Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

And it's not only enormously popular but Republicans tried to kill IT with no replacement

And if they did kill it they would have had to replace it. Trump's promise was repeal and replace, not create a plan to replace something they couldn't repeal in the first place. Don't put step 2 before step 1.
And if they did kill it they would have had to replace it. Trump's promise was repeal and replace, not create a plan to replace something they couldn't repeal in the first place. Don't put step 2 before step 1.
An had ZERO plan to do that
How's it working now? Apparently not very well. I would rather a professional pick my investments than government taking my money throughout my life and give me a pittance of what I contributed. I've done very well with my IRA by not investing myself and allowing the pros to invest my money for me. When I die my family won't see one penny of all the SS money I contributed, but they will see nearly every dime I invested in my own retirement account.
Come on Ray! That's bullshit and you know it. You want the government to pick those professionals that handle your investments instead of you?
Come on Ray! That's bullshit and you know it. You want the government to pick those professionals that handle your investments instead of you?

No, I want them to research investment companies giving me a host of them and allow me to pick which one I choose. Amateurs are no better at picking investment companies than they are at picking stock. Without proper research, you may be handing your money to somebody like Bernie Madoff so it would be up to government to make sure that didn't happen.
Any change must be phased in - increasing the age would require it as well. That is just a given, it is hard to change programs like this until the fall under their own weight as SS itself proves quite clearly.
No age increases are necessary, because to save SS all the government needs to do is "DEFUND" unnecessary and out of control spending in other areas, and the problem is solved in the short term, then it should work towards fixing the thing like Ray is talking about. Can you believe the failed strategy of "DEFUND THE POLICE", and what that has caused, but when it comes to calling on the Fed's to stop their stupid bull crap of spending or buying votes "CRICKETS".

The working American's who had since turned senior, have been some of the most screwed over people in the world after serving their country for 40 + or minus a few year's in the workforce. If it weren't for them there would be no country for their spoiled rotten kids or anyone to inherit.

So here the country is still "playing games".
No, just give us a choice of what companies are considered reliable enough trust with our retirement money. I'm sure there are dozens of them.
They'll never do that Ray, because they don't want the fall out or back lash that would come if a taxpayer makes a claim that he or she was duped by the government who suggested anything.
Worked great in Chile huh?

No. It didn't
Chile is a corrupt third world country whose politicians are even more reprehensible than pour own, their oversight agencies are sub par

your example isn't even close to being a good one
This thread has made it abundantly clear that Republicans want to KILL Social Security.

And not only do these tards repeat what they're told by pundits and right wing think tanks...GOP politicians listen to creeps like thee AND those pundits and think tanks.

This IS the GOP
Just becuase you're too stupid to handle your own money doesn't mean the rest of us are
I think the only problem (as always) would be the Democrats. They don't want people being independent of government, they want people dependent on government. Just like they did when GW suggested the possibility of people being able to invest 2% of their contributions to their IRA, the Democrats lied about it and fought it tooth and nail.
Social security is designed to keep people dependent on the government

Example here have shown that even using returns below the 50 year averages of the stock market that even a person with a modest income , if he had control of his own and his employers SS contributions could retire wealthy and actually be able to leave a significant inheritance to his familt
Boy are those investment companies gonna love that...and the fees they're gonna charge
You don;t need to use investment companies.

DId you know you can go online and look at Warren Buffets portfolios?

and that you can use that as an example?

Of course you didn't
You know there is no SS Trust Fund do you?

It is mostly IOUs..................Really!!
Social Security's tax revenue is, by law, invested in special U.S. Treasury securities. As with all Treasury bonds, the federal government can spend the proceeds on a variety of programs. But as with all bondholders, Treasury has to pay the money back, with interest. Social Security redeems the securities to pay benefits.
The notion is that the government is raiding or even stealing from Social Security and leaving it with nothing but IOUs. But the government has always made full repayment, and the interest increases Social Security's assets, to the tune of $76.1 billion in 2020.
Social security is designed to keep people dependent on the government

Example here have shown that even using returns below the 50 year averages of the stock market that even a person with a modest income , if he had control of his own and his employers SS contributions could retire wealthy and actually be able to leave a significant inheritance to his familt

Of course. It's just like that friend of mine that hit the lottery. He invested a million dollars of that into a growth fund. He's living the rest of his life just off the interest of that money. When he dies, he will be able to will that capital out to his family after living a lifetime on it. And if we'd change the regulations as to how much a person can put into their retirement account, a lot of people would be able to retire at an age long before 67 and we wouldn't have this problem of how to fund SS. Currently you have a limit on how much you can invest until the age of 59 l/2. After that age, you can invest or withdraw as much from your IRA as you want.
They'll never do that Ray, because they don't want the fall out or back lash that would come if a taxpayer makes a claim that he or she was duped by the government who suggested anything.

All accounts should be backed up by the federal government. It likely won't happen. You may be retiring when the market is doing bad, but you can continue working until it goes back up which it always does.

At one time it was more risky because only the well to do invested in the market. Today, tens of millions of Americans are invested one way or another in the market. When people see the market slump, that's when they put money in. Buy low and sell high, so it doesn't stay down for very long.

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