Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

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All democrats have low logic

Every single one including the so called scientist democrats

Logic stops one from selecting the democrat platform !!
The abortion issue proves educators are either total morons or outrageously crooked to the core

Here is how Einstein also knew that they have severe issues

Yep Einstein was really down on educators

Now we can see why

Einstein said we read too many books

Can anyone with logic figure out what he was meaning??

Einstein understood about how inventions to make things better works

The reading too many books quote is him saying that no inventions can come by doing that because when reading a book you are CLOSING ones mind and just passing on what the author says

Einstein used his time wisely by staying out of school and walking by a river and thinking ... That brought all of his inventions

Einstein was a poor student because of that

Now look at what science now says about abortion It is a murder of a human life

And what has educators done to the 18 yr old mind ??

The 18 yr old is most recently trained by supposedly educators who go with science and 18 yr olds would then be totally against democrats and abortion They are the age most for democrats and abortion

Proving educators are corrupt to the core

And einsteins horse laughing at them for thinking they are wise was correct !!
Yes logic proves that contraception must be pushed. Therefore no abortions. A lower number of pregnancies(unwanted).is why contraception is wisdom.
Murdering the "Baby" in Order to Save the "Mother" Doesn't Make Any Sense

If you want to push theological logic, you must conclude that contraception interferes with God's choice of who will be conceived. Also under the jurisdiction of God's choice would be rape, incest, and death in childbirth, all of which make the hypocritical Fundies suddenly Pro-Choice.
The USA is a representative republic, based on the premise that people would recognize leaders more skilled than themselves and vote for them. This is a good, logical system, and it's the reason we're not a pure democracy.

But the success of a Representative Republic hinges on two factors:
  1. The humility to admit you're not an expert on all things.
  2. The intelligence to recognize those more capable than you.
When a significant portion of the population was sufficiently humble and intelligent to do this, the process worked.

Humility is now basically nonexistent, arrogance is the new norm, and an astonishing number of people think they are the smartest person on earth.

Thus, we now live in an Idiocracy.
The USA is a representative republic, based on the premise that people would recognize leaders more skilled than themselves and vote for them. This is a good, logical system, and it's the reason we're not a pure democracy.

But the success of a Representative Republic hinges on two factors:
  1. The humility to admit you're not an expert on all things.
  2. The intelligence to recognize those more capable than you.
When a significant portion of the population was sufficiently humble and intelligent to do this, the process worked.

Humility is now basically nonexistent, arrogance is the new norm, and an astonishing number of people think they are the smartest person on earth.

Thus, we now live in an Idiocracy.

We are not in a pure democracy

But much more now than the founders who limited voters to control govt by a democracy of wise voters

Today this limited democracy has expanded to a wide democracy

And this proves the founders right

There never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

That limited democracy has gone and widened ... Proving that all democracies types in time end in suicide
Yes logic proves that contraception must be pushed. Therefore no abortions. A lower number of pregnancies(unwanted).is why contraception is wisdom.
Murdering the "Baby" in Order to Save the "Mother" Doesn't Make Any Sense

If you want to push theological logic, you must conclude that contraception interferes with God's choice of who will be conceived. Also under the jurisdiction of God's choice would be rape, incest, and death in childbirth, all of which make the hypocritical Fundies suddenly Pro-Choice.
In your view of equality. It is the same for a struggling Hetero family as it is for single gay guys that perpetually party. Equality is that we all have roles also.
Yes logic proves that contraception must be pushed. Therefore no abortions. A lower number of pregnancies(unwanted).is why contraception is wisdom.
Murdering the "Baby" in Order to Save the "Mother" Doesn't Make Any Sense

If you want to push theological logic, you must conclude that contraception interferes with God's choice of who will be conceived. Also under the jurisdiction of God's choice would be rape, incest, and death in childbirth, all of which make the hypocritical Fundies suddenly Pro-Choice.
In your view of equality. It is the same for a struggling Hetero family as it is for single gay guys that perpetually party. Equality is that we all have roles also.
Why have equal roles when our logic is not equal ?

A democracy of equal high logic
Is the answer

A democracy of people with the highest vision would work the best when wanting to know what can be seen from a far distance

Same with the highest level of logic

Logic is common sense

The more conplex the issues requires the highest level common sense
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?

If you voted for Obama twice, a frontal lobotomy should be required before you can vote again.
A wisdom test for voting will come one way or the other

The easy way is Trump declares a broken gov and brings a logic test for voters

If that does not come then the universal law will do its job by bringing destruction pain and then the next cycle begins with very strict controls on the freedoms
of the unwise and no voting by the unwise

History pretty much shows this as the the result
The founders did not let the unwise vote
And set a min age for a president of 35

The founders whole intent was for the wise to lead the nation thru wise voters
The vote here so far is 16 for a wisdom test for voters and 15 against .

What all does that prove?
People learn with experience

That's why people are more liberal at 18 then becomes more conservative at 60

Now does anyone want to change their poll vote in the same way after seeing the debate

Conservatives are more wise the difference in age groups voting proves this

And no explaining of this data proves the media and educators corrupt to the core !!!
Also check the sat math test scores at the highest level to see how men do have the higher logic

Some of the smartest people I know have absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

When given the same opportunity as males, women equal or exceed males in math and logic skills.

Wrong totally not true

Proof is how women today gets just as good of grades in math class but fail in comparison when truly tested

Proving educators are corrupt to the core. Giving the wrong grades

Another issue as well as the equal math grades to women and then they fail when tested

Is that an 18 yr old voter should be most against abortion than any group since they have just come out of learning science

But but but

Educators have brainwashed them opposite of science today

Proving educators corrupt to the core

In reality it is gender bias that tips the scales in favor for boys and science fields.

Children get their morals or values from parents not educators.

Abortion is not science question, nor logic question.

Can I call you Spock?

Abortion is the most essy issue to understand since science is screaming it is murder of a human being

Educators now are lying on science

Proving they are corrupt to the core

An 18 yr old should be more against abortion and liberals since they have just come out of education

So that proves. Educators corrupt to the core

Spock, Spock , Spock. You can not co-opt science with non-logical bullshit.

Science does not define abortion as murder.

Science enables abortion, giving a would be mother the choice of growing another human being inside her at that point in her life. Before science, there was not such a safe, nice choice.

You proved nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.
What year will there be a high logical thinking ability test for voters ??

China may already have one

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