should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm willing to give into the 21 year old thing if we do the same for voting. If 21 is when you can exercise one right, then 21 should be the age you can exercise all of them.
That won't happen on voting, 18 yrs old for voting is specifically mentioned in the constitution.

But, other things not mentioned by age, in the constitution could, I suppose? 21 for drinking, 21 for drafting, 21 as the age of consent, etc??????
Many will.

At 18 they don't have as much knowledge and connections to buy one illegally....these are not black or white boys in a gang, these are otherwise, appearingly law abiding white boys committing these mass murders.

All got their AR 15 type guns legally, easy peasy.

People usually do not survive being shot by one of these powerful guns, they are torn apart, emergency room doctors say....they can save a normal gun's bullet from killing a person, but it is unlikely with an AR15 type wound.
If killing power is your worry you wont stop with banning ar15s

And banning this gun or that gun does not solve the basic problem of why this generation of children wants to kill other children
That won't happen on voting, 18 yrs old for voting is specifically mentioned in the constitution.

But, other things not mentioned by age, in the constitution could, I suppose? 21 for drinking, 21 for drafting, 21 as the age of consent, etc??????

So where is the right of drinking under the age of 21, or drafting, or age of consent in the Constitution?

Either all rights apply to those 18 and older or they don't. We can't have special ages for special rights because the commies want it.
That idea wont fly with libs

They know that the same people who cant be trusted with guns tend to vote democrat

They want to get them fresh from their indoctrinated public high schools. They know once people start working for a living, see those taxes sucked out of their checks, and then see the Democrats use it to tear down highway bridges and rebuild them because they think they're racist, that's when they wake up and decide to be a Republican.
worthless child ? wow ! there is no such thing as a worthless child ! your post spoke volumes of what you think of disadvantaged children ...
You aren't good with syntax or grammar, are you? Or perhaps you are faking all the indignation.

Worthless good-for-nothing rotten MALES sexing up women to make mommy-slaves of them. That's what I said and that's what I meant. Watch out for what the modifiers modify.

Hmm, just seems to be buying a card through the post. No use whatsoever.

Wow, reading was the subject your school skipped to make time for CRT, apparently.

Owning one in your house requires one card, which takes over a month to come to you because they're doing a background check. The purchase of the gun itself also requires a background check, and that applies to private sales, as well. Then, if you want to be able to take the gun with when you go somewhere, you also have to have a second card for concealed-carry. Open carry is illegal (one presumes they make an exception for armed security guards). The second card requires a 16-hour training course. The cards, of course, have to be periodically renewed.

In addition to the waiting period on the card, there's also a waiting period of up to three days for a rifle. If someone requests a restraining order against you, the court can simply revoke your firearms ownership card and take possession of your guns.
You aren't good with syntax or grammar, are you? Or perhaps you are faking all the indignation.

Worthless good-for-nothing rotten MALES sexing up women to make mommy-slaves of them. That's what I said and that's what I meant. Watch out for what the modifiers modify.


Oh, yeah, men are just dying to produce children, by force if necessary. :rolleyes:
Apparently so, with all the rapes and sex harassment charges there are.

Which has what to do with forced impregnation? Are you really imagining that scumbag men who commit rapes or sexual harassment are actively looking to create a child, which would stand as living proof of their crimes, as opposed to enacting their own selfish pleasures and hostilities?
Many will.

At 18 they don't have as much knowledge and connections to buy one illegally....these are not black or white boys in a gang, these are otherwise, appearingly law abiding white boys committing these mass murders.

All got their AR 15 type guns legally, easy peasy.

People usually do not survive being shot by one of these powerful guns, they are torn apart, emergency room doctors say....they can save a normal gun's bullet from killing a person, but it is unlikely with an AR15 type wound.

The .223 is one of the most popular rounds in the world. It's used in so many weapons platforms that there are too many to list. It's not the AR that's deadly it's the round. Not to mention that there are plenty of far more destructive rounds out there from a terminal ballistics perspective. The .308 the most popular big game round is just one. This is why "assault weapons" bans are fucking stupid. All you're asking for is a ban on a scary looking gun you dont understand.
You are a bald faced LIAR and you know it numerous Democratic politicians advocate disarming us all the time.
The .223 is one of the most popular rounds in the world. It's used in so many weapons platforms that there are too many to list. It's not the AR that's deadly it's the round. Not to mention that there are plenty of far more destructive rounds out there from a terminal ballistics perspective. The .308 the most popular big game round is just one. This is why "assault weapons" bans are fucking stupid. All you're asking for is a ban on a scary looking gun you dont understand.
Thanks. You are correct, I know little about this stuff! I just leave it up to the hubby!!

So let me ask you, why are AR15 type guns the favorite gun of mass shooters, especially young men?

What makes them special, for these young guys?
Thanks. You are correct, I know little about this stuff! I just leave it up to the hubby!!

So let me ask you, why are AR15 type guns the favorite gun of mass shooters, especially young men?

What makes them special, for these young guys?

AR's (because it's a rifle) has more accuracy than a hand gun. The longer the barrel, the more accurate guns are. Not that you need that much accuracy when shooting into a group of people. They can also buy larger magazines than you can get with your standard handgun.

The point however is that banning AR's or any specific type of weapon won't stop the carnage we witness from time to time since other handguns can do just about the same thing. That is unless you'd be satisfied with 17 dead students instead of 19.

I was listening to an expert on this subject last week. His claim is that we have over 200,000 schools in the US, and that these shootings are so rare that most school systems figure "it won't happen here" so they take few precautions in case it does. He also pointed out that you never see these kinds of events taking place in inner-city schools. Inner-city schools have more security to handle outbreaks and gang fights. They are often old brick and mortar buildings. Suburban schools are much safer and much less violent so they don't invest in maximum security measures. He went on to say in any mass shooting, nobody was ever injured or killed that was behind a locked door.

So if we're going to focus on guns, particularly one kind of gun, we are only going to be taking a break until the next school shooting. If we start beefing up security at these schools, we will see less of them as time goes on. Mass shootings or not, the Democrats are using these past two tragedies to promote their anti-gun rhetoric.
Thanks. You are correct, I know little about this stuff! I just leave it up to the hubby!!

So let me ask you, why are AR15 type guns the favorite gun of mass shooters, especially young men?

What makes them special, for these young guys?
I’m not going to try and get in the head of these people but likely because it looks cool. Banning the AR 15 to stop school shootings is akin to banning Marlboro Lights to stop kids from smoking. I don’t think the lung cancer cares which brand of cigarette you smoke.

The bigger issue IMO is we are ignoring the problem by talking about, not even the symptom of the problem but the tool the symptom chooses to use. What is driving these kids to do this? What has changed in our society that is causing this? It isn’t the availability of guns. Arguably kids had far more access to guns in the past than they do now, but they weren’t taking those guns and shooting up schools with them. In the past if someone was shot on school grounds most times the person doing the shooting was trying to murder a specific person and it just happened to happen on the school property. That’s changed. So what’s changed in our society that has driven that change. Even if you could wish all the guns out of existence you wont have solved the actual problem.

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