Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

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Only landowners get a vote. Timeshare owners get to vote every other election.


Women could own land but could not vote

So that would not be a property test for voting instead a wisdom test to stop the unwise part of white males
white males were seen as the most wise group. But many in the group were seen as unwise

So they separated them with the property test

A more modern test can now be made

Similar to the SAT math test for college and set at the highest level. Which shows would be mostly men
Not many

The big news is how as the level rises more and more men can pass compared to women

Maybe 10 to 1

But keep it that high because logic is the ability to predict correctly and are the prophets

This group then cannot be fooled by crooked leaders
"Not many" didn't answer my question. "Many" and "not many" are entirely subjective.

What do you have in mind? How many of the top math SAT performers should be allowed to vote?

10 people?
100 people?
1,000 people?
10,000 people?
100,000 people?
1 million?
10 million?
"Not many" didn't answer my question. "Many" and "not many" are entirely subjective.

What do you have in mind? How many of the top math SAT performers should be allowed to vote?

10 people?
100 people?
1,000 people?
10,000 people?
100,000 people?
1 million?
10 million?

Check how many scores at the top level. That many would work

But making the test so high only 100 can pass would be best

A democracy of 100 top logics would then be prophets that elects the gov

Just that level gets to vote

And their vote changes the laws

They will take the wisdom of how the electoral college was set up to work

Those 100 voters would set up the better system

China may be doing this behind closed doors

A democracy of prophets !!!

Instead of a democracy of loons !!!

Up the level of the test so that only the highest logical citizens can vote

A democracy of 100 could be enough

A democracy of prophets !!!
100 people, ok.

And of those top scoring people on the Math SAT, what do you think of the possibility of getting a majority of "math prophets" who completely disagree with your political ideology?
And I thought conservatives were supposed to be against the "educated elites" telling the uneducated working class what to do?

This idea of 100 mathematicians deciding our politics is exactly that, but far more.
100 people, ok.

And of those top scoring people on the Math SAT, what do you think of the possibility of getting a majority of "math prophets" who completely disagree with your political ideology?

Let it be a democracy that wins

The majority of prophets agrees should then be allowed as the final decision
The 100 prophets will elect the best government and system

Doing this would drain the worlds wise to come here and help further

Similar to the founders letting only the most wise to vote. The worlds other wise fled here to help also
And I thought conservatives were supposed to be against the "educated elites" telling the uneducated working class what to do?

This idea of 100 mathematicians deciding our politics is exactly that, but far more.

Not math experts

That test is the closest to a logic test we have

But can be made much better to not include much math at all

Logic is what to measure
And I thought conservatives were supposed to be against the "educated elites" telling the uneducated working class what to do?

This idea of 100 mathematicians deciding our politics is exactly that, but far more.

Logic ability is not education and cannot be learned
100 people, ok.

And of those top scoring people on the Math SAT, what do you think of the possibility of getting a majority of "math prophets" who completely disagree with your political ideology?

Let it be a democracy that wins

The majority of prophets agrees should then be allowed as the final decision

Fine with me. But I don't think you would like the results. And I'm certain your fellow conservatives wouldn't.

Here, let's come up with a few easy examples.

Religion: Compared to the overall population of the country, do you think these elite "Math Prophets" will be more or less religious?

Climate Change: Compared to the overall population of the country, do you think these elite "Math Prophets" will be more or less in favor of pushing climate-control related legislation?

Education: Compared to the overall population of the country, do you think these elite "Math Prophets" will be more or less in favor of promoting higher education?

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