Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

No, good idea. That's where my (and others) IRA is invested and we're doing great unless you decided to handle your own money. I did even better during the DumBama years. Like I said earlier in the conversation, SS sends out pamphlets now and then describing your (and your employers) contributions to your account. Next time they do that, take that pamphlet to a reputable investment company and ask them what you would be worth today had that money been deposited to your private account all these years. Then compare it to the SS estimated payout if you retired today.

You and I both save the same amount of money every month. You put your money in a standard savings account with your bank and I put mine in a conservative growth fund. Which one of us will have more money at the age of 60 do you suppose? That's what we're really talking about here, and that's why SS is going broke. No institution can stay open paying out more than they take in.
It’s good idea to put IRA or401 funds away in addition to social security.

No argument there, but relying solely on the stock market is a recipe for disaster
It’s good idea to put IRA or401 funds away in addition to social security.

No argument there, but relying solely on the stock market is a recipe for disaster

I don't know how when the market always comes back. That's even more true today since there are millions more investing in stocks compared to years ago. When the market goes down, savvy investors put their money in. Plus stocks have inherent risk factor levels. A conservative growth account seldom if ever has a problem.

The people who lost money during the DumBama years got frightened and pulled their money out too quick. If they had secure stocks, they should have just left it in there.
I don't know how when the market always comes back. That's even more true today since there are millions more investing in stocks compared to years ago. When the market goes down, savvy investors put their money in. Plus stocks have inherent risk factor levels. A conservative growth account seldom if ever has a problem.

The people who lost money during the DumBama years got frightened and pulled their money out too quick. If they had secure stocks, they should have just left it in there.
That’s simplistic at best.

That’s what people do. We are NOT wired to gamble in the stock market. I can’t tell you the number of “smart” people who buy high and sell low.

And that doesn’t even address the people who retire right before a crash or can’t retire because of one
Yea great. Put it in your mattress! Moron
Put it wherever you want. That's the point.

This is the standard liberal POV. There's only one right way and it's up to government to force it on everyone.

No thanks.
Put it wherever you want. That's the point.

This is the standard liberal POV. There's only one right way and it's up to government to force it on everyone.

No thanks.
So where are you going to put it genius? What makes sense to you

Be specific
So where are you going to put it genius? What makes sense to you

Be specific
The "specific" answer you're looking for is: wherever you want. Why is that so hard for you to accept? Why do you insist on controlling other people?
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
In 2020 over half of adults believed government should be responsible for seeing that all Americans have access to quality healthcare at low or no cost. In large part this is do to the fact that life expectancy has increased from 60 to 77 since the 1930s and Americans dependence on the healthcare system has increased by a factor 4.

Getting back to your question, the age for Medicare needs to go down not up in incremental steps over a period of years until it covers everyone over the age of 50. This would dramatically reduce the cost of private insurance as well as providing good coverage for older Americans still working.
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The "specific" answer you're looking for is: wherever you want. Why is that so hard for you to accept? Why do you insist on controlling other people?
In your mattress?

Besides the stock market where would you "invest" the money that once was a payroll deduction providing a social security benefit that lasts until you die?
That’s simplistic at best.

That’s what people do. We are NOT wired to gamble in the stock market. I can’t tell you the number of “smart” people who buy high and sell low.

And that doesn’t even address the people who retire right before a crash or can’t retire because of one

And for how long, a year or two?

So what's better, planning your retirement with your invested funds at 55 or 60 and chance having to wait another year or two before you can withdraw, or work until 67 with a guaranteed low payout that you're stuck with the rest of your life with the exception of cost of living increases?
Only if you chose to put your money in the stock market. If you keep it, you decide.

You really don't get that?

It would have to have a lot of government oversight what you do with the money. Otherwise amateurs would be investing in penny stocks and get rich quick schemes and lose their asses. The reason we need government to handle it now is because of too many stupid people that don't have logic and responsibility to save for themselves.
In 2020 over half of adults believed government should be responsible for seeing that all Americans have access to quality healthcare at low or no cost. In large part this is do to the fact that life expectancy has increased from 60 to 77 since the 1930s and Americans dependence on the healthcare system has increased by a factor 4.

Getting back to your question, the age for Medicare needs to go down not up in incremental steps over a period of years until it covers everyone over the age of 50. This would dramatically reduce the cost of private insurance as well as providing good coverage for older Americans still working.
IMHO, Medicare is better than most all insurance plans, especially when combined with a supplement and drug coverage if you need it.
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I dont live in The Corporation
My guy makes a grand for ex., he gives a $90 cut to the govt (pension-burial). I pay a $230 fee to them.
That covers future disability,full health (with scrips) and sick days

Do you understand what Treasury Bills ARE?

All Treasury Bills are paid out of the General Fund and they are all promissory notes.

Do you not understand that? Do you think the T Bills that millions hold are "fake"?

United States Treasury securities are government debt instruments issued by the United States Department of the Treasury to finance government spending as an alternative to taxation. Treasury securities are often referred to simply as Treasurys.[1] Since 2012, U.S. government debt has been managed by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, succeeding the Bureau of the Public Debt.

There are four types of marketable treasury securities: Treasury bills, Treasury notes, Treasury bonds, and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS). The government sells these securities in auctions conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, after which they can be traded in secondary markets. Non-marketable securities include savings bonds, issued to the public and transferable only as gifts; the State and Local Government Series (SLGS), purchaseable only with the proceeds of state and municipal bond sales; and the Government Account Series, purchased by units of the federal government.

Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, meaning that the government promises to raise money by any legally available means to repay them.
Do you understand that the Bills bought to cover the looting of the SS "trust fund" aren't T bills that you can buy?

It's a fictitious class of bill invented by the government that only the government can buy from itself.

It's a fucking scam.

If you invented your own bond that only you could buy from yourself and filled a pension fund with them you'd be thrown in jail.
Do you understand that the Bills bought to cover the looting of the SS "trust fund" aren't T bills that you can buy?

It's a fictitious class of bill invented by the government that only the government can buy from itself.

It's a fucking scam.

If you invented your own bond that only you could buy from yourself and filled a pension fund with them you'd be thrown in jail.
Treasury bills are usually sold in denominations of $1,000 while some can reach a maximum denomination of $5 million. I have owned $10,000 bills.
It would put our retirement in the hands of the stock market entirely

Bad idea
No it wouldn't

You would still be able to buy Treasury Bills if you wanted to.

You'd be able to keep in in CDs if you wanted to.

That's the whole point of having CHOICE.
Treasury bills are usually sold in denominations of $1,000 while some can reach a maximum denomination of $5 million. I have owned $10,000 bills.
You cannot buy the same treasury bills that the government buys to cover the looting of Social Security

It is a separate class of bond that only the government can buy from itself

That alone should sound fishy to everyone.

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