Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

I disagree.There are far more urgent and important areas
of Living in the U.S. than understanding Finance.
Most of the Grandparents { particularly } Grandma's
knew little to nothing about Finance.All they knew or
cared to knew { Know } was how much it cost for Ground
beef and how much money was in a Savings account.
Or some Cookie jar.
The breadwiner in the family was charged with
Finance.Whether negotiating a home purchase
or buying a vehicle.Plus with buying a home it may reguire
having an Attorney present to legalize things like
Clear title { Title search } and the documents that
go with a closing that need signatures.
So you want people who aren't bread winners to be completely ignorant about money.

That's is the reason Americans don;t save any money now
Kids should be required to take Home Economics

Not Cooking and Sewing but how to handle personal finance

How to budget your income
How to plan for retirement
How health insurance works
Rental contracts and Mortgages
Your Credit Rating
My Mom taught Home economics.It had almost nothing to
do with economics except how to budget one's weekly
allowance for groceries.
Home economics is basically what Martha Stewart
was practicing.
They also get no benefits increase above $110,000. Take off the cap and you will be payig out more for their SS.

Oh no, they want to remove the cap while not increasing the benefit. In other words, a 6.2% tax hike on money above 128k. And this rate would not be progressive. It would be 6.2% of all money above 128k.

These are crazy, left-wing, less successful people wanting, as always, other people to pay more.
So you want people who aren't bread winners to be completely ignorant about money.

That's is the reason Americans don;t save any money now
I never used the word money.The discussion was
Finance.Those two words can be worlds apart.
I took a course - Real Estate Finance - that had little
to do with Real Estate.Just like Fannie Mae had little to do
with Real Estate and all to do about Mortgages.
Developers need more knowledge about aspects of
Real Estate like Eminent Domain than actual Mortgages.
I couldn't agree more. But most public schools are liberal minded. They are not about to make little capitalists out of these children. They spend their time teaching kids how to feel guilty of their white skin and how to put a rubber on a banana the right way instead.
Ray, why do you think these problems are widely spread throughout the US? Put away you broad brush and move to the real portion of the US that is pretty large and has room for you!
You make that sound like it's easy to do.

It's not.

For a's impossible

What if the 6.2% of the money they contributed to SS went to a savings fund in their name invested earning a modest 5% instead of allowing the government to take it and spend it and distribute it as they please?
I never used the word money.The discussion was
Finance.Those two words can be worlds apart.
I took a course - Real Estate Finance - that had little
to do with Real Estate.Just like Fannie Mae had little to do
with Real Estate and all to do about Mortgages.
Developers need more knowledge about aspects of
Real Estate like Eminent Domain than actual Mortgages.
you are wishing to live in the past

The fact is people are waiting longer to get married, are having fewer kids etc.

there are very few single income households and that trend is not going to reverse any time soon.

Every single adult needs to understand how money works at a level far beyond basic budgeting
you are wishing to live in the past

The fact is people are waiting longer to get married, are having fewer kids etc.

there are very few single income households and that trend is not going to reverse any time soon.

Every single adult needs to understand how money works at a level far beyond basic budgeting

They are hot having kids because of college. By the time they graduate, pay off all their college loans, they find themselves at a younger middle-age where having kids is not the best idea.

According to the CDC, to raise a kid from birth to 18 years of age, the cost is $244,000 per middle-class kid. So if you plan on a family of four, you better have a half-mil in the next 20 years or so if you want those kids.
They are hot having kids because of college. By the time they graduate, pay off all their college loans, they find themselves at a younger middle-age where having kids is not the best idea.

According to the CDC, to raise a kid from birth to 18 years of age, the cost is $244,000 per middle-class kid. So if you plan on a family of four, you better have a half-mil in the next 20 years or so if you want those kids.
I think it's more complicated than that

20 year old women today don't want to pump out 4 kids by the time they're 30 for lots of reason other than college loans
Oh no, they want to remove the cap while not increasing the benefit. In other words, a 6.2% tax hike on money above 128k. And this rate would not be progressive. It would be 6.2% of all money above 128k.

These are crazy, left-wing, less successful people wanting, as always, other people to pay more.
They would have to increase the benefits. They have no choice. Any such change would result in an overnight court case decided for those paying the extra tax with no benefits.
I think it's more complicated than that

20 year old women today don't want to pump out 4 kids by the time they're 30 for lots of reason other than college loans

Correct. That's why I said anybody doing their homework realizes how much it costs to raise a kid in this day and age. It sounds pathetic and actually is. But nothing we can do about it either.
you are wishing to live in the past

The fact is people are waiting longer to get married, are having fewer kids etc.

there are very few single income households and that trend is not going to reverse any time soon.

Every single adult needs to understand how money works at a level far beyond basic budgeting
More and more Americans are now wishing the good
days of the 50's were back.The Disney 50's and 60's.
Where Men were men and Women were dignified
and near workaholics.Today Women are foul-mouthed
with purple or pinkish hair.Tattoos everywhere.
Don't work.Have no interest in secretarial skills.
And Men are having thoughts over how to maybe try
out being like Caitlyn Jenner.
Todays kids don't wanna get dirty but sure like the
ideas of Talking and thinking dirty.
Kids who aren't allowed to go out and get dirty playing
like in the 50's develop sickness easily from not
developing natural immunity from germs.
That is why Farmers { who tend cattle and have gardens }
can withstand most winter colds.
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More and more Americans are now wishing the good
days of the 50's were back.The Disney 50's and 60's.
Where Men were men and Women were dignified
and near workaholics.Today Women are foul-mouthed
with purple or pinkish hair.Tattoos everywhere.
Don't work.Have no interest in secretarial skills.
And Men are having thoughts over how to maybe try
out being like Caityln Jenner.
Todays kids don't wanna get dirty but sure like the
ideas of Talking and thinking dirty.
Kids who aren't allowed to go out and get dirty playing
like in the 50's develop sickness easily from not
developing natural immunity from germs.
That is why Farmers { who tend cattle and have gardens }
can withstand most winter colds.
More men maybe.
Correct. That's why I said anybody doing their homework realizes how much it costs to raise a kid in this day and age. It sounds pathetic and actually is. But nothing we can do about it either.
I don;t really buy that number.

I know people who had kids and they didn't need to increase their income by 13500 per kid a year to afford it.
I watch the news shows every night. They have story after story about what goes on in these schools.
Yes, in Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC and its suburbs, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, anywhere in California, or any other blue cities located in red states. You need to pay attention where the stories come from. You won't find any liberals running the schools in Breckinridge or Carroll County, Kentucky which are quite rural. I should know, as I taught there.
I don;t really buy that number.

I know people who had kids and they didn't need to increase their income by 13500 per kid a year to afford it.

I'm just forwarding what the CDC estimates are. It also matters where you live and they didn't state where they got those numbers from.

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