Should the President Give Up?

Why can't he simply say, "I disagree with this effort; it cannot succeed," or something like that? What a wanker.

it’s not enough for honest Americans to simply “disagree” with Trump’s sad’ and ‘embarrassing’ attempts to overturn his election loss ‘. Trump’s bogus attempts to reverse his landslide election loss in courtrooms is not based on one scintilla of evidence. It is based on trying to remove legal votes from voters who live in areas where huge majorities turned out to vote for Biden and against the justifiably hated incumbentQ.

it is a major attack against our ideal American democratic institutions when a sitting, but voted out, first term president rejects his own indisputable loss in order to continue his need to ingratiate and feed conspiracy fodder to those who hunger for any fictional knowledge that the election was rigged.

What TrumpQ and his batshit crazy lawyers are doing is a threat to America and a serious threat. We should never just “disagree” with such a threat.

We must expose and condemn TrumpQ’s attack on American democracy. TrumpQ needs to be a man, be presidential for the first time and concede and do all he can to benefit a smooth and secure transition.

Romney is absolutely right.

William Barr says there was no election fraud that would deny victory to Biden. That should cause TrumpQ to quit talking to whackos about imposing martial law and sending US Troops into states that BIden won.
The Democrats overturned the sovereign will of the people by committing election fraud.

How, who and where did “Democrats” overturn the sovereign will of the people.

Provide one case in one state where election fraud changed the outcome.

If you accomplish that, we can move to the next state until there is enough evidence of fraud to change the outcome of a very decisive win for Joe.
Is a sad day when so-called conservatives have gone batshit insane and believe moronic conspiracy theories to rationalize their loss and their acquiesence to a collective cult.

View attachment 432050
The many affidavits and extremely detailed evidence gathered in the investigations says otherwise
It was a giant Venezuela sham
How, who and where did “Democrats” overturn the sovereign will of the people.

Provide one case in one state where election fraud changed the outcome.

If you accomplish that, we can move to the next state until there is enough evidence of fraud to change the outcome of a very decisive win for Joe.
Oh come on, no one in their right mind voted for that old Traitor-Fuck Biden and his Fat Whore VP. And since when do I have to provide any case at all after 4 years of Democrats pulling fake evidence out their assholes?
The many affidavits and extremely detailed evidence gathered in the investigations says otherwise
It was a giant Venezuela sham

Submit this "evidence" and "affidavits" into a court of law ... under penalty of perjury ... let's see how this stands up to hostile cross-examination ...

No luck yet ... pathetic ... I guess "law and order" Republicans don't care much for law and order ...
The many affidavits and extremely detailed evidence gathered in the investigations says otherwise
It was a giant Venezuela sham

Submit this "evidence" and "affidavits" into a court of law ... under penalty of perjury ... let's see how this stands up to hostile cross-examination ...

No luck yet ... pathetic ... I guess "law and order" Republicans don't care much for law and order ...
The radical judges and the fake conservative ones won’t even allow them that
You have no idea what Is going on and the ramifications
Submit this "evidence" and "affidavits" into a court of law ... under penalty of perjury ... let's see how this stands up to hostile cross-examination ...

No luck yet ... pathetic ... I guess "law and order" Republicans don't care much for law and order ...
Republicans don't have traitor FBI officials that make up 'evidence' and lie to a court to wire tap a transitioning POTUS. When Democrats don't have damning evidence they just pull it out their asses and go running to their sycophant MSM to parrot the talking points until the weak minded are brainwashed. Those weak minds become TDSers with a seething hatred that they constantly feed with fake 'news' stories about "Orange Man Bad." Too bad for them, there is not one iota of real evidence to support their hair-brained, juvenile hatred.
It is "interesting" to observe the chorus of well-wishers from all points on the political spectrum who are advising the President to abandon his campaign to reverse or nullify the certified results of the November 3 election.

At one end of this spectrum, we have the Leftists who are convinced that the election was completely righteous, the votes were essentially all legitimate, and Trump simply lost. So of course he should give up his quest. It is a distraction that makes America look foolish in the eyes of the world.

Next we have those on the Left who recognize that there were "irregularities" in the processes, procedures, voting and counting, but are convinced that even if they were erased (somehow), Biden would have won anyway. These are the honest Leftists....I assume they exist somewhere, although I have never seen any indication of that.

From the Center-Right, we have those who don't believe the stories (and evidence) of irregularities, and think it is undignified of Trump to keep up this campaign without video files of people wearing Biden/Harris baseball caps, stuffing ballot boxes with phony votes.

Further Right we have those who believe that significant fraudulent activity took place, but for a variety of reasons, it will not be possible to prove that in a forum that will do anything about it. Hence keeping up the campaign is pointless, futile, and potentially harmful to Trump and Republicans in 2022 and 2024.

But I find myself mystified by the public comments of Mitt Romney.

Why can't he simply say, "I disagree with this effort; it cannot succeed," or something like that? What a wanker.
Trump lost, there’s nothing to ‘give up.’
Should the President Give Up?

No. He needs to stay put and keep fighting.
Trump should never give up. I

You must want TrumpQ to impose martial law because TrumpQ’s last stand plan to have Republicans in the House and Senate overturn the election because it couid not be overturned in court.

That’s going nowhere:

Sen. John Thune, the number two Republican in the Senate behind McConnell, said Trump's plan would "go down like a shot dog."

All that’s left for TrumpQ is to go full blown fascist by sending US troops into cities that did not vote for him as punishment for practicing democracy.
And since when do I have to provide any case at all after 4 years of Democrats pulling fake evidence out their assholes?

When the loser of an election cannot provide a case for overturning an election the loser cannot Constitutionally overturn the election.

It’s called conceding that the winner of the election won.,

That’s all TrumoQ can do - concede and cooperate with the winner Fry a smooth transition.
The many affidavits and extremely detailed evidence gathered in the investigations says otherwise
It was a giant Venezuela sham

Submit this "evidence" and "affidavits" into a court of law ... under penalty of perjury ... let's see how this stands up to hostile cross-examination ...

No luck yet ... pathetic ... I guess "law and order" Republicans don't care much for law and order ...
The radical judges and the fake conservative ones won’t even allow them that
You have no idea what Is going on and the ramifications
Submit this "evidence" and "affidavits" into a court of law ... under penalty of perjury ... let's see how this stands up to hostile cross-examination ...

No luck yet ... pathetic ... I guess "law and order" Republicans don't care much for law and order ...
Republicans don't have traitor FBI officials that make up 'evidence' and lie to a court to wire tap a transitioning POTUS. When Democrats don't have damning evidence they just pull it out their asses and go running to their sycophant MSM to parrot the talking points until the weak minded are brainwashed. Those weak minds become TDSers with a seething hatred that they constantly feed with fake 'news' stories about "Orange Man Bad." Too bad for them, there is not one iota of real evidence to support their hair-brained, juvenile hatred.

... pathetic ...
It is "interesting" to observe the chorus of well-wishers from all points on the political spectrum who are advising the President to abandon his campaign to reverse or nullify the certified results of the November 3 election.

At one end of this spectrum, we have the Leftists who are convinced that the election was completely righteous, the votes were essentially all legitimate, and Trump simply lost. So of course he should give up his quest. It is a distraction that makes America look foolish in the eyes of the world.

Next we have those on the Left who recognize that there were "irregularities" in the processes, procedures, voting and counting, but are convinced that even if they were erased (somehow), Biden would have won anyway. These are the honest Leftists....I assume they exist somewhere, although I have never seen any indication of that.

From the Center-Right, we have those who don't believe the stories (and evidence) of irregularities, and think it is undignified of Trump to keep up this campaign without video files of people wearing Biden/Harris baseball caps, stuffing ballot boxes with phony votes.

Further Right we have those who believe that significant fraudulent activity took place, but for a variety of reasons, it will not be possible to prove that in a forum that will do anything about it. Hence keeping up the campaign is pointless, futile, and potentially harmful to Trump and Republicans in 2022 and 2024.

But I find myself mystified by the public comments of Mitt Romney.

Why can't he simply say, "I disagree with this effort; it cannot succeed," or something like that? What a wanker.
Your premise is fatally flawed. No one has presented any actual evidence of irregularities or fraud.

Ask the judges.
It is "interesting" to observe the chorus of well-wishers from all points on the political spectrum who are advising the President to abandon his campaign to reverse or nullify the certified results of the November 3 election.

At one end of this spectrum, we have the Leftists who are convinced that the election was completely righteous, the votes were essentially all legitimate, and Trump simply lost. So of course he should give up his quest. It is a distraction that makes America look foolish in the eyes of the world.

Next we have those on the Left who recognize that there were "irregularities" in the processes, procedures, voting and counting, but are convinced that even if they were erased (somehow), Biden would have won anyway. These are the honest Leftists....I assume they exist somewhere, although I have never seen any indication of that.

From the Center-Right, we have those who don't believe the stories (and evidence) of irregularities, and think it is undignified of Trump to keep up this campaign without video files of people wearing Biden/Harris baseball caps, stuffing ballot boxes with phony votes.

Further Right we have those who believe that significant fraudulent activity took place, but for a variety of reasons, it will not be possible to prove that in a forum that will do anything about it. Hence keeping up the campaign is pointless, futile, and potentially harmful to Trump and Republicans in 2022 and 2024.

But I find myself mystified by the public comments of Mitt Romney.

Why can't he simply say, "I disagree with this effort; it cannot succeed," or something like that? What a wanker.
I and my hubby caught covid-----I'd go breathe on the cheating dems, but I figure they were already given the Chinese Covid Vaccine months ago---hence why the dem heads aren't catching the virus.
Trump should not give up. It is to hilarious watching his antics and how he draws in the lower denominators. History will have a field day with this and Comics will have material that will last a life time. Personally people should tell him that he won so that he will settle down a little. When Jan 20 comes then I would tell him that he has to go to one of his business establishments because Putin wants to meet there. Once he is off the property then don't let him go back in. Guards should be given poster of Trump and explecit instruction to do not let this man in. Do not let him bribe you.
Is a sad day when so-called conservatives have gone batshit insane and believe moronic conspiracy theories to rationalize their loss and their acquiesence to a collective cult.

View attachment 432050
The many affidavits and extremely detailed evidence gathered in the investigations says otherwise
It was a giant Venezuela sham

Lots of people swear they were abducted and anally probed too.

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