Should taxpayers fund AIDS drugs?

Should taxpayers fund AIDS drugs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 56.0%
  • No

    Votes: 11 44.0%

  • Total voters

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
This is because on the BBC earlier, they had item about an AIDS drug. There was some LGBT man on saying he thinks it's a "scandal" that they can't get this drug for free on the British NHS.

I think this is correct, that they should pay themselves for it.

There's a very good Breast Cancer drug that NHS said that they couldn't afford, so women have to pay for it themselves, which is what I call a scandal.

Breast Cancer is not the fault of the women, they don't cause their own cancer.

AIDS is the fault of the people who get it, by their lifestyle and by not using condoms and sharing needles.
I am tired of all the CRAP they want TAX money to fund. I am still steamed up about all the money given to WTC victims. Life expectancy bullcrap. Millions each but none for OKC. I thought Cruz could have hit Trump with that last night. What was that, 70bil? Easier to recover with a slush fund.

I don't see why I have to be FORCED to chip in for HRC and Obama or GWB CRAP. NO MAS!
The scary problem with AIDS is that is contagious :confused:

like tuberculosis or heaven knows what....

not that I care for promiscuous living's a worry for the rest of humanity

meh ...what do I know :dunno:
This is because on the BBC earlier, they had item about an AIDS drug. There was some LGBT man on saying he thinks it's a "scandal" that they can't get this drug for free on the British NHS.

I think this is correct, that they should pay themselves for it.

There's a very good Breast Cancer drug that NHS said that they couldn't afford, so women have to pay for it themselves, which is what I call a scandal.

Breast Cancer is not the fault of the women, they don't cause their own cancer.

AIDS is the fault of the people who get it, by their lifestyle and by not using condoms and sharing needles.
So are many other diseases. So what?
All of you voting "no" are just fine with babies born with HIV dying? "Save the fetuses, but let the babies die"?
This is because on the BBC earlier, they had item about an AIDS drug. There was some LGBT man on saying he thinks it's a "scandal" that they can't get this drug for free on the British NHS.

I think this is correct, that they should pay themselves for it.

There's a very good Breast Cancer drug that NHS said that they couldn't afford, so women have to pay for it themselves, which is what I call a scandal.

Breast Cancer is not the fault of the women, they don't cause their own cancer.

AIDS is the fault of the people who get it, by their lifestyle and by not using condoms and sharing needles.
So are many other diseases. So what?
Let the idiots DIE. Its natural its nature.
Deflection fail. Cancer is natural. AIDs is natural. Death is natural.

You are as strange as Damaged Eagle. Just saying.
Deflection fail. Cancer is natural. AIDs is natural. Death is natural.

You are as strange as Damaged Eagle. Just saying.
Can you "catch" Cancer in a cancer clinic? No.
Can you "catch" death in a morgue? No.
Can you "catch" AIDS in an AIDS clinic? Possible.

This is because on the BBC earlier, they had item about an AIDS drug. There was some LGBT man on saying he thinks it's a "scandal" that they can't get this drug for free on the British NHS.

I think this is correct, that they should pay themselves for it.

There's a very good Breast Cancer drug that NHS said that they couldn't afford, so women have to pay for it themselves, which is what I call a scandal.

Breast Cancer is not the fault of the women, they don't cause their own cancer.

AIDS is the fault of the people who get it, by their lifestyle and by not using condoms and sharing needles.

Drugs also used to fight some cancers, especially prostrate
This is because on the BBC earlier, they had item about an AIDS drug. There was some LGBT man on saying he thinks it's a "scandal" that they can't get this drug for free on the British NHS.

I think this is correct, that they should pay themselves for it.

There's a very good Breast Cancer drug that NHS said that they couldn't afford, so women have to pay for it themselves, which is what I call a scandal.

Breast Cancer is not the fault of the women, they don't cause their own cancer.

AIDS is the fault of the people who get it, by their lifestyle and by not using condoms and sharing needles.

By your rationale, medication used to treat lung cancer and lung disease in a former smoker should not be paid for.


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