Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

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Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test
Actually, no. A requirement to own property is not in the Constitution.

There were SOME states which bestowed suffrage only on property owners. However, four states allowed freed slaves to vote. New Jersey even allowed women to vote.

I get tired of people who speak of our Founders as some monolithic body.

Those was strict down

And women could not be on juries for the same reason

Seen as too unwise and emotional

You know, one of the best offices I ever worked in was filled with women. When I went to limited duty because I broke my foot, they put me at PSD NAS Norfolk, and because of my experience (came from sea duty and did everything), they put me in the computer office. And, because I was the only male in an office of 6, everyone in PSD called me the "token male".

Well, not only was everyone in that office super good at their jobs, it was also the only office in my career where there was little to no drama in the office. Those women were smart, professional, and excellent co workers.

Sorry, but your blanket statement that all women are too unwise and emotional doesn't jibe with my experience. Most of the women that I had as supervisors while in the Navy were better leaders than a lot of the men.
All democracies commits suicide
As the founders said and they set up a system to stop a wide democracy

They set up a system of a democracy of prophet High logic ability to do the voting

When the voters are prophets they can see quickly what brings harm or progress
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test
Actually, no. A requirement to own property is not in the Constitution.

There were SOME states which bestowed suffrage only on property owners. However, four states allowed freed slaves to vote. New Jersey even allowed women to vote.

I get tired of people who speak of our Founders as some monolithic body.

Those was strict down

And women could not be on juries for the same reason

Seen as too unwise and emotional

You know, one of the best offices I ever worked in was filled with women. When I went to limited duty because I broke my foot, they put me at PSD NAS Norfolk, and because of my experience (came from sea duty and did everything), they put me in the computer office. And, because I was the only male in an office of 6, everyone in PSD called me the "token male".

Well, not only was everyone in that office super good at their jobs, it was also the only office in my career where there was little to no drama in the office. Those women were smart, professional, and excellent co workers.

Sorry, but your blanket statement that all women are too unwise and emotional doesn't jibe with my experience. Most of the women that I had as supervisors while in the Navy were better leaders than a lot of the men.

Women have better memory than men

Made that way to remember what the higher logic sees to give to the family and children
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test
Actually, no. A requirement to own property is not in the Constitution.

There were SOME states which bestowed suffrage only on property owners. However, four states allowed freed slaves to vote. New Jersey even allowed women to vote.

I get tired of people who speak of our Founders as some monolithic body.

Those was strict down

And women could not be on juries for the same reason

Seen as too unwise and emotional

You know, one of the best offices I ever worked in was filled with women. When I went to limited duty because I broke my foot, they put me at PSD NAS Norfolk, and because of my experience (came from sea duty and did everything), they put me in the computer office. And, because I was the only male in an office of 6, everyone in PSD called me the "token male".

Well, not only was everyone in that office super good at their jobs, it was also the only office in my career where there was little to no drama in the office. Those women were smart, professional, and excellent co workers.

Sorry, but your blanket statement that all women are too unwise and emotional doesn't jibe with my experience. Most of the women that I had as supervisors while in the Navy were better leaders than a lot of the men.

Women have better memory than men

Made that way to remember what the higher logic sees to give to the family and children

Hey genius..................those women were a hell of a lot more logical than a lot of dudes I know. Why do I say that? Because our office was the one that did all the computer work for the JUMPS pay system, and that involved a LOT of data entry and working with various computer programs.
Look at this

Understanding how we are designed and how humans were pre wired to get pain or joy this high logic ability makes for the correct predictions


A house with 5 openings to the outside

4 openings have roaring fires

Since we are pre wired to get pain from fire

We can predict which opening the person will seek

In other words. They have no free will

Everything is pre wired to make all do as they do

These cycles are made to come to destruct an area that goes against the laws
It's already been tried.

Literacy test - Wikipedia

From the 1890s to the 1960s, many state governments in the United States administered literacy tests to prospective voters purportedly to test their literacy in order to vote. In practice, these tests were intended to disenfranchise racial minorities.
"The Times, They Are a-Chaining"

The ding-dongs of the Bell Curve tolled America's funeral dirge.
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test
Actually, no. A requirement to own property is not in the Constitution.

There were SOME states which bestowed suffrage only on property owners. However, four states allowed freed slaves to vote. New Jersey even allowed women to vote.

I get tired of people who speak of our Founders as some monolithic body.

Those was strict down

And women could not be on juries for the same reason

Seen as too unwise and emotional

You know, one of the best offices I ever worked in was filled with women. When I went to limited duty because I broke my foot, they put me at PSD NAS Norfolk, and because of my experience (came from sea duty and did everything), they put me in the computer office. And, because I was the only male in an office of 6, everyone in PSD called me the "token male".

Well, not only was everyone in that office super good at their jobs, it was also the only office in my career where there was little to no drama in the office. Those women were smart, professional, and excellent co workers.

Sorry, but your blanket statement that all women are too unwise and emotional doesn't jibe with my experience. Most of the women that I had as supervisors while in the Navy were better leaders than a lot of the men.

Women have better memory than men

Made that way to remember what the higher logic sees to give to the family and children

Hey genius..................those women were a hell of a lot more logical than a lot of dudes I know. Why do I say that? Because our office was the one that did all the computer work for the JUMPS pay system, and that involved a LOT of data entry and working with various computer programs.

Yes indeed the data does show many men are low logic. In fact more males have the lowest IQs than women

But on the top is nearly all men

The sat math test also proves this as well as the top IQ expert

U.K. Professor Lynn
Look at this

Understanding how we are designed and how humans were pre wired to get pain or joy this high logic ability makes for the correct predictions


A house with 5 openings to the outside

4 openings have roaring fires

Since we are pre wired to get pain from fire

We can predict which opening the person will seek

In other words. They have no free will

Everything is pre wired to make all do as they do

These cycles are made to come to destruct an area that goes against the laws

Not necessarily. Some people might seek out the 4 openings with roaring fires in them. Especially if it is a pizza shop with 4 brick ovens and 1 door.
The IQ expert professor Lynn

Shows men on average us 5 IQ points ahead of women

But the big news is how women are all bunched close together and men are on the extremes

The biggest news is how the higher the level the more men than women

So a high logic test for voting would be nearly all men

The sat math tests totally verified this
No shit. and my premise was/is that doing so would simply hand a tool to people that have already shown conclusively that they would bastardize any such tool.

You have done nothing to rebut that point.

I know it is because you can't.

and now you know that I know that you know you can't.

Wrong Dead Wrong

The founders great system rebuts clearly what you say

The problem
Is low logic that cannot see what proves what

Nothing you can do about low logjc

Because it makes you blind to what proves a fact

The founders together set up the correct voting requirement

It was called a property test but in reality it was part of their whole system to stop the unwise from making decisions around complex issues

The unwise must be stopped from being around harmful influences

The wise can be free to be around everything because they can pick out the good and leave out the harm

Again you are blind with low logic

You cannot understand

You get saved from your self with a high logic tests for voters

China has copied America's wise founders system. They do control their unwise

Chairman Mao said
Women comrades can do what the males comrades can do

Having that system China was falling fast

Today China does the opposite and have stopped the lower logic women and are controlling them to not be around influences to get brainwashed with their lower logic

China in the last 10 years progress is exploding for stopping their unwise from voting or making decisions

you wasted an awful lot of time and effort writing that post.

unfortunately, again, you have rebutted nothing at all of what I've said, which is a perfectly valid point and exposes a fatal flaw in your proposal.

Like a doctor that thinks a shotgun cures cancer, fires it full bore into someone's diseased lung and declares the cancer cured because it is gone along with the rest of the torso, your "logic" ignores the actual result.

If you actually trust politicians to design, implement and regulate a system that is designed to impact the outcomes of elections, which directly impacts them, without exerting whatever influence they possibly could over said system, you are quite simply delusional.

Make an attempt to rebut my actual point and I may respond, else I think I've said all I have to say.

Again the founders proves you wrong

The true wise got together and made the best laws

And made this great nation

They might have, but you sure didn't.


Wrong you were proven wrong

The founders and modern China has proved you wrong

Also the sat math test for college proves you wrong

Your low logic cannot accept proof

nonsense. just saying it repeatedly proves nothing.

and now you know my SAT score? LOL. This just gets weirder and weirder.

I never took the SAT but my ACT composite score would have qualified me for Mensa had I so chosen and that is a plain and simple fact.

Good luck floundering in your silly thread on logic, into which you have injected none. I'm out early today, heading for happy hour and done with your stupid ass.....
But the IQ is part memory and part logic

A great memory can have a high IQ
But be low in the most important part of intellect. ...logic

This is why no nation ruled by women can survive
Wrong Dead Wrong

The founders great system rebuts clearly what you say

The problem
Is low logic that cannot see what proves what

Nothing you can do about low logjc

Because it makes you blind to what proves a fact

The founders together set up the correct voting requirement

It was called a property test but in reality it was part of their whole system to stop the unwise from making decisions around complex issues

The unwise must be stopped from being around harmful influences

The wise can be free to be around everything because they can pick out the good and leave out the harm

Again you are blind with low logic

You cannot understand

You get saved from your self with a high logic tests for voters

China has copied America's wise founders system. They do control their unwise

Chairman Mao said
Women comrades can do what the males comrades can do

Having that system China was falling fast

Today China does the opposite and have stopped the lower logic women and are controlling them to not be around influences to get brainwashed with their lower logic

China in the last 10 years progress is exploding for stopping their unwise from voting or making decisions

you wasted an awful lot of time and effort writing that post.

unfortunately, again, you have rebutted nothing at all of what I've said, which is a perfectly valid point and exposes a fatal flaw in your proposal.

Like a doctor that thinks a shotgun cures cancer, fires it full bore into someone's diseased lung and declares the cancer cured because it is gone along with the rest of the torso, your "logic" ignores the actual result.

If you actually trust politicians to design, implement and regulate a system that is designed to impact the outcomes of elections, which directly impacts them, without exerting whatever influence they possibly could over said system, you are quite simply delusional.

Make an attempt to rebut my actual point and I may respond, else I think I've said all I have to say.

Again the founders proves you wrong

The true wise got together and made the best laws

And made this great nation

They might have, but you sure didn't.


Wrong you were proven wrong

The founders and modern China has proved you wrong

Also the sat math test for college proves you wrong

Your low logic cannot accept proof

nonsense. just saying it repeatedly proves nothing.

and now you know my SAT score? LOL. This just gets weirder and weirder.

I never took the SAT but my ACT composite score would have qualified me for Mensa had I so chosen and that is a plain and simple fact.

Good luck floundering in your silly thread on logic, into which you have injected none. I'm out early today, heading for happy hour and done with your stupid ass.....

Now speak the truth

Go to the sat math test scores at the highest level and compare to the average level

You will see this same pattern the higher the logic the more men and less women

Go look and speak the truth
Wrong Dead Wrong

The founders great system rebuts clearly what you say

The problem
Is low logic that cannot see what proves what

Nothing you can do about low logjc

Because it makes you blind to what proves a fact

The founders together set up the correct voting requirement

It was called a property test but in reality it was part of their whole system to stop the unwise from making decisions around complex issues

The unwise must be stopped from being around harmful influences

The wise can be free to be around everything because they can pick out the good and leave out the harm

Again you are blind with low logic

You cannot understand

You get saved from your self with a high logic tests for voters

China has copied America's wise founders system. They do control their unwise

Chairman Mao said
Women comrades can do what the males comrades can do

Having that system China was falling fast

Today China does the opposite and have stopped the lower logic women and are controlling them to not be around influences to get brainwashed with their lower logic

China in the last 10 years progress is exploding for stopping their unwise from voting or making decisions

you wasted an awful lot of time and effort writing that post.

unfortunately, again, you have rebutted nothing at all of what I've said, which is a perfectly valid point and exposes a fatal flaw in your proposal.

Like a doctor that thinks a shotgun cures cancer, fires it full bore into someone's diseased lung and declares the cancer cured because it is gone along with the rest of the torso, your "logic" ignores the actual result.

If you actually trust politicians to design, implement and regulate a system that is designed to impact the outcomes of elections, which directly impacts them, without exerting whatever influence they possibly could over said system, you are quite simply delusional.

Make an attempt to rebut my actual point and I may respond, else I think I've said all I have to say.

Again the founders proves you wrong

The true wise got together and made the best laws

And made this great nation

They might have, but you sure didn't.


Wrong you were proven wrong

The founders and modern China has proved you wrong

Also the sat math test for college proves you wrong

Your low logic cannot accept proof

nonsense. just saying it repeatedly proves nothing.

and now you know my SAT score? LOL. This just gets weirder and weirder.

I never took the SAT but my ACT composite score would have qualified me for Mensa had I so chosen and that is a plain and simple fact.

Good luck floundering in your silly thread on logic, into which you have injected none. I'm out early today, heading for happy hour and done with your stupid ass.....

The act scores at the highest level
Will show the same pattern

Learn to be honest so people can learn

Being dishonest destroys nations because people cannot learn
you wasted an awful lot of time and effort writing that post.

unfortunately, again, you have rebutted nothing at all of what I've said, which is a perfectly valid point and exposes a fatal flaw in your proposal.

Like a doctor that thinks a shotgun cures cancer, fires it full bore into someone's diseased lung and declares the cancer cured because it is gone along with the rest of the torso, your "logic" ignores the actual result.

If you actually trust politicians to design, implement and regulate a system that is designed to impact the outcomes of elections, which directly impacts them, without exerting whatever influence they possibly could over said system, you are quite simply delusional.

Make an attempt to rebut my actual point and I may respond, else I think I've said all I have to say.

Again the founders proves you wrong

The true wise got together and made the best laws

And made this great nation

They might have, but you sure didn't.


Wrong you were proven wrong

The founders and modern China has proved you wrong

Also the sat math test for college proves you wrong

Your low logic cannot accept proof

nonsense. just saying it repeatedly proves nothing.

and now you know my SAT score? LOL. This just gets weirder and weirder.

I never took the SAT but my ACT composite score would have qualified me for Mensa had I so chosen and that is a plain and simple fact.

Good luck floundering in your silly thread on logic, into which you have injected none. I'm out early today, heading for happy hour and done with your stupid ass.....

The act scores at the highest level
Will show the same pattern

Learn to be honest so people can learn

Being dishonest destroys nations because people cannot learn

Women do score higher with memory issues. But memory is simply copying without understanding and cannot invent

Women in corporations are mostly in their ability jobs

The memory they have Office work

Detective types are the logic types

They are in research and finds the better systems and then he women with the memory remembers for the corp

Wake up and stop This runaway cycle now before it brings the destruction to all the freedoms of the unwise
Look at this

Understanding how we are designed and how humans were pre wired to get pain or joy this high logic ability makes for the correct predictions


A house with 5 openings to the outside

4 openings have roaring fires

Since we are pre wired to get pain from fire

We can predict which opening the person will seek

In other words. They have no free will

Everything is pre wired to make all do as they do

These cycles are made to come to destruct an area that goes against the laws

Not necessarily. Some people might seek out the 4 openings with roaring fires in them. Especially if it is a pizza shop with 4 brick ovens and 1 door.

Being silly will not help you stop the harm coming


People are so
Much in need to be right that they will not even check

These nations will fall back to the dark ages
The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Also check the sat math test scores at the highest level to see how men do have the higher logic

Some of the smartest people I know have absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

When given the same opportunity as males, women equal or exceed males in math and logic skills.

Wrong totally not true

Proof is how women today gets just as good of grades in math class but fail in comparison when truly tested

Proving educators are corrupt to the core. Giving the wrong grades

Another issue as well as the equal math grades to women and then they fail when tested

Is that an 18 yr old voter should be most against abortion than any group since they have just come out of learning science

But but but

Educators have brainwashed them opposite of science today

Proving educators corrupt to the core

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