should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Reagan was a crazy old man who tried to start WWIII, and it was only Gorbachev who prevented that war by not taking the bait.
Reagan is the one guilty of ruining our health care system, helping insurance companies to take it over and double prices.
Reagan armed the Iranians and gave the money to terrorists in Nicaragua.
He deliberately manipulated the election by having Oliver North talk the Iranians into holding the embassy hostages until AFTER the election. That was about the most illegal thing anyone has ever done.
Reagan also caused a huge national debt with SDI, that took over a decade to pay off.
No he wasnt. ILt wasnt Gorbe who stopped the cold war. It was the worthless malaise of Jimmy Carter that had Jimmy be a one term Pres...
Not too sharp today, eh? Your desire to take my weapons from me because of the actions of some unrelated whack job is about as fascist as it gets moron. Maybe you should take your own advice.
Liberal Hypocrisy1.jpg
If you are old enough to change your gender without parental consent, you should be able to own a gun.

If you are able to get an adoration without parental consent you should be able to own a gun.

Not too sharp today, eh? Your desire to take my weapons from me because of the actions of some unrelated whack job is about as fascist as it gets moron. Maybe you should take your own advice.
You own an AR? Yep, I'd pass a law to outlaw them right now if I had the power. And you'd surrender it or be locked up.

You can keep your handguns, hunting rifles & whatever.

Now go apeshit
Its time for all you Leftists to grow up and quit being whiners and pussies and losers

There is a price to pay for living in a free society. Criminals and terrorists and others take advantage of our openness and do us harm. That is a price we pay to live free.. The alternative is the Marxist lockdown state the Democrats want.

I prefer to live free. You Democrat pussies can go make you own no-gun pussified country.

Democrats promote the slaughter of millions of children through the infanticide of abortion, so when it comes to children dying in a shooting, they can just shut up.

should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?​


Maybe under the age of 18.
Its time for all you Leftists to grow up and quit being whiners and pussies and losers

There is a price to pay for living in a free society. Criminals and terrorists and others take advantage of our openness and do us harm. That is a price we pay to live free.. The alternative is the Marxist lockdown state the Democrats want.

I prefer to live free. You Democrat pussies can go make you own no-gun pussified country.

Democrats promote the slaughter of millions of children through the infanticide of abortion, so when it comes to children dying in a shooting, they can just shut up.
So kids slaughtered in classrooms is the price we have to pay so assholes like you can jizz yourself owning an AR?owning

Don't think so tough guy.
No such weapon is allowed with out a special permit.

The term "assault rifle" comes from the German infantry rifle Sturmgewehr 44


Sturmgewehr literally translates as "Storm Rifle" but the actual translation is "Assault Rifle" Storm=Assault in German.

Looney gun-grabbing hoplophobes have adopted the "Assault" aspect so that they can generate irrational fear.

The truth is that "assault rifles" are considered "machine guns" under the NFA and are banned if manufactured after 1985 under the unconstitutional "Hughes Amendment."
So kids slaughtered in classrooms is the price we have to pay so assholes like you can jizz yourself owning an AR?owning

Don't think so tough guy.

Now go fuck yourself.

We will start a fucking war if you do ANYTHING to further limit our access to weapons that make you shit your pants.
agreed 18 year olds aren’t mature enough anymore to handle adult activity.

Raise the age to drive, be tried as a adult, serve in the military, vote. etc
Or 18 is the age of majority, and EVERYTHING is legal to 18 year olds.

Make up your fucking minds. 18 is an adult or 18 is not an adult. NO GRAY AREA!!!
The mentally unstable are such a tiny portion of society that it is wrong to write legislation for everyone, due to them.
The solution instead is just provide free public mental health treatment so that not one gets that dangerous.

And you still miss the basic premise of the 2nd amendment, which is that all government is always corrupt, and gets more corrupt over time. There has never been a government that is not already corrupt, and will not get worse.
So giving up the ability for rebellion is treason essentially ensuring enslavement of our descendants at some time in the future.
If you do not believe me, then go back and reconsider the government lies we were told in order to get us to support illegal things like the War in Vietnam, the Invasion of Iraq, the Invasion of Afghanistan, etc.
Of all the free shit out there, I am 100% in favor of tax dollars being used to treat mental health. It is the biggest problem we have and has become the most ignored.

Now go fuck yourself.

We will start a fucking war if you do ANYTHING to further limit our access to weapons that make you shit your pants.
As long as it's not your kids, right fuckface?

You won't start shit, but you do have a big mouth.

Now here ya go, asshole- :fu:

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