Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

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Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?

Who has wisdom. Name me one.
So they need to be good with data. Like, oh I don't know, data analysts?

History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.
In other words

A logic test does not have to be set up with numbers

People with no experience with numbers can be set up similar but not the same

Many real prophets may have language different. May not know numbers yet

But may have other set ups to use
And what is low logic compared to high logic? Those aren't actual terms. At least not in the way you're trying to use them.
In other words

A logic test does not have to be set up with numbers

People with no experience with numbers can be set up similar but not the same

Many real prophets may have language different. May not know numbers yet

But may have other set ups to use

See post #226.
So they need to be good with data. Like, oh I don't know, data analysts?

History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.

Can't you read

I said similar. I did not say same

Get some mental help

Again similar is not the same

When I'm
Saying similar I am not saying the same

Two different things there and you are making them the same because of your low logic
So they need to be good with data. Like, oh I don't know, data analysts?

History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.

Can't you read

I said similar. I did not say same

Get some mental help

Again similar is not the same

When I'm
Saying similar I am not saying the same

Two different things there and you are making them the same because of your low logic

Like means similar, you fucking retard. Like does not mean the same.

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

Are you really this stupid?
So they need to be good with data. Like, oh I don't know, data analysts?

History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.

Can't you read

I said similar. I did not say same

Get some mental help

Again similar is not the same

When I'm
Saying similar I am not saying the same

Two different things there and you are making them the same because of your low logic

Here you fucking retard. Look at the synonyms for similar. Then look at what I said.

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

see definition of similar
Here is my post


China may be doing this now

And using a similar sat math but NOT the same


I have explained how a similar math test with numbers does not have to be used

I said above NOT THE SAME

You have lost so many logic points here already

Low logic makes you cannot understand

And logic is not education

And cannot be learned

Many ways logic can be measured without numbers
History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.

Can't you read

I said similar. I did not say same

Get some mental help

Again similar is not the same

When I'm
Saying similar I am not saying the same

Two different things there and you are making them the same because of your low logic

Here you fucking retard. Look at the synonyms for similar. Then look at what I said.

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

see definition of similar
Similar and like are the same with each other

But they are both different than the same

You lose again

That low logic gets you in trouble
History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.

Can't you read

I said similar. I did not say same

Get some mental help

Again similar is not the same

When I'm
Saying similar I am not saying the same

Two different things there and you are making them the same because of your low logic

Here you fucking retard. Look at the synonyms for similar. Then look at what I said.

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

see definition of similar
You brought up a stupid and wrong info

You brought up something that says similar is identical

Totally wrong

Again your low logic could not pick out that glaring error

Low logics is what elects crooks that destroys the nation

Errors are picked out and corrected by the high logics
History is data

Raise the min age so that the high logics will have history data to use to make predictions

History brings the understanding of natural laws that must be followed.

Patterns in history does this

Get some help in understanding similar does not mean the SAME

That proves your logic too low to pass

I didn't say that similar means the same. Still waiting on you to show me where I said that.

You did say that with you saying I was disagreeing

I was disagreeing with it being the same

Get some help. You clearly have low logic problems

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

You: "I was disagreeing with it being the same"

I said it would be like a difficult math SAT. I didn't say it would be the same as a difficult math SAT. Notice the words there.

I color-coded it for you so you don't get confused anymore.

Can't you read

I said similar. I did not say same

Get some mental help

Again similar is not the same

When I'm
Saying similar I am not saying the same

Two different things there and you are making them the same because of your low logic

Here you fucking retard. Look at the synonyms for similar. Then look at what I said.

Me: "We just agreed it would be like a difficult math SAT."

see definition of similar

You brought up wrong definitions of what similar means. You brought up the big error of saying identical is the same as similar

Totally wrong and that's why you hurt yourself when you try to do an ability that you don't have

You missed that glaring error

Logic does not go like a parrot to just remember logic picks out the clues that proves things

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