should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What about people like lanza who will just kill their parents and take their guns? Even if they didnt, they can still get them. It isnt hard at all.
As usual, it boils down to mental health.
Why is it only simplistic approaches to things people claim to care so much about? Why go after band aids?
Why are Americans so goddamn lazy?
One of the biggest reasons for these shootings is negligence by state officials. Statistics she that the majority of mass shootings in the US are committed using guns that were legaly bought by the shooters, despite criminal and mental health histories which should have disqualified them from gun ownership.

This happens because state officials fail to report felony convictions and mental health status to the federal government to be added to the federal background check database..
There us no law that would have prevented this shooting. NY & Chicago have some of the strictest gun laws in the country & they don't stop record-setting gun crimes and murder.
Rest of the World doesn't come close to this problem...

But in the rare case they do like Dunblane in UK..

The difference is they changed the law and made sure it would't happen again...

UK said Children are more important than guns... There was no messing, law changes..

Guess what US are going to do... Sweet Fuck All.
When it happens again, they will say they are shocked (?????) and they will offer a solution of 'Thoughts and Prayers'....
Consumption of alcohol used to be restricted to those aged 21 years of age or older. That changed on the premise that if a person (male) is old enough to fight for his country at age 18, then he should be old enough to lawfully purchase liquor and have a drink.

Apparently the data showed that this was not well thought out because the drinking age went back up to 21.

I've read that the brain is not fully developed at age 18 and it seems like a lot of adults have no viable conflict resolution skills so trusting that an 18 year old does or has the impulse control to not pick up a firearm and go on a mass shooting spree may not be reasonable.

It is my opinion, that restricting the age at which a person can purchase or possess a firearm is not an infringement of the U.S. Constitution.
Started another thread with almost exactly the same premise before I saw this. Oh well.
Teen drivers are BY FAR the most dangerous drivers on the road. They are responsible for more deaths each year BY FAR than crazed gunmen. Should we raise the minimum driving age to 21?
One of the biggest reasons for these shootings is negligence by state officials. Statistics she that the majority of mass shootings in the US are committed using guns that were legaly bought by the shooters, despite criminal and mental health histories which should have disqualified them from gun ownership.

This happens because state officials fail to report felony convictions and mental health status to the federal government to be added to the federal background check database..
There isa funding issue going back:

And you are right, States are not being helpful..

There is also an issue about gun information can't be held on computers and must be kept on paper... Seriously...

There is a massive defunding on research into gun statistics... So there are forces that are wilfully keeping people in the dark on actual numbers...
i get it Fascist. Lock me up because I have a different viewpoint then yours.

You'd like to be able to do that, right tough guy?

Take your sorry ass to Russia, bedwetter.
Not too sharp today, eh? Your desire to take my weapons from me because of the actions of some unrelated whack job is about as fascist as it gets moron. Maybe you should take your own advice.
Everyone knows the story of how Reagan destroyed the public mental health facilities, forcing cities to rely on prisons for the mentally ill.
I didn't but that would be in character for a extremist capitalist who bought into supply side economics.
An engineer is one who studies cause and effect relationships, which apply to all naturel events, even when humans are involved.
Yeah right.
The goal should not be to prevent these tortured people from extracting revenge, but to prevent them from being pushed into it by pain for so long.
A healthy blend of socialist policies within a socially responsible capitalist system of government. Canada serves as an example but is continually at threat to greedy extremist capitalism, and then in America the threat of fascist when capitalism fails.
China may be onto something that is close to the answer, by guarding against that which has stolen America's democracy from the people.
The problem was, the people in desperation were manipulated by Trump's lies and placing the blame on a minority. It's Nazi Germany's experience to a tee!
No one should have to feel that bad that they want to commit suicide.
And the school shooting is just where someone does not have the nerve to kill themselves, so they get the police to do it for them.
Interesting theory on why someone takes his gun and slaughters children. It could be part of the story.

I think Michael Moore hit it close when he talked about the military culture of killing people. But of course that's a dead end because no American could ever admit it. The person interviewing Michael Moore even skipped right over it.

And the closest we've come on this forum to acknowledging the idea is Politicalchic's mention of a culture of killing, only to deny there was any culture.

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