Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

You still have to have some sort of forced savings for retirement. You know how people are. Most spend every cent they earn, and then some. We’d end up with tens of millions of old people without any money, and no SS payment either.

Which is why payroll deductions shouldn't change. It gets taken out before you get your net pay, and government sends the money to your investment company of choice along with your employers money.
You still have to have some sort of forced savings for retirement. You know how people are. Most spend every cent they earn, and then some. We’d end up with tens of millions of old people without any money, and no SS payment either.

This can easily be done via payroll deductions like we do for 401Ks. I would make these tax exempt and not subject to tax when withdrawn for retirement and healthcare. Government sponsored inflation erodes the value of money, so enabling people to build up enough savings to be self-sufficient is in the public interest.
Which is why payroll deductions shouldn't change. It gets taken out before you get your net pay, and government sends the money to your investment company of choice along with your employers money.
Boy are those investment companies gonna love that...and the fees they're gonna charge
i don't think it would be a government program, but government regulated. We can't have amateurs making investment decisions if their entire retirement hinged on those investments. Perhaps a mandate on who you can invest with; very successful reputable companies that don't take big risks for their clients.
So you want the government to pick the winners and losers in the stock market? That's crazy!
So, you are allowing some faithless and faceless entity to pick the winners and losers in the stock market. Sorry, that's not how it should work.

How's it working now? Apparently not very well. I would rather a professional pick my investments than government taking my money throughout my life and give me a pittance of what I contributed. I've done very well with my IRA by not investing myself and allowing the pros to invest my money for me. When I die my family won't see one penny of all the SS money I contributed, but they will see nearly every dime I invested in my own retirement account.

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