should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I think the full age of full ADULT rights should be raised to 25 because the human brain doesn't reach full maturity until age 25. We see examples of this every day
Israel limits gun ownership to one gun and 50 bullets.
Should we prevent women under 21 from killing their child for the purpose of birth control?
As long as Americans are allowed to vote and pay taxes at 18, I can't see why they should be prohibited to do this.

Now , if the libs were serious, and prohibited young people from voting in election- where so many don't have a clue- and eliminated taxes for them, they might have a point.
one thing most of these school shooters have in common [besides being crazy] is the vast majority have been under the age of 21 ... so the question is should the US ban large capacity firearms for people under the age of 21 ? would Americans that support the 2nd amendment agree to such a ban ? lets face the facts [and no i am not anti 2nd amend] there is a reason people under the age of 21 are not allowed to buy alcohol ... and that reason is when people that young imbibe they are statistically more likely to hurt themselves or others ... now i know that many of our military are under the age of 21 and handle automatic weapons but they are also under supervision from the chain of command and they were prepared through rigorous training ie..basic training ect .... the military does not hand a young man or woman an firearm the minute they are sworn into the armed forces ... they are trained first ... so should we ban large capacity firearms from non service members under the age of 21 ?
You hit the nail on the head without probably realizing it. We have a huge problem with allowing crazy dangerous people to run around loose, many of whom have already proven they should be locked up. My biggest gripe with the left is that we constantly let dangerous people run around loose and then try to keep guns out of their hands when the solution to the problem is not letting these people run around loose in the first place. Many criminals get their guns by theft so gun control laws are useless when these people can just steal the guns they want. Same goes true with assault weapons. Somehow we stupidly believe that if this kid did not have an assault weapon, then this latest incident would not have happened. It probably still would have, using non assault weapons or something else. The key here is that we need to do better and identifying dangerous people and helping them or locking them up before they do these things. Many incidents happen from people who have been arrested 10-30 times. Why in the hell should anyone be running around loose who has been arrested more than 10 times? It's just plain stupid.
Only long as prosecutors don't start letting them off for crimes until age 21 like the teens that steal cars & everything else only to be sent home to momma & do it again the next day.

There are good teens like Kyle Rittenhouse. However this Texas shooters parents couldn't control him & were trying to evict him because they knew he was bad news. When your own parents say your bad, your gun rights should be gone.

The 2nd Amendment's first words state "Well Regulated" meaning a good person, not an out of control teen.

I'm for banning all quick change magazines and weapons that hold over 10 rounds. Because a good teen like Kyle Rittenhouse only needed 6 rounds to escape a massive mob that was after him. Vegas Shooter was old, killed 60, wounded 515, injured 867 people trying to escape and did emotional damage to who knows how many.

I don't want that happening any more, so no more high capacity, fast reloading WMD weapons. I'm okay with full auto causing them to miss more people & waste ammo. But if you feel the need to shoot more than 10, then you are the problem. If adults have them the teen will take them or shoot you & steal them like Newtown & this Texas Nut that killed their parents first.
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The perfect magazine size is the one that feeds reliably, holds the max number of rounds possible, and still fits in a pocket made to hold magazines.
Because when hunting you need at least 30 rounds to bring down a deer?
You hit the nail on the head without probably realizing it. We have a huge problem with allowing crazy dangerous people to run around loose, many of whom have already proven they should be locked up. My biggest gripe with the left is that we constantly let dangerous people run around loose and then try to keep guns out of their hands when the solution to the problem is not letting these people run around loose in the first place. Many criminals get their guns by theft so gun control laws are useless when these people can just steal the guns they want. Same goes true with assault weapons. Somehow we stupidly believe that if this kid did not have an assault weapon, then this latest incident would not have happened. It probably still would have, using non assault weapons or something else. The key here is that we need to do better and identifying dangerous people and helping them or locking them up before they do these things. Many incidents happen from people who have been arrested 10-30 times. Why in the hell should anyone be running around loose who has been arrested more than 10 times? It's just plain stupid.

For one we have a Constitution. Two, this kid was 18 and his juvi records can't be held against him. It's almost like starting life all over again (according to the law) when you become an adult. Third is every person is considered innocent until proven guilty, in other words you must commit a crime before having your rights taken away or being held by authorities. We don't take rights away based on speculation.

The problem is if we give law more leeway as to when they could take action against you, the Democrats would use it against their political enemies. A year and a half later and some of the 1/6 suspects still never seen their day in court. If we give in and allow them to take our guns away based on speculation, the same thing. They will look for any possible way to abuse it for political gain. If you don't believe me, just get a video of Dementia's address to the country right after this shooting.

As most of us with common sense already know, a Democrat is never to be trusted. They are nothing more than Nazis draped in an American flag.
For one we have a Constitution. Two, this kid was 18 and his juvi records can't be held against him. It's almost like starting life all over again (according to the law) when you become an adult. Third is every person is considered innocent until proven guilty, in other words you must commit a crime before having your rights taken away or being held by authorities. We don't take rights away based on speculation.

The problem is if we give law more leeway as to when they could take action against you, the Democrats would use it against their political enemies. A year and a half later and some of the 1/6 suspects still never seen their day in court. If we give in and allow them to take our guns away based on speculation, the same thing. They will look for any possible way to abuse it for political gain. If you don't believe me, just get a video of Dementia's address to the country right after this shooting.

As most of us with common sense already know, a Democrat is never to be trusted. They are nothing more than Nazis draped in an American flag.
A question I used to ask lefties all the time was if we went ahead and passed several "common sense" (IE not taking everyone's guns away) gun control laws (which wouldn't have stopped 95% of the mass shootings that have happened) then what do we after that when these common sense gun control laws don't stop mass shootings? They seem to fumble around and babble a lot and you can tell that they don't really want to blurt out that they may wind up having to take people's guns away if common sense gun control laws don't work.
A question I used to ask lefties all the time was if we went ahead and passed several "common sense" (IE not taking everyone's guns away) gun control laws (which wouldn't have stopped 95% of the mass shootings that have happened) then what do we after that when these common sense gun control laws don't stop mass shootings? They seem to fumble around and babble a lot and you can tell that they don't really want to blurt out that they may wind up having to take people's guns away if common sense gun control laws don't work.
Disarming every law abiding gun owner in the country would not even stop these events from happening.

The criminals never have a problem finding guns to commit crimes with no matter what laws are passed.
Should we prevent women under 21 from killing their child for the purpose of birth control?
No, Parents should be able to remove bad seed until they become adults when law enforcement executes them.
Yo dumbass it's not the color of a stock that makes a gun more or less lethal
No, technically speaking it's not. But it's the black stock that appeals to the kind of people who have a need to kill. They would be less motivated if they couldn't copy the military's weapon of choice.

There's the same effect on them when they dress up in their camo costumes with military gear hanging off them.

Without both, some of them couldn't become motivated to kill children.

Think it over sassy, the mindset and the motivation of the shooters needs to be understood mor thoroughly. It's understood that the facts are poison to Americans who are born and bred to support their country's wars. Can you be the first one to not fear the conversation?
No. 18 is not an adult and 21 should be the age of formal adulthood. I mean, darn, look at the gun problems this week in Texas! What is going ON with their kids??
on average 18 yr olds today are not as mature as 18 yrs in the past ... the kids have been spoiled and taught to be weak and sensitive to every criticism and constantly are on the lookout for so called micro aggression .
A question I used to ask lefties all the time was if we went ahead and passed several "common sense" (IE not taking everyone's guns away) gun control laws (which wouldn't have stopped 95% of the mass shootings that have happened) then what do we after that when these common sense gun control laws don't stop mass shootings? They seem to fumble around and babble a lot and you can tell that they don't really want to blurt out that they may wind up having to take people's guns away if common sense gun control laws don't work.

Exactly. It's the same when they discuss climate change. To end the conversation, I ask what metrics would we need to meet to shut them up forever? CO2 emissions? One billionth of one particle of something? What? And if you could give me some metric, what will it cost us to accomplish it?

Very seldom does anybody address my question because they know there is no answer. Fighting climate change is a never ending process and can't ever be done.

So we give into their demands, and as you stated, doesn't do a lick of good. That was just the first step of many to solve a problem that can't logically be solved by taking any gun away.

I wish some Republican like Trump would do something similar. Okay, we'll give into your restrictions, but if it doesn't stop murders or mass shootings, we remove those restrictions and you never bring them up again. You'd see how fast they'd shut the hell up.

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