Should there be a transfer fee to every person sending money to their “home country” if they can’t prove they are here legally?

I see mexican news where mexican president lopez obrador has a press conference every morning. there is also a mexican news show in TeleVisa, a mexican tv channel. it is call EN Punto, the TV anchor is lady named Dennis Merker. on Wednesdays after the news show En Punto they have a roundtable discussion about current events . there are several news people participating in the discussion. Dennis Merker is one them. she is quiet smart.

I prefer people who are LOUD smart!
None of those things would be possible without companies hiring them.

There is no requirement for a landlord to check legal status, but there is one for an employer to do so

So crazy how none of you are willing to hold employers accountable.
... and if the illegals have forged documents?
They are coming from around the world by the millions. There are not millions of unskilled low paid jobs. Not all invaders are willing to do unskilled low paid jobs. What do you think they are going to do?
With all the crimes in this country, it is amazing the amount of effort conservatives spend harassing illegals
Kid massacres 4th of July parade
Conservatives…..What are we going to do about illegals?
The gun was bought legally, end of story.
Nope. It's a fact.

They don't work. Trump's wall has fallen over, washed out. Illegals dig under it and climb over it.

Most illegals are not eligible for welfare. Look it up.
You cannot dig under the wall without major construction of a tunnel and the noise sensors will give you away. You are taking a few pictures and claiming it is a problem. The Border Patrol says they work!
I see mexican news where mexican president lopez obrador has a press conference every morning. there is also a mexican news show in TeleVisa, a mexican tv channel. it is call EN Punto, the TV anchor is lady named Dennis Merker. on Wednesdays after the news show En Punto they have a roundtable discussion about current events . there are several news people participating in the discussion. Dennis Merker is one them. she is quiet smart.
Yes, she is so smart, you must not be. You got her name completely wrong! It's Denise Maerker.
Apples and oranges....
Buffet's business profits are actually taxed...the stolen money telegraphs are not. Though I will concede that you do have a valid point.
Illegals aliens sent home $550 billion in 2019. if we were to levy a 30% transfer fee, the approximately $160 billion they and their children cost us would be covered. Shouldn’t illegals cover their own costs rather than saddle honest Americans with the billions of expense associated with them?

It’s their money, that they earned. Regardless of citizenship, it is their right to choose how to spend it.
Again, we are not talking about immigrants. We are talking about ILLEGAL ALIENS.

And it’s not their money if they earned it illegally, which they did. They shouldn’t be here to earn it in the first place.
It is their money, they earned it. Many pay taxes as well. If they worked for it they earned it regardless of citizenship. If you want to punish anyone go after those who hire them illegally. But no one seems to want to do that.
Funny how these folks are all into government intrusion and taxation when it suits them, huh?

If people want to send their money overseas it is their business unless it involves criminal activity.

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