Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

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  • No

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If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

But the poor donate their offspring as cannon fodder in America's wars for profit while the bushes and trumps get to goof off and play golf, etc.
Hypothetical: A billionaire pays 99% of his billion to uncle sam. A trucker pays 20% of his 60k to uncle. Who's better off afterward? Why do so many of the working class spend so much of their valuable time defending the very wealthy who wouldn't be so wealthy if they weren't able to legally bribe congress critters to pass tax legislation in their favor?
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

But the poor donate their offspring as cannon fodder in America's wars for profit while the bushes and trumps get to goof off and play golf, etc.

although I agree, whats that got to do with the subject???,,,

I didnt vote for either,,,and besides its democrats that start more wars than anyone,,,and I dont vote for them either
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

But the poor donate their offspring as cannon fodder in America's wars for profit while the bushes and trumps get to goof off and play golf, etc.

The filthy ass Democrats have sent plenty of Americans off to be cannon fodder. For instance, that Obama asshole sent my son to be cannon fodder in Iraq and while my son was over there Obama was out playing golf with that other asshole Slick Willy, who also sent Americans to be cannon fodder.


We should raise tax revenue by raising the minimum wage.

I shouldn't be surprised that you continue, even though you know better, to push for failed policy changes.

DEFINITION of Bracket Creep
A bracket creep is a situation wherein inflation pushes income into higher tax brackets. The result is an increase in income taxes but no increase in real purchasing power.
a cost of living adjustment is what we are discussing.

Which is bracket creep, right?

So the person earning $7.50 an hour, and could buy one widget for $7.50 will now be paid $15,00 per hour and they will pay $15.00 for one widget. They will still be the lowest paid worker which will afford them the bottom of the pay scale...still.

You're boring with your childish trolling. Bye!
We should raise tax revenue by raising the minimum wage.

I shouldn't be surprised that you continue, even though you know better, to push for failed policy changes.

DEFINITION of Bracket Creep
A bracket creep is a situation wherein inflation pushes income into higher tax brackets. The result is an increase in income taxes but no increase in real purchasing power.
a cost of living adjustment is what we are discussing.

Which is bracket creep, right?

So the person earning $7.50 an hour, and could buy one widget for $7.50 will now be paid $15,00 per hour and they will pay $15.00 for one widget. They will still be the lowest paid worker which will afford them the bottom of the pay scale...still.

You're boring with your childish trolling. Bye!
it isn't bracket creep if they are making more. it is simply paying more in taxes.
Hypothetical: A billionaire pays 99% of his billion to uncle sam. A trucker pays 20% of his 60k to uncle. Who's better off afterward? Why do so many of the working class spend so much of their valuable time defending the very wealthy who wouldn't be so wealthy if they weren't able to legally bribe congress critters to pass tax legislation in their favor?

So instead, they give their money to government. Who does that help?

It's just the entire concept of taking from people in a punitive way. The rich know it. Tobacco users know it. People without health insurance know it. As a landlord, I know it.

I don't think the founders wanted government taxing people into submission because those targeted happen to be mortal enemies of politicians or parties.
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

If you don't bother to read the link don't waste everyone's time by responding.
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates

Wow, is that really out there. Losing government benefits is paying tax??? I have no idea how they came up with that one. The only honest point about the article is that our government discourages people from bettering themselves. Penalizing success and rewarding failure.
what that is , is college thinking,,,

they got to the point in the article/issue that made them feel warm and fuzzy and then quit thinking,, they are taught what to think and not how to think

I guess they don't understand that paying taxes is when you earn money, and give government a portion of what you made. What this article is saying is that when government gives you less or cuts you off totally, that's being taxed. How can you be taxed on something that wasn't yours in the first place; something you never earned?

The point is pretty clear, it is about keeping the dollars you earn. If someone getting the EITC at the lower income levels works additional hours they lose some of the EITC. If they are getting SNAP benefits they lose some of those benefits. If they are Medicaid beneficiaries they could lose that benefit. And yes, they do pay Social Security taxes on any additional income. So when everything is settled they get to KEEP only thirty cents out of every additional dollar earned. If you admonish them for not working for that thirty cents on the dollar you sure as hell can't complain if we tax the wealthy to the extent that they only get thirty cents on the dollar.
Absolutely delusional. Upward mobility in the United States has become little more than a fantasy. It is more frequent in almost every other economically developed country in the world. The United States is a terrible place to be born poor and the absolute best place in the world to be born rich. Numerous studies bear that out. Time you woke up with the rest of us in the 21st century and quit living in some fantasy land of the past.

Bottom line, of the 41 pages, what is your point?


That the majority of the wealthy were born on third base and think they hit a triple.
Hypothetical: A billionaire pays 99% of his billion to uncle sam. A trucker pays 20% of his 60k to uncle. Who's better off afterward? Why do so many of the working class spend so much of their valuable time defending the very wealthy who wouldn't be so wealthy if they weren't able to legally bribe congress critters to pass tax legislation in their favor?

So instead, they give their money to government. Who does that help?

It's just the entire concept of taking from people in a punitive way. The rich know it. Tobacco users know it. People without health insurance know it. As a landlord, I know it.

I don't think the founders wanted government taxing people into submission because those targeted happen to be mortal enemies of politicians or parties.

The government spends all the money it takes in. The wealthy do not. That whole Paradox of Thrift thing, fundamental economics, that you can't seem to comprehend.
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

If you don't bother to read the link don't waste everyone's time by responding.
I read enough of it to know it was click bait at best, and its premise was clearly biased bordering on an outright lie

like i said,,,the poor dont pay income tax
Hypothetical: A billionaire pays 99% of his billion to uncle sam. A trucker pays 20% of his 60k to uncle. Who's better off afterward? Why do so many of the working class spend so much of their valuable time defending the very wealthy who wouldn't be so wealthy if they weren't able to legally bribe congress critters to pass tax legislation in their favor?

So instead, they give their money to government. Who does that help?

It's just the entire concept of taking from people in a punitive way. The rich know it. Tobacco users know it. People without health insurance know it. As a landlord, I know it.

I don't think the founders wanted government taxing people into submission because those targeted happen to be mortal enemies of politicians or parties.

The government spends all the money it takes in. The wealthy do not. That whole Paradox of Thrift thing, fundamental economics, that you can't seem to comprehend.

I see, so you want to see a country where nobody has anything saved. Isn't that a problem in our country already?

Yeah, government spends everything they get and more. Funding Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, studies on why some turtles are gay. All that foreign aid sure helps our economy, doesn't it?

Who do you think supports our charities in this country, the homeless? Who builds all those tall buildings downtown, donates to colleges and hospitals? Who provides us with jobs, the government?
Absolutely delusional. Upward mobility in the United States has become little more than a fantasy. It is more frequent in almost every other economically developed country in the world. The United States is a terrible place to be born poor and the absolute best place in the world to be born rich. Numerous studies bear that out. Time you woke up with the rest of us in the 21st century and quit living in some fantasy land of the past.

Bottom line, of the 41 pages, what is your point?


That the majority of the wealthy were born on third base and think they hit a triple.

The Decline of Inherited Money
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates

Wow, is that really out there. Losing government benefits is paying tax??? I have no idea how they came up with that one. The only honest point about the article is that our government discourages people from bettering themselves. Penalizing success and rewarding failure.
what that is , is college thinking,,,

they got to the point in the article/issue that made them feel warm and fuzzy and then quit thinking,, they are taught what to think and not how to think

I guess they don't understand that paying taxes is when you earn money, and give government a portion of what you made. What this article is saying is that when government gives you less or cuts you off totally, that's being taxed. How can you be taxed on something that wasn't yours in the first place; something you never earned?

The point is pretty clear, it is about keeping the dollars you earn. If someone getting the EITC at the lower income levels works additional hours they lose some of the EITC. If they are getting SNAP benefits they lose some of those benefits. If they are Medicaid beneficiaries they could lose that benefit. And yes, they do pay Social Security taxes on any additional income. So when everything is settled they get to KEEP only thirty cents out of every additional dollar earned. If you admonish them for not working for that thirty cents on the dollar you sure as hell can't complain if we tax the wealthy to the extent that they only get thirty cents on the dollar.

That article is comparing apples to oranges. You are not being taxed by losing benefits. When the government gives you benefits, it was never yours in the first place. Looking at it your way, all of us working people are getting taxed at 80% because we don't receive anything from the government. It's a perverse way to try and measure things.
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

If you don't bother to read the link don't waste everyone's time by responding.
I read enough of it to know it was click bait at best, and its premise was clearly biased bordering on an outright lie

like i said,,,the poor dont pay income tax

What part of the poor only keeping thirty cents out of every additional dollar they make at the lowest income levels do you not understand? And just how is that different than a rich person only getting to keep thirty cents out of every additional dollar. And finally, who the hell said the marginal tax rate only uses the income tax in it's calculation. I mean there is a difference in stupid and ignorant. Welcome to stupid.
Hypothetical: A billionaire pays 99% of his billion to uncle sam. A trucker pays 20% of his 60k to uncle. Who's better off afterward? Why do so many of the working class spend so much of their valuable time defending the very wealthy who wouldn't be so wealthy if they weren't able to legally bribe congress critters to pass tax legislation in their favor?

So instead, they give their money to government. Who does that help?

It's just the entire concept of taking from people in a punitive way. The rich know it. Tobacco users know it. People without health insurance know it. As a landlord, I know it.

I don't think the founders wanted government taxing people into submission because those targeted happen to be mortal enemies of politicians or parties.

The government spends all the money it takes in. The wealthy do not. That whole Paradox of Thrift thing, fundamental economics, that you can't seem to comprehend.

I see, so you want to see a country where nobody has anything saved. Isn't that a problem in our country already?

Yeah, government spends everything they get and more. Funding Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, studies on why some turtles are gay. All that foreign aid sure helps our economy, doesn't it?

Who do you think supports our charities in this country, the homeless? Who builds all those tall buildings downtown, donates to colleges and hospitals? Who provides us with jobs, the government?

No, saving as a whole is not a problem. Come on, have you checked interest rates lately. Money is cheap. Too cheap. That means there is too much supply. And all that support of charities, colleges, and hospitals. Those jobs--that is not savings now is it. Those things are supported, those jobs are created, when money is SPENT. Du Huh.
Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates

Wow, is that really out there. Losing government benefits is paying tax??? I have no idea how they came up with that one. The only honest point about the article is that our government discourages people from bettering themselves. Penalizing success and rewarding failure.
what that is , is college thinking,,,

they got to the point in the article/issue that made them feel warm and fuzzy and then quit thinking,, they are taught what to think and not how to think

I guess they don't understand that paying taxes is when you earn money, and give government a portion of what you made. What this article is saying is that when government gives you less or cuts you off totally, that's being taxed. How can you be taxed on something that wasn't yours in the first place; something you never earned?

The point is pretty clear, it is about keeping the dollars you earn. If someone getting the EITC at the lower income levels works additional hours they lose some of the EITC. If they are getting SNAP benefits they lose some of those benefits. If they are Medicaid beneficiaries they could lose that benefit. And yes, they do pay Social Security taxes on any additional income. So when everything is settled they get to KEEP only thirty cents out of every additional dollar earned. If you admonish them for not working for that thirty cents on the dollar you sure as hell can't complain if we tax the wealthy to the extent that they only get thirty cents on the dollar.

That article is comparing apples to oranges. You are not being taxed by losing benefits. When the government gives you benefits, it was never yours in the first place. Looking at it your way, all of us working people are getting taxed at 80% because we don't receive anything from the government. It's a perverse way to try and measure things.

You are dodging the real question. What part of the poor only getting to keep thirty cents of each additional dollar in income do you not understand and how is that different than a rich person who only gets to keep thirty cents of each additional dollar of income?
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

If you don't bother to read the link don't waste everyone's time by responding.
If any of you stupid confused greedy Moon Bat think that it is moral for the filthy government to take 70%of somebody's income then when you figure out your taxes this year then send the government 70% of yours. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

Funny, the very people that scream 70% on the wealthy is too high are usually the ones screaming the poor need to get off their ass and work harder to make more money. Yet some of them face a marginal tax rate of 80%.

Welfare Reform: Some Poor Face 80% Marginal Tax Rates
I call bullshit,,,the poor dont pay income taxs

Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

If you don't bother to read the link don't waste everyone's time by responding.
I read enough of it to know it was click bait at best, and its premise was clearly biased bordering on an outright lie

like i said,,,the poor dont pay income tax

What part of the poor only keeping thirty cents out of every additional dollar they make at the lowest income levels do you not understand? And just how is that different than a rich person only getting to keep thirty cents out of every additional dollar. And finally, who the hell said the marginal tax rate only uses the income tax in it's calculation. I mean there is a difference in stupid and ignorant. Welcome to stupid.

the part we dont understand is you keep pushing it after we proved its BULLSHIT

the poor dont pay income taxs

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