should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Reagan was a crazy old man who tried to start WWIII, and it was only Gorbachev who prevented that war by not taking the bait.
Reagan is the one guilty of ruining our health care system, helping insurance companies to take it over and double prices.
Reagan armed the Iranians and gave the money to terrorists in Nicaragua.
You have memorized the anti-Reagan talking points for members of generation trans.
He deliberately manipulated the election by having Oliver North talk the Iranians into holding the embassy hostages until AFTER the election. That was about the most illegal thing anyone has ever done.
Except for that one. That particular Bizzarro-world conspiracy theory has George Bush 41 talking to the whack-job Iranians and getting them to help the likely president who would destroy them if they did not release the hostages.
Reagan also caused a huge national debt with SDI, that took over a decade to pay off.
Yet, for all those faults, he won the votes of 49 our of 50 states in the most embarrassing day in history for the state of Minnesota. Mondale only won that state by .18%, but still . . .

I guess those people knew something that your professors left out, huh?
Even outlawing black AR type weapons would be a big step forward.

The shooters want their weapons to look like the military real thing and wooden stocks won't do it for them.
Seriously, this is an American's need to kill, due to the culture of war that's been so popular since the end of WW2.

If wood gun stocks are forced on them, there will b no more enjoyment in killing than there was when they killed sonbirds with the first gun.

Yo dumbass it's not the color of a stock that makes a gun more or less lethal
Rest of the World doesn't come close to this problem...

But in the rare case they do like Dunblane in UK..

The difference is they changed the law and made sure it would't happen again...

UK said Children are more important than guns... There was no messing, law changes..

Guess what US are going to do... Sweet Fuck All.
When it happens again, they will say they are shocked (?????) and they will offer a solution of 'Thoughts and Prayers'....

So where in the UK Constitution does it state they have a right to own and carry guns? I can tell you where ours is at.

I was listening to an expert on this subject and his claim is we have over 200,000 schools in the US, and most people think "it can't happen here" because it is so rare. You never see it happen twice at any one school, and the schools involved in these shootings are not inner-city schools. They are usually rural or suburban. Why is that? Because once a shooting takes place, people demand tighter security; you know, good guys with a gun? Buildings in the inner city are hard brick and they've always had tight security.

So when these shocking things happen, we on the right say the best way to deal with these problems is more security. The left? Take away guns from law abiding people.
If we are going to raise the legal age of majority to 21 then it should be across the board.

No voting under age 21
No military service under age 21
no entering into contracts under age 21

No voting under age 21 - Disagree but it's not a showstopper for me
No military service under age 21 - Agree, but I'd like to see it all volunteer although I would be concerned if we'd then get more less than ideal candidates
No entering into contracts under age 21 - Disagree mainly due to employment contracts. Marriage is a contract as well isn't it? :)
I think the full age of full ADULT rights should be raised to 25 because the human brain doesn't reach full maturity until age 25. We see examples of this every day
You know insurance company's don't generally insure male drivers under the age of 25 for this very reason if I recall correctly. You may be on to something.
that, and red flag. and background checks and ban on future sales of military style weapons...these nut jobs don't do illegal buys...and taxing the rich and a real mental health system...
one thing most of these school shooters have in common [besides being crazy] is the vast majority have been under the age of 21 ... so the question is should the US ban large capacity firearms for people under the age of 21 ? would Americans that support the 2nd amendment agree to such a ban ? lets face the facts [and no i am not anti 2nd amend] there is a reason people under the age of 21 are not allowed to buy alcohol ... and that reason is when people that young imbibe they are statistically more likely to hurt themselves or others ... now i know that many of our military are under the age of 21 and handle automatic weapons but they are also under supervision from the chain of command and they were prepared through rigorous training ie..basic training ect .... the military does not hand a young man or woman an firearm the minute they are sworn into the armed forces ... they are trained first ... so should we ban large capacity firearms from non service members under the age of 21 ?
I have no problem with that. I know the army shit always comes up and I get that but when was the last time an 18 year old in boot camp went on a fucking rampage?
Just found these 2 threads in politics on this topic. Did a merge. Preserved the poll from the later one. Later one starts about 4 hours in. At post #143
one thing most of these school shooters have in common [besides being crazy] is the vast majority have been under the age of 21 ... so the question is should the US ban large capacity firearms for people under the age of 21 ? would Americans that support the 2nd amendment agree to such a ban ? lets face the facts [and no i am not anti 2nd amend] there is a reason people under the age of 21 are not allowed to buy alcohol ... and that reason is when people that young imbibe they are statistically more likely to hurt themselves or others ... now i know that many of our military are under the age of 21 and handle automatic weapons but they are also under supervision from the chain of command and they were prepared through rigorous training ie..basic training ect .... the military does not hand a young man or woman an firearm the minute they are sworn into the armed forces ... they are trained first ... so should we ban large capacity firearms from non service members under the age of 21 ?
Only if you're also going to increase the age of majority and voting age at the same time.

Either you're an adult or you're not.
Define high capacity.

Okay, I'll give it a nibble. I won't give my own opinion. But I will give what is generally accepted in the courts. Colorado tried to do a max 10 round and it bounced like a brick but that same day, they passed a followon and that passed in a NRA court suit for 15 rounds. So 10 rounds isn't enough but 15 rounds is just right. Another court in Boston did the same thing. They used Heller V DC where it hints at "Reasonable". So legally in a court of law, a high capacity Mag is anything over 15.

Not my opinion but 3 court opinions that I know of.
Okay, I'll give it a nibble. I won't give my own opinion. But I will give what is generally accepted in the courts. Colorado tried to do a max 10 round and it bounced like a brick but that same day, they passed a followon and that passed in a NRA court suit for 15 rounds. So 10 rounds isn't enough but 15 rounds is just right. Another court in Boston did the same thing. They used Heller V DC where it hints at "Reasonable". So legally in a court of law, a high capacity Mag is anything over 15.

Not my opinion but 3 court opinions that I know of.
The perfect magazine size is the one that feeds reliably, holds the max number of rounds possible, and still fits in a pocket made to hold magazines.
3 seconds? Is that with oversized mittons? On most rifles, maybe a second or just over. On an AR half a second if you practice.
Not unless you're already holding the spare in your free hand. 1.5 seconds is a very good time for a mag change with either a rifle or handgun. Most competition shooters will barely get their mag change times under 1 full second.
Would be sort of pointless as well as discriminatory.

Young people still have to pay taxes you know. And if they can't buy the weapons they need legally, they'll buy them from independent, unlicensed firearms dealers who work out of the trunks of their cars.

Only in Texas.
No voting under age 21 - Disagree but it's not a showstopper for me
No military service under age 21 - Agree, but I'd like to see it all volunteer although I would be concerned if we'd then get more less than ideal candidates
No entering into contracts under age 21 - Disagree mainly due to employment contracts. Marriage is a contract as well isn't it? :)
If at 18 you are not responsible enough to drink or buy a handgun you sure as hell aren't responsible enough to sign contracts.

Either a person is an adult or he isn't.

I was declared an emancipated minor at 17 so IMO the age of majority should be 18 for everything but no matter we need to pick one and make it across the board.

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