Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Which is why I said we need to index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population.

I explained where I got that number in my first post in this topic.
That leads to another problem though.

If you are going to index the retirement age, it will make it extremely difficult for people to plan for retirement. You would have no long term date at which you know when you can start to draw. For some, this is not a big deal. For some, it is a massive one.
Not true. Bush advocated giving people the option of privately investing a very small percentage of their social security funds.
Which really needs to happen. The largest problem with SS in my opinion is that it prevents the poor from generating any real generational wealth. You should be able to save a portion of your SS (or all of it tbh) and then pass that on should you have some left over when you pass away.

Not only is this a good introduction in the process of creating long term wealth for a target populace that simply does not take part but also a means to ensure there is something there that can be passed on.

this is immaterial to SS. It matters not why we have more that can pull from the program but just that such is the case.

Sure, lifespan has mostly increased because we have stopped death from coming early but that is a topic for the health forum.
No it relates to SS ...
Which really needs to happen. The largest problem with SS in my opinion is that it prevents the poor from generating any real generational wealth. You should be able to save a portion of your SS (or all of it tbh) and then pass that on should you have some left over when you pass away.

Not only is this a good introduction in the process of creating long term wealth for a target populace that simply does not take part but also a means to ensure there is something there that can be passed on.
Exactly I know 6 people who died in there 40s .. The money just went back into the pot
It was during the Reagan administration that Congress raised the retirement age to 67, to be phased in forty fricking years later after they were all dead and gone.

Oh, wait. Biden was in the Senate back then and he's still around.

Anyway, they were a bunch of cowards.

Our life expectancy has increased by more than 2 years since then.
No it relates to SS ...
No, it flatly does not.

WHY we have more people living past retirement is immaterial, what WW has been posting about. That we have people living past retirement ag is what matters. It does not matter if they are living longer because we are now living to 150 years old or if they are living past that age because fewer 30 year old people die early.

In either case, the only thing that matters is the ratio of people paying in to people drawing from. Raising the age, of course, will change that ratio regardless of the underlying reason driving it.
It was during the Reagan administration that Congress raised the retirement age to 67, to be phased in forty fricking years later after they were all dead and gone.


Our life expectancy has increased by more than 2 years since then.
Yes. You said none though.

None is not correct. They make the time horizon radicicolous and the change minute because Americans will not accept any real changes to the program.

And, to be quite frank, it is not hard to understand why. The government has walked up to them as stated they are going to buy a retirement product. They did not ask, they forced you to purchase that retirement product and it promised certain gains.

Now they are forced to change the terms of that deal because they cannot meet their end of the bargain. You would not accept this from ANYONE else. We just have to swallow it from Uncle Sam though.
Yes. You said none though.

None is not correct. They make the time horizon radicicolous and the change minute because Americans will not accept any real changes to the program.

And, to be quite frank, it is not hard to understand why. The government has walked up to them as stated they are going to buy a retirement product. They did not ask, they forced you to purchase that retirement product and it promised certain gains.

Now they are forced to change the terms of that deal because they cannot meet their end of the bargain. You would not accept this from ANYONE else. We just have to swallow it from Uncle Sam though.
I said none because our life expectancy has gone up more than 2 years since then.

Yeah, Social Security is the proverbial third rail of politics.

When he was House Speaker, John Boehner actually suggested raising the retirement age to 70 and was completely ignored. It was about the only good thing I liked about him.
No, it flatly does not.

WHY we have more people living past retirement is immaterial, what WW has been posting about. That we have people living past retirement ag is what matters. It does not matter if they are living longer because we are now living to 150 years old or if they are living past that age because fewer 30 year old people die early.

In either case, the only thing that matters is the ratio of people paying in to people drawing from. Raising the age, of course, will change that ratio regardless of the underlying reason driving it.
Do the math, you can't pay out with more people living longer....
I said none because our life expectancy has gone up more than 2 years since then.

Yeah, Social Security is the proverbial third rail of politics.

When he was House Speaker, John Boehner actually suggested raising the retirement age to 70 and was completely ignored. It was about the only good thing I liked about him.
The problem today is that SS was not meant to be the major source of survival. It is now for many though.
I said none because our life expectancy has gone up more than 2 years since then.

Yeah, Social Security is the proverbial third rail of politics.

When he was House Speaker, John Boehner actually suggested raising the retirement age to 70 and was completely ignored. It was about the only good thing I liked about him.
Except raising the limit is not the only thing that can be done. The real travesty AND the supposed fix were the same, doubling the tax burden SS had and hiding that tax burden from those that are paying it.

Your miltary taxes are taken and spent as they came in
Your social security taxes are taken and spent as they come in


I've asked you like three times now. If you believe what you are saying, why are you hiding? That's the sign of someone who knows what they are doing is wrong

Why do you take a tax refund? The money was in the hands of the government. Just because it was supposed to be yours, it is stealing from your children to ask for it back. When the government takes something from you and promises to return it, you're a thief if you actually accept it.

That's exactly the argument you're making.
Baaasssttttttt: Fail

Military taxes - go to the general fund (you're right about this)
social security taxes - wait for it ... go to the general fund ...
Military expenses - are paid out of the general fund
social security taxes - wait for it ... are paid out of the general fund

fail, no difference
Are you going to take Social Security when eligible? Of course you are. Don't lie. You're a hypocrite.
No, it flatly does not.

WHY we have more people living past retirement is immaterial, what WW has been posting about. That we have people living past retirement ag is what matters. It does not matter if they are living longer because we are now living to 150 years old or if they are living past that age because fewer 30 year old people die early.

In either case, the only thing that matters is the ratio of people paying in to people drawing from. Raising the age, of course, will change that ratio regardless of the underlying reason driving it.
I say for the umpteenth time in this topic: 5.4 percent of the population was over 65 at the time SS was enacted.

That figure is now approaching 17 percent.

So there's your unsustainable ratio.

How you can say "more people living past retirement is immaterial" makes absolutely no sense.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Simple common sense which seems to elude the "gimme gimme gimme" crowd.
LMAO!! You are just pissed off that you have zero savings and will be working until you die or will be a burden to your children.
He may very well be a burden to his children but there is one thing that is certain: he will take Social Security when he's eligible. This is all just a facade he's putting on here.
I say for the umpteenth time in this topic: 5.4 percent of the population was over 65 at the time SS was enacted.

That figure is now approaching 17 percent.

So there's your unsustainable ratio.

How you can say "more people living past retirement is immaterial" makes absolutely no sense.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Simple common sense which seems to elude the "gimme gimme gimme" crowd.
I did not say "more people living past retirement is immaterial" and that is why it makes no sense.

I said "WHY we have more people living past retirement is immaterial."

It was even bold. How did you miss that. WW has been continually talking about why we are living longer as though that matters to SS. it does not. What matters is that we DO have people living linger. EXACTLY what you have been stating.

But whatever, it was not like you had to take something utterly out of context, removing words even from the sentence itself, to butcher the post and make it say something that it does not. Oh wait, you did...

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