Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Yes, in Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC and its suburbs, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, anywhere in California, or any other blue cities located in red states. You need to pay attention where the stories come from. You won't find any liberals running the schools in Breckinridge or Carroll County, Kentucky which are quite rural. I should know, as I taught there.

Oh, I do pay attention to where those stories are from and you're absolutely correct. Those are the places where these things are going on.
Correct. That's why I said anybody doing their homework realizes how much it costs to raise a kid in this day and age. It sounds pathetic and actually is. But nothing we can do about it either.
Easier said than done.It was actually a thing of pride for
a Catholic to have a Big Family.The Parish Priest was on board
and even the neighbors.Movies like :
- Cheaper by the Dozen - { 1950 } were hits and
well received.
Those days may be long gone.Once a part of Americana
see's it days coming to a close ... the end is near.
That was partially true with smoking.In the 50's and 60's
most adults smoked.It was extremely popular at cocktails
and dinner parties.Even when Kids were taught to
" you better not ".
Same with Tattoos.
The reverse is now taking hold.Kids are Lovin' their
latest Tattoo and newest flavor Vaping.
I watch the news shows every night. They have story after story about what goes on in these schools.
Did you catch the one where the children had to play “White Privilege Bingo”? Or the kindergarteners who, in commemoration of BLM Week (oye), had to come up with ideas as to how to disrupt the nuclear family, which is one of BLM’s goals.

And yet these leftists insist there’s no CRT in schools. It’s infiltrating the entire curriculum!
That number {$2ok}seems above a poverty rate.One considered in Poverty earns or lives on an income of $ 13,590 for
one individual in 2020/2021.
For 2 people it's $18,310
For 3 people it's $ 23,030.
Okay but I didn’t mention poverty. You did.
Easier said than done.It was actually a thing of pride for
a Catholic to have a Big Family.The Preist was on board
and even the neighbors.Movies like :
- Cheaper by the Dozen - { 1950 } were hits and
well received.
Those days may be long gone.Once a part of Americana
see's it days coming to a close ... the end is near.
That was partially true with smoking.In the 50's and 60's
most adults smoked.It was extremely popular at cocktails
and dinner parties.Even when Kids were taught to
" you better not ".
Same with Tattoos.
The reverse is now taking hold.Kids are Lovin' their
latest Tattoo and newest flavor Vaping.
The Cheaper by the Dozen father (Gilbreth or something) was a renowned engineer who SUPPORTED HIS OWN FAMILY.

Nobody is saying people shouldn’t have lots of kids if they want. We are saying they should have lots of kids if they want if they can afford them.
that's just short sighted.

even 50 bucks a month for 40 years at the average lifetime return of the market will be almost a quarter million.

And isn;t that better than zero?
Yes you’re right but your point is meaningless. Most working poor and those in poverty have little knowledge of saving and investing. Why is this? Because we live in a failed state, that refuses to educate millions of poor Americans.
Easier said than done.It was actually a thing of pride for
a Catholic to have a Big Family.The Parish Priest was on board
and even the neighbors.Movies like :
- Cheaper by the Dozen - { 1950 } were hits and
well received.
Those days may be long gone.Once a part of Americana
see's it days coming to a close ... the end is near.
That was partially true with smoking.In the 50's and 60's
most adults smoked.It was extremely popular at cocktails
and dinner parties.Even when Kids were taught to
" you better not ".
Same with Tattoos.
The reverse is now taking hold.Kids are Lovin' their
latest Tattoo and newest flavor Vaping.

Several years ago I heard somebody quote a Joan Collins article.

She said "I remember fondly when the circus came to town. My grandfather would take me by the hand and walk to the festival. I was always fascinated by the freak tent. There you could see the fat man and the tattooed woman. Today they are all around me!"

It's a changing country: some good changes and some bad.
20K a year is just above federal minimum wage. If you are still making that little amount after a few years of working, you're doing something terribly wrong.
Typical dumb con response. You just condemned millions of Americans, dumb ass. Try thinking for once.
Yes you’re right but your point is meaningless. Most working poor and those in poverty have little knowledge of saving and investing. Why is this? Because we live in a failed state, that refuses to educate millions of poor Americans.
Do not thank me. Please.
Did you catch the one where the children had to play “White Privilege Bingo”? Or the kindergarteners who, in commemoration of BLM Week (oye), had to come up with ideas as to how to disrupt the nuclear family, which is one of BLM’s goals.

And yet these leftists insist there’s no CRT in schools. It’s infiltrating the entire curriculum!

I didn't see that one, but I believe on Carlson he had a segment how they were associating pizza toppings with sexual preference in schools. This was being taught to 13 year olds. It was way to weird for me to understand. :badgrin:
Yes, in Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC and its suburbs, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, anywhere in California, or any other blue cities located in red states. You need to pay attention where the stories come from. You won't find any liberals running the schools in Breckinridge or Carroll County, Kentucky which are quite rural. I should know, as I taught there.
Yes,Louisville { Lou-a-vul } Not Louie-ville is now
beyond help.I mean,until the Leftist Governor
Andy Beshear { son of Liberal Father Governor Steve }
loses his next Governorship.
Louisville is now dangerously being hijacked.
It's been Liberalized for some time.Mostly cocky
trendies.But when a Good Conservative Congresswoman
like Anne Northup lost to Smiley Faced Liberal
John Yarmuth it's been all downhill.Like Louisville was
in anticipation of being transformed.Yarmuth is Jewish
but so was Mayor Jerry Abramson who Did Louisville
Yes you’re right but your point is meaningless. Most working poor and those in poverty have little knowledge of saving and investing. Why is this? Because we live in a failed state, that refuses to educate millions of poor Americans.
It’s not just a matter of us failing to educate them. Some of the responsibility lies with THEM. Plenty don’t have the discipline and/or motivation to acquire higher paying job skills and adjust their spending down. It’s a very leftist excuse to say “we didn’t educate them” rather than hold people responsible as well.

I know someone who just got what she called a “tax refund” - a misnomer since she and her six-person family pay no tax - of more than $10,000 a week ago. Since then, she has been buying all sorts of ”treats” - and by summer, they will be broke again. I know because the same thing happened a year ago, with her getting a cash infusion of $12,000, and months later, she asked to borrow $400 from me for groceries. (I lent it to her, before you call me names.)
It’s not just a matter of us failing to educate them. Some of the responsibility lies with THEM. Plenty don’t have the discipline and/or motivation to acquire higher paying job skills and adjust their spending down. It’s a very leftist excuse to say “we didn’t educate them” rather than hold people responsible as well.

I know someone who just got what she called a “tax refund” - a misnomer since she and her six-person family pay no tax - of more than $10,000 a week ago. Since then, she has been buying all sorts of ”treats” - and by summer, they will be broke again. I know because the same thing happened a year ago, with her getting a cash infusion of $12,000, and months later, she asked to borrow $400 from me for groceries. (I lent it to her, before you call me names.)

Actually people have written books on how the lottery destroyed the lives of people. It was the worst thing in the world to happen to them. The spent or gave away money leading them to tax problems with the IRS. In the end they ended up being more broke than before they hit. I know of a woman like that. She worked at a company I often delivered to. Her husband was with a couple of other guys at work and they hit the big one. She left the company dancing about never having to work for the rest of her life. A year later she returned asking for her job back.
So you disagree with my statement? You think if a person is making 20K a year they are doing things the right way?
This exposes the dumb ass thinking of a dumb ass con.

Are you aware that people make mistakes in life? Are you aware that many can’t succeed in our society, due to a myriad of reasons.

In your deluded world, you’d have these people living in squalor and you’d want society to do nothing to help them. Damn!
It’s not just a matter of us failing to educate them. Some of the responsibility lies with THEM. Plenty don’t have the discipline and/or motivation to acquire higher paying job skills and adjust their spending down. It’s a very leftist excuse to say “we didn’t educate them” rather than hold people responsible as well.

I know someone who just got what she called a “tax refund” - a misnomer since she and her six-person family pay no tax - of more than $10,000 a week ago. Since then, she has been buying all sorts of ”treats” - and by summer, they will be broke again. I know because the same thing happened a year ago, with her getting a cash infusion of $12,000, and months later, she asked to borrow $400 from me for groceries. (I lent it to her, before you call me names.)
That’s fine. They are responsible in part however would you demand they live in poverty and suffer all it’s many dysfunctions, because of dumb mistakes?
It's not required in college but certainly an option to learn about finances. The problem is kids need to learn about investments and financial matters before college because there are a percentage of those kids who will never make it there. You see people here all the time making claims if you weren't born in a wealthy family, you will never have any chance at wealth.
In my case, I had a great example of what not to do with finances. My parents were awful money managers. My wife's parents struggled with 9 kids but were very frugal and eventually achieved financial security after the kids grew up. I agree that teaching kids however they get the information is key. It's possible to learn better financial habits as an adult, but that isn't usually the case.

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