should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yes. The evolved male strategy for their competition with the very different strategy used by women: spread themselves around. Get as many offspring as possible, preferably ones they don't have to make any investment in because all the investment is by the woman.

I think this sex-matched strategy is behind all opposition to abortion, at least in this country where men can't control women as well as they can in some countries.

Yes, and if we were lower animals, this would apply. However, we are humans, reasoning creatures with societal structure and laws and thought-based direction of our actions. Which means there are other imperatives at play besides biological instinct. In the wild, male animals can't be hauled into court and made to bear responsibility for their offspring for eighteen years.

This means that the human males would actually prefer to get their jollies without creating pregnancies. Rapists and sexual harassers have even more motivation in this direction since, as I already said, a child represents damning DNA evidence that can put them in jail.

Do you just not know a lot of men, or what?
This means that the human males would actually prefer to get their jollies without creating pregnancies. Rapists and sexual harassers have even more motivation in this direction since, as I already said, a child represents damning DNA evidence that can put them in jail.

Do you just not know a lot of men, or what?
Not so, but far otherwise. IFIFIF men wanted to "get their jollies" without creating pregnancies, we wouldn't see this hysterical antiabortionism led by men, men, men, men. We don't see that at all: what we see is this new movement of men who pull off their condoms so as to get women pregnant on purpose after saying they would use protection. And then they brag about it on the Internet: apparently it's a whole new fad for the last two-three years and in California they are already starting to put it into the criminal code. Yeah, men do want to get lots of women preggers and to trick women into raising their get without them having to do anything about it. Same as rams and stallions and male chimps and lions and rabbits and squirrels and roosters ----

As for your last sentence: if you want to have a conversation, stop that. Use normal conversation rules as you would in person. I don't allow personal insults.
The 223s primary use is in AR style weapons. And it's not the round that makes the AR special. It's the AR, itself. The 308 lost out to the 556 because of ammo weight and number of rounds that can be carried in the Military world. The 308 is superior to the 556 unless you need a lot of rounds hence the hunting advantage.

And in 1968, the ban worked. It dropped the mass shootings but when it was allowed to expired, that same year, mass shootings went up almost 300%. You gunnutters keep ignoring that and then claiming WE don't understand. I understand completely and you need your toys regulated.

The terminal ballistics on the .223 are the same whether its shot out of an AR 15 or Savage 25, or a Tikka or a Ruger. Why would the physics of the round change based on the mechanism firing it? Answer it doesnt. If the AR is the leading weapon system using the .223 it's because people like it. For various reasons. It's accurate, easy to shoot, highly customizable, it looks cool etc. None of that has anything to do with the physics of the round once it's shot out of the weapon.

A .223 coming out of this


will have the same terminal ballistics if it comes out of this


Same has this one


Which is also semi automatic and will fire just as fast as an AR or certainly the difference if there is one will be negligible. And Im sure if you want you can find a larger capacity magazine for this weapon. But as has been pointed out before in this thread changing out a magazine takes less than 5 seconds even if you are terrible at it so the high capacity magazines really aren't a factor here.

The .308 is the much deadlier round. Those are just facts.

And just because the .223 won out for the military that has nothing to do with the .308's popularity in the civilian population.


in that order.
The terminal ballistics on the .223 are the same whether its shot out of an AR 15 or Savage 25, or a Tikka or a Ruger. Why would the physics of the round change based on the mechanism firing it? Answer it doesnt. If the AR is the leading weapon system using the .223 it's because people like it. For various reasons. It's accurate, easy to shoot, highly customizable, it looks cool etc. None of that has anything to do with the physics of the round once it's shot out of the weapon.

A .223 coming out of this

View attachment 652255

will have the same terminal ballistics if it comes out of this

View attachment 652256

Same has this one

View attachment 652257

Which is also semi automatic and will fire just as fast as an AR or certainly the difference if there is one will be negligible. And Im sure if you want you can find a larger capacity magazine for this weapon. But as has been pointed out before in this thread changing out a magazine takes less than 5 seconds even if you are terrible at it so the high capacity magazines really aren't a factor here.

The .308 is the much deadlier round. Those are just facts.

And just because the .223 won out for the military that has nothing to do with the .308's popularity in the civilian population.


in that order.
don't confuse the idiots with facts they hate that
The terminal ballistics on the .223 are the same whether its shot out of an AR 15 or Savage 25, or a Tikka or a Ruger. Why would the physics of the round change based on the mechanism firing it? Answer it doesnt. If the AR is the leading weapon system using the .223 it's because people like it. For various reasons. It's accurate, easy to shoot, highly customizable, it looks cool etc. None of that has anything to do with the physics of the round once it's shot out of the weapon.

A .223 coming out of this

View attachment 652255

will have the same terminal ballistics if it comes out of this

View attachment 652256

Same has this one

View attachment 652257

Which is also semi automatic and will fire just as fast as an AR or certainly the difference if there is one will be negligible. And Im sure if you want you can find a larger capacity magazine for this weapon. But as has been pointed out before in this thread changing out a magazine takes less than 5 seconds even if you are terrible at it so the high capacity magazines really aren't a factor here.

The .308 is the much deadlier round. Those are just facts.

And just because the .223 won out for the military that has nothing to do with the .308's popularity in the civilian population.


in that order.

When I compare a 30 round AR reload to even a 20 round Mini14 reload there is quite a difference. The AR was designed for speed of reloading and the best choice. The Mini14 is a offshoot of the M14 which is an offshoot of the M-1 Garand. I can go through 3 mags with the AR over 1 of the Mini14 because of the reloading time of the Mags on the average. I won't go into why, it just is. And I don't mean doing it with 3 mags and 1 mag. I mean doing it over and over. The 14 has to come off target while the AR doesn't.

Now, add to the fact we have an AR Cult in this country that we need to break.
The terminal ballistics on the .223 are the same whether its shot out of an AR 15 or Savage 25, or a Tikka or a Ruger. Why would the physics of the round change based on the mechanism firing it? Answer it doesnt. If the AR is the leading weapon system using the .223 it's because people like it. For various reasons. It's accurate, easy to shoot, highly customizable, it looks cool etc. None of that has anything to do with the physics of the round once it's shot out of the weapon.

A .223 coming out of this

View attachment 652255

will have the same terminal ballistics if it comes out of this

View attachment 652256

Same has this one

View attachment 652257

Which is also semi automatic and will fire just as fast as an AR or certainly the difference if there is one will be negligible. And Im sure if you want you can find a larger capacity magazine for this weapon. But as has been pointed out before in this thread changing out a magazine takes less than 5 seconds even if you are terrible at it so the high capacity magazines really aren't a factor here.

The .308 is the much deadlier round. Those are just facts.

And just because the .223 won out for the military that has nothing to do with the .308's popularity in the civilian population.


in that order.
Well said.
The 223s primary use is in AR style weapons. And it's not the round that makes the AR special. It's the AR, itself. The 308 lost out to the 556 because of ammo weight and number of rounds that can be carried in the Military world. The 308 is superior to the 556 unless you need a lot of rounds hence the hunting advantage.

And in 1968, the ban worked. It dropped the mass shootings but when it was allowed to expired, that same year, mass shootings went up almost 300%. You gunnutters keep ignoring that and then claiming WE don't understand. I understand completely and you need your toys regulated.
It's not the AR itself, it's "bullet button" quick changing high capacity magazines that make many types of guns easy to use, very reliable, mass killing machines that any person can grab when having a bad day to reliable aim & shoot hundreds of rounds per minute.

The Virginia Tech shooting spree was done by 2 pistols with easy, quick changing high capacity magazines and shot 50 people, 32 died.
Not so, but far otherwise. IFIFIF men wanted to "get their jollies" without creating pregnancies, we wouldn't see this hysterical antiabortionism led by men, men, men, men. We don't see that at all: what we see is this new movement of men who pull off their condoms so as to get women pregnant on purpose after saying they would use protection. And then they brag about it on the Internet: apparently it's a whole new fad for the last two-three years and in California they are already starting to put it into the criminal code. Yeah, men do want to get lots of women preggers and to trick women into raising their get without them having to do anything about it. Same as rams and stallions and male chimps and lions and rabbits and squirrels and roosters ----

As for your last sentence: if you want to have a conversation, stop that. Use normal conversation rules as you would in person. I don't allow personal insults.

Hate to break it to you, punkin, but the pro-life movement isn't "led by men, men, men, men". The majority of pro-lifers are women. The vast majority of leaders in the pro-life movement are women.

As for your last sentence: if you want to have a conversation, stop trying to tell me what you "won't allow" as though you're in charge. You demand nothing, especially not respect as a rational person. You earn it, and you haven't. "Men are raping women because they want to force them to be pregnant to subjugate them!" You received far more courtesy by being asked if you merely didn't know any men, rather than a suggestion that you should get therapy for your pathological hatred of men and your own femaleness, than you deserved.

Don't tell yourself you're doing me some sort of favor by deigning to spew this insane ranting in my direction, sweetie. If you can't handle hearing the truth of how you appear to people, feel free to scamper away and hide with my blessing. Deal or run away, but don't EVER issue commands about what you will and won't allow to me again.
When I compare a 30 round AR reload to even a 20 round Mini14 reload there is quite a difference. The AR was designed for speed of reloading and the best choice. The Mini14 is a offshoot of the M14 which is an offshoot of the M-1 Garand. I can go through 3 mags with the AR over 1 of the Mini14 because of the reloading time of the Mags on the average. I won't go into why, it just is. And I don't mean doing it with 3 mags and 1 mag. I mean doing it over and over. The 14 has to come off target while the AR doesn't.

Now, add to the fact we have an AR Cult in this country that we need to break.
So 1-2 secs difference then?
So 1-2 secs difference then?

I can switch mags on an AR in less than a second. It barely disrupts firing and doesn't leave the target area. The only limit ends up how many mags can you carry. To date, most carry up to 4 except the Vegas shooter. That is 120 rounds. The only reason that the record isn't higher is that someone with skills with the M-16 or AR hasn't gone after it. And most schools have gone to things to minimize the body count. The fact that amateurs are the only ones that keep trying may be a Godsend. Lord help us if the Pros get the itch. We have had one use a handgun and he almost maxed out his available ammo in body count and he backed armed cops off in the process. Combat Marine against a handful of normal Cops isn't going to work out for the cops.

Now, arm that same Combat Marine with the weapon he is most familiar with, the AR-15. Give him 120 rounds in 4 mags. That Marine would have killed all 60 plus people at that bar hands down and taken out most of the cops in the process. He would own a record that would stand for decades or until another pro comes along to break it. But Military Shooters are not the problem. Just one doesn't change anything. But when an Amateurs can come close to a Pros record just by using a specific weapon maybe we should take a good hard look at that weapon.
Hate to break it to you, punkin, but the pro-life movement isn't "led by men, men, men, men". The majority of pro-lifers are women. The vast majority of leaders in the pro-life movement are women.

As for your last sentence: if you want to have a conversation, stop trying to tell me what you "won't allow" as though you're in charge. You demand nothing, especially not respect as a rational person. You earn it, and you haven't. "Men are raping women because they want to force them to be pregnant to subjugate them!" You received far more courtesy by being asked if you merely didn't know any men, rather than a suggestion that you should get therapy for your pathological hatred of men and your own femaleness, than you deserved.

Don't tell yourself you're doing me some sort of favor by deigning to spew this insane ranting in my direction, sweetie. If you can't handle hearing the truth of how you appear to people, feel free to scamper away and hide with my blessing. Deal or run away, but don't EVER issue Iabot what you will and won't allow to me again.
I wish I could keep you on my feed, Cecilie 1200, because you seem intelligent, but you are just too mean.
I wish I could keep you on my feed, Cecilie 1200, because you seem intelligent, but you are just too mean.

Reality isn't mean, your fragility notwithstanding. It remains a fact that you only need to know a few men to know that impregnating a woman they aren't married to is NOT a thing they're excited to do.
I can switch mags on an AR in less than a second. It barely disrupts firing and doesn't leave the target area. The only limit ends up how many mags can you carry. To date, most carry up to 4 except the Vegas shooter. That is 120 rounds. The only reason that the record isn't higher is that someone with skills with the M-16 or AR hasn't gone after it. And most schools have gone to things to minimize the body count. The fact that amateurs are the only ones that keep trying may be a Godsend. Lord help us if the Pros get the itch. We have had one use a handgun and he almost maxed out his available ammo in body count and he backed armed cops off in the process. Combat Marine against a handful of normal Cops isn't going to work out for the cops.

Now, arm that same Combat Marine with the weapon he is most familiar with, the AR-15. Give him 120 rounds in 4 mags. That Marine would have killed all 60 plus people at that bar hands down and taken out most of the cops in the process. He would own a record that would stand for decades or until another pro comes along to break it. But Military Shooters are not the problem. Just one doesn't change anything. But when an Amateurs can come close to a Pros record just by using a specific weapon maybe we should take a good hard look at that weapon.
BULLSHIT. You can not fire your last round switch mags and put another round down range in less than a second. That's complete and total bullshit.
Reality isn't mean, your fragility notwithstanding. It remains a fact that you only need to know a few men to know that impregnating a woman they aren't married to is NOT a thing they're excited to do.

He's been hanging out watching old Tracy Morgan clips again.
No, YOU can't.
No no one can. Its physically impossible. There are too many steps involved. Bolt locks to the rear. Your finger moves from the trigger to the mag ejection button and presses it. At the same time your off hand has to move from the front hand grip to where ever you have your mags stored and then to the mag well. Even assuming the old mag falls out clean it will take longer than 1 second for your off hand to get the new mag and insert it in the weapon. You then have to send the bolt home and then fire. If you’re really really fast you might get that done in less than 3 seconds.

but if your that good post up a video of you doing it.

youre faster than this? More than twice as fast?

Post it or shut it.
No no one can. Its physically impossible. There are too many steps involved. Bolt locks to the rear. Your finger moves from the trigger to the mag ejection button and presses it. At the same time your off hand has to move from the front hand grip to where ever you have your mags stored and then to the mag well. Even assuming the old mag falls out clean it will take longer than 1 second for your off hand to get the new mag and insert it in the weapon. You then have to send the bolt home and then fire. If you’re really really fast you might get that done in less than 3 seconds.

but if your that good post up a video of you doing it.

youre faster than this? More than twice as fast?

Post it or shut it.

Yes. You target shooters have different methods than combat troops do. We NEVER take our aim off the target. And if you are expecting to have to reload fast, you so it before the bolt locks back. You will also have a mag in your left hand or maybe two of them. If your mag doesn't drop straight down, there is something wrong with your gun and it needs to be fixed prior. The method you have shown looks good on the range but it'll get you killed in combat.
Yes. You target shooters have different methods than combat troops do. We NEVER take our aim off the target. And if you are expecting to have to reload fast, you so it before the bolt locks back. You will also have a mag in your left hand or maybe two of them. If your mag doesn't drop straight down, there is something wrong with your gun and it needs to be fixed prior. The method you have shown looks good on the range but it'll get you killed in combat.
I was a Marine for 23 years dum dum. Post your video or STFU.

no one is running around in combat with a Magazine let alone 2 in their off hand. At least watch a movie about combat before you run your Mouth
I was a Marine for 23 years dum dum. Post your video or STFU.

no one is running around in combat with a Magazine let alone 2 in their off hand. At least watch a movie about combat before you run your Mouth

Ah, the old Stolen Valour Routine.
Ah, the old Stolen Valour Routine.
Yeah that’s it. Post your video of all the combat troops running around with mags in their offhand.

Have you ever even been out of the country let alone in a combat zone?

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