouette finds both objectionable- but only starts threads condemning gays.
Actually, as you know, it's a point I'm making about how the far left is demanding statues of conservative areas be removed due to "objectionable character" in the icon's spare time. Meanwhile the far left honors and maintains statues of Harvey Milk who was a statutory rapist/sodomizer of boys and young men on drugs incapable of consent... CELEBRATED FOR HIS HOLDING OFFICE BRAZENLY FLAUNTING HIS SEXUAL PENCHANT.

You know this, but dance around it.
Actually the left wants to get rid of statues of treasonous men who led troops into battle against the United States. Now you know a little something. You`re welcome.

Actually the Democrats want to get rid of all the reminders of their solid history of promoting slavery.
Hmmm which Democrats promote slavery?

Oh wait- there isn't a Democrat alive who has promoted slavery.

Nonsense. Today's Democrats seek to replace black-to-white slavery with the slavery of all to the State.

After the secession- the only Democrats were in the Union.

Your grasp of history is quite thin. Public school victim?

Just like todays Republicans seek a Fascist state that will control all media and households and mandate a state religion.

Just like that.

Just like todays Republicans seek a Fascist state that will control all media and households and mandate a state religion.

Just like that.
You mean like how GLAAD controls Hollywood & Democrats mandate little kids embrace deviant sexuality in school in ages as young as five (indoctrinization to the cult)? That kind of fascist control?
Just like todays Republicans seek a Fascist state that will control all media and households and mandate a state religion.

Just like that.
You mean like how GLAAD controls Hollywood & Democrats mandate little kids embrace deviant sexuality in school in ages as young as five (indoctrinization to the cult)? That kind of fascist control?

LOL- of course you believe that GLAAD controls Hollywood and of course you prefer that children be taught to hate and fear gays like you do.

That is why you start all of these gay bashing threads.

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