Should the press, be brought up on charges for inciting riots with deliberate fake news reporting?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Left or right? If it is proven that they deliberately reported falsely in order to fix our elections?

What do you think?

Millions of Republicans and Independents choose not to riot, loot, and burn no matter what fake news the press report, I don't think that's the problem.
best way to handle that is for people to stop their subscriptions, refuse to watch their channels, do not visit their web sites, etc. boycott them and see what happens when their ad/sponsor revenues drastically decline. people have more power than they think to control the media.
Left or right? If it is proven that they deliberately reported falsely in order to fix our elections?

What do you think?

Not anymore than you being brought on charges of you boring us to death with your posts...
but the left want to incite riots on the 20th, yet they accuse conservatives and Trump of doing it?
best way to handle that is for people to stop their subscriptions, refuse to watch their channels, do not visit their web sites, etc. boycott them and see what happens when their ad/sponsor revenues drastically decline. people have more power than they think to control the media.
Well, that is easier said than done. Passing false propaganda in order to seduce the masses. That should not be illegal, even if the goal is to incite riots and influence elections with mob rule?
best way to handle that is for people to stop their subscriptions, refuse to watch their channels, do not visit their web sites, etc. boycott them and see what happens when their ad/sponsor revenues drastically decline. people have more power than they think to control the media.
Soros will continue to fund them.....liberal fascism in the MSM has gotten out of control.
its supposed to be about 40 and raining on the 20th in DC, hey, fine, let them protest. raining while its between 37-45 degrees, perfect for catching a nasty cold/flu for the dumbass liberals who actually believe that about a million Russians voted on November 8th
I wonder why guno would laugh at the notion.

So glad I have that fucking loser and his stupid marxist propaganda on ignore.

What a fucking pathetic loser.

What we are seeing folks is the left, laughing and mocking the notion that fake news should be banned.

Which, means what?
Millions of Republicans and Independents choose not to riot, loot, and burn no matter what fake news the press report, I don't think that's the problem.
Yet they threatened to if Hilary won....

You are making up shit again.
Not shit,, just your ignorance or denial of the facts..

But beneath the cheering, a new emotion is taking hold among some Trump supporters as they grapple with reports predicting that he will lose the election: a dark fear about what will happen if their candidate is denied the White House. Some worry that they will be forgotten, along with their concerns and frustrations. Others believe the nation may be headed for violent conflict.

Jared Halbrook, 25, of Green Bay, Wis., said that if Mr. Trump lost toHillary Clinton, which he worried would happen through a stolen election, it could lead to “another Revolutionary War.”

“People are going to march on the capitols,” said Mr. Halbrook, who works at a call center. “They’re going to do whatever needs to be done to get her out of office, because she does not belong there.”

“If push comes to shove,” he added, and Mrs. Clinton “has to go by any means necessary, it will be done.”

Interviews with more than 50 Trump supporters at campaign events in six states over the past week revealed a distinct change from the rollicking mood earlier this year, when Mr. Trump’s surprising primary successes and emergence as an unconventional Republican standard-bearer set off broad excitement. The crowds appeared on edge and quick to lash out.
Left or right? If it is proven that they deliberately reported falsely in order to fix our elections?

What do you think?

If that were the case, Breitbart et al would be closed and their masters in the dock.
The problem is not so much media - which of course IS a problem - but public education, which has now produced two solid generations of useless, empty-headed knobbers comprised of a Wellsian division of mincing parrots and incorrigible thugs who soak up all the media nonsense with their hands out for the taken-for-granted freebs.
I wonder why guno would laugh at the notion.

So glad I have that fucking loser and his stupid marxist propaganda on ignore.

What a fucking pathetic loser.

What we are seeing folks is the left, laughing and mocking the notion that fake news should be banned.

Which, means what?
You put someone on ignore, like a coward, and then attack them,like a coward by not calling them out and facing them...Why am I not surprised....
Btw, have you noticed everything, and I mean everything the left wing media reports is a lie made to influence the masses? Everything the left reports is fake and deliberately so.

All of it. No exceptions. Every single thing they claim is a lie.
The problem is not so much media - which of course IS a problem - but public education, which has now produced two solid generations of useless, empty-headed knobbers comprised of a Wellsian division of mincing parrots and incorrigible thugs who soak up all the media nonsense with their hands out for the taken-for-granted freebs.
Oh, so they are just like all generations of US citizens..Ok...Cause that is what each of you old farts say about the younger generation..They said that about yours also...Now you are old and just like the asshats that talked shit to you..make you feel better?
Btw, have you noticed everything, and I mean everything is a lie made to influence the masses? Everything the left reports is fake and deliberately so?

All of it. No exceptions. Every single thing they claim is a lie.

They are effective because the greatest lies always contain a little truth.

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