should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I heard you were an engineer too so I'll just disregard what you say until you climb down from that one.
Now you're a mental health authority?

Everyone knows the story of how Reagan destroyed the public mental health facilities, forcing cities to rely on prisons for the mentally ill.
An engineer is one who studies cause and effect relationships, which apply to all naturel events, even when humans are involved.
The goal should not be to prevent these tortured people from extracting revenge, but to prevent them from being pushed into it by pain for so long.
No one should have to feel that bad that they want to commit suicide.
And the school shooting is just where someone does not have the nerve to kill themselves, so they get the police to do it for them.
When I was almost 21 I was guarding convicts (started at 19) and already owned my own home.

At 19 I carried two handguns and a shotgun on the convict road gangs every day. On the weekends I was usually in a tower armed with a full-auto submachine gun, usually a Reising or Thompson in .45acp.

I remember thinking how fuckin' stupid it was that before I turned 21 I had to get my dad to go buy me a Colt Detective Special for concealed carry when I went to sit with a convict in court or at the hospital.

All we had were 6" barreled Colt and S&W revolvers at the time but could use our own .38 revolvers if the warden approved it.

That said I would agree that today's 18 year old is not the 18 year olds of the 70s but I have no answers as to what to do about it as not all 18 year olds are so immature....Some even protect our country.
The focus on 'mass shootings' is a pathetic political ploy that simply ignores the reality that such incidents are a mere fraction of shootings. This ridiculous plan would change nothing, only draw attention away from the bigger issues. Namely that guns don't cause shootings, depraved individuals do. Sadly looking at the root problems is a bridge too far liberals and anti-American gun grabbers.
Well, I can. If they do, I will have mixed feelings as I love mine, built from charging handle to trigger assy, through bolt and upper receiver, barrel to butt stock. I know better than any M-16 back in the days I was armed with and training and supervising people with these weapons. I know the weapon is not inherently bad, but the way it was marketed, to people including young people on testosterone, adrenalin, hyped as the "in thing" shamelessly even to people that should not be anywhere near one for a variety of reasons and with a chorus of cheerleaders for all the guns, for all the people, all the time, and anywhere. Jeez! What could possible go wrong with that? Well, it's popularity and profitability have over shadowed it's viability to be freely obtained and carried around in this crowed, pressure cooker of many unstable people.
It is fun to shoot and I am a shooter, as I always have been. People like me, just take them to the range or keep it in easy access in a gun safe at home for home defense with a loaded magazine or two withing easy reach. A lot of people are a lot looser with their weapons. There is never a reason to have one carried on the city streets by civilians and certainly not to civil disturbances for intimidation purposes or outright riots. Thirty round magazines are handy for the range, though I prefer a twenty as the thirty gets in the way on prone supported and bench fire, but you never need one for deer or varmint hunting and in many places, not even legal by hunting laws. And of course, now you have militia nut balls with pipe dreams of insurrection, which just won't work. The short barrel models are only good for carrying concealed (somewhat) and kicking in doors, putting a lot of rounds in a small area very fast. Not something I will ever have need to do again, though trained at one time.
I think they should regulate the hell out of it, from purchasing, to carry constraints, to storage It is not a toy. It is excellent for putting rounds on target out to 600 meters, but mostly used now for putting lots of rounds at innocent people within 30 feet, and we aren't talking criminal here. We are talking about the mentally unstable and rabidly bigoted, for which it has become the weapon of choice.

The mentally unstable are such a tiny portion of society that it is wrong to write legislation for everyone, due to them.
The solution instead is just provide free public mental health treatment so that not one gets that dangerous.

And you still miss the basic premise of the 2nd amendment, which is that all government is always corrupt, and gets more corrupt over time. There has never been a government that is not already corrupt, and will not get worse.
So giving up the ability for rebellion is treason essentially ensuring enslavement of our descendants at some time in the future.
If you do not believe me, then go back and reconsider the government lies we were told in order to get us to support illegal things like the War in Vietnam, the Invasion of Iraq, the Invasion of Afghanistan, etc.
Fuck you, asshole. You got evidence that that 18 year old in Texas was confused about gender issues or are you just running your stupid yap again?

if this is a mental health issue, then don't allow an 18 yr old to buy an AR because that kid MAY have problems, you moron.

Like that beatdown?

Mental health issues are not related to age.
In fact, those with the biggest mental health issues I have noticed, tend to be those hired by the police and military.
So it then becomes essential that everyone try to also have ARs so that those with mental health issues do not take over completely.
But is may be too late.
Like the way the government lied about Iraqi WMD.
one thing most of these school shooters have in common [besides being crazy] is the vast majority have been under the age of 21 ... so the question is should the US ban large capacity firearms for people under the age of 21 ? would Americans that support the 2nd amendment agree to such a ban ? lets face the facts [and no i am not anti 2nd amend] there is a reason people under the age of 21 are not allowed to buy alcohol ... and that reason is when people that young imbibe they are statistically more likely to hurt themselves or others ... now i know that many of our military are under the age of 21 and handle automatic weapons but they are also under supervision from the chain of command and they were prepared through rigorous training ie..basic training ect .... the military does not hand a young man or woman an firearm the minute they are sworn into the armed forces ... they are trained first ... so should we ban large capacity firearms from non service members under the age of 21 ?

You do know that with the proper planning and practice a shooter can fire a substantial number of extremely deadly rounds from a single shot weapon in a relatively short time frame. ?
Consumption of alcohol used to be restricted to those aged 21 years of age or older. That changed on the premise that if a person (male) is old enough to fight for his country at age 18, then he should be old enough to lawfully purchase liquor and have a drink.

Apparently the data showed that this was not well thought out because the drinking age went back up to 21.

I've read that the brain is not fully developed at age 18 and it seems like a lot of adults have no viable conflict resolution skills so trusting that an 18 year old does or has the impulse control to not pick up a firearm and go on a mass shooting spree may not be reasonable.

It is my opinion, that restricting the age at which a person can purchase or possess a firearm is not an infringement of the U.S. Constitution.

Yeah, we should raise the age limit, once somebody proves the gun is responsible for the crimes. Until that time you're just putting lipstick on a pig. The gun doesn't make anybody a criminal, the criminal uses the gun for his convenience to carry out his crime.
I would like to see the stats but seems like these school shoot ups are way disproportionately under 21. Mostly living at home also.
Who else is living there? The blind and deaf?
Would Increasing the Purchase Age For All Firearms to 21 Years of Age Help?

Those under 21 would still be able to obtain firearms through intrastate transactions and being gifted firearms.

And this month the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that prohibiting those under 21 from purchasing semi-automatic weapons is un-Constitutional.
You sure about that? In Connecticut, they do not allow anyone except a licensed dealer to buy a firearm out of state.

Federal Law states you may only buy a handgun in the state in which you reside.

What would freak out democrats is to have an individual pass a basic pistol course and obtain a conceal carry permit at the town and state level which requires a clean record, no history of mental issues, etc. regardless of age before purchase. That would be discrimination and sheet. :heehee:
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Consumption of alcohol used to be restricted to those aged 21 years of age or older. That changed on the premise that if a person (male) is old enough to fight for his country at age 18, then he should be old enough to lawfully purchase liquor and have a drink.

Apparently the data showed that this was not well thought out because the drinking age went back up to 21.

I've read that the brain is not fully developed at age 18 and it seems like a lot of adults have no viable conflict resolution skills so trusting that an 18 year old does or has the impulse control to not pick up a firearm and go on a mass shooting spree may not be reasonable.

It is my opinion, that restricting the age at which a person can purchase or possess a firearm is not an infringement of the U.S. Constitution.

I bought a firearm and ammo at age 11, didn't think of shooting anyone with it. It all depends on how you're raised.

A Drug Test included in every Background check for every Firearm purchaser 21 & under ( that SSRIs will fail like illegal drugs ) would go a long way in stopping these shootings
Consumption of alcohol used to be restricted to those aged 21 years of age or older. That changed on the premise that if a person (male) is old enough to fight for his country at age 18, then he should be old enough to lawfully purchase liquor and have a drink.

Apparently the data showed that this was not well thought out because the drinking age went back up to 21.

I've read that the brain is not fully developed at age 18 and it seems like a lot of adults have no viable conflict resolution skills so trusting that an 18 year old does or has the impulse control to not pick up a firearm and go on a mass shooting spree may not be reasonable.

It is my opinion, that restricting the age at which a person can purchase or possess a firearm is not an infringement of the U.S. Constitution.
I think the full age of full ADULT rights should be raised to 25 because the human brain doesn't reach full maturity until age 25. We see examples of this every day
A Drug Test included in every Background check for every Firearm purchaser 21 & under ( that SSRIs will fail like illegal drugs ) would go a long way in stopping these shootings
A lot of these shooters are on LEGALLY PERSCRIBED drugs.
You do know that with the proper planning and practice a shooter can fire a substantial number of extremely deadly rounds from a single shot weapon in a relatively short time frame. ?
But virtually ANYONE with almost no training can become a killing machine with an assault rifle
It couldn't hurt...

What is it? 21 for handguns and 18 for long guns? Okay. I'm on board with one condition...

They must raise the draft/enlistment age for the military to 21 as well.
Holy crap. Ideas. Compromise. Flexibility. Independent thinking.

Sorry, that's no longer allowed.
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