Should the US President be a Role Model?

... this is a question that came up in my family during the Clinton scandal.
The argument is that he should have kept his pecker in his pants for 8 years because he wound up being a bad role model due to his indiscretion.

Is it a responsibility for the US President to be a good "role model"?

If so, what are the "requirements" for being a good "role model"?

The definition of role model is not limited to mere behavior.

It is also refers to success and yes, Bill Clinton was a good role model of someone who had been successful in his chosen career and risen to the very top. Certainly he was a far better role model in that regard than his feckless successor. So it was Bush jr who is the bad role model in that respect and Clinton who is the good role model.

Same applies to sports stars and rock stars. They excel at what they do and are role models for those who want to follow in their footsteps but their private lives are far from stellar.

So if you want a good morality role model then look at Pope Francis instead.

So would you say that it would be ok for a President to be an adulterer etc. as long as he did a good job running the country?
Do you think parents are the only role models kids should have to look to for behavioral cues?
Is anyone responsible to be a good role model for behavior?

How many parents are adulterers, etc? Does that make them bad parents?

How about their teachers? How many of them screw around? Does that make them bad teachers?

Setting unrealistic expectations means setting yourself up for failure.

No, I don't believe in "role models" because people are people and they will have flaws and failings.

Stick to reality and honesty and ignore the "role model" hogwash.

are you saying most people cheat on their spouses?
Do you? Do you think it's OK to?
About 50% do .
What you or I feel about it is irrelevant.

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