Should tea party bother to field Presidential candidate in '16?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
given the paranoia establishment Repubs have over tea partiers reigning-in/ending the Establishment Repub & neocon love affair w/ defense contractors/war corporatism?

Why Republicans can?t stand Rand Paul ? MSNBC
It’s long been apparent that the GOP’s foreign-policy hawks don’t like Paul, a foreign-policy dove who attracted much attention in March for waging a 13-hour “talking” filibuster over U.S. drone policy. Arizona Sen. John McCain has called Paul a “wacko bird.” (McCain later apologized, and still later joked that if Paul and Hillary Clinton are the nominees, “it’s gonna be a tough choice.”) The Washington Post’s neoconservative blogger Jennifer Rubin has called Paul (among other things) “amateurish” and “downright dishonest.” Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol has mocked Paul as the “spokesman for the Code Pink faction of the Republican Party.”

At least w/ Hillary, or whoever the Democratic nominee will be, she'll carry on the outrageous spending by the pentagon
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