Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

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Knowing the details of history does not give you the reasons why history repeats
Logic is the answer

Wrong? LMAO!! History doesn't always repeat itself or we'd have fought two more world wars against the Germans by now. Or had another civil war, or a revolution. Whatever you believe "logic" may be, the Rats use that word to describe "climate-change" formerly known as "global warming". People react by first impressions and life-experience....good looking people get away with twice the crap that ugly people do....nothing "logical" about it.
"History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Mark Twain
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Wrong dead wrong

Blacks of Africa has the best brute strength but has always lost to the whites with their higher logic that invents the best

Same with women being lower logic they cannot invent to beat the higher logic male

We have 50,000 yrs of history to prove this

China has just wised up and stopped their women's freedoms and voting

This always happens
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Also check the sat math test scores at the highest level to see how men do have the higher logic
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Wrong dead wrong

Blacks of Africa has the best brute strength but has always lost to the whites with their higher logic that invents the best

Same with women being lower logic they cannot invent to beat the higher logic male

We have 50,000 yrs of history to prove this

China has just wised up and stopped their women's freedoms and voting

This always happens

Europeans had superior technology and a superior strategy.

Women are the superior strategists. Look out, soon men will be subservient to's their plan.

Of course some men might like being crushed under their spiked heels........
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Wrong dead wrong

Blacks of Africa has the best brute strength but has always lost to the whites with their higher logic that invents the best

Same with women being lower logic they cannot invent to beat the higher logic male

We have 50,000 yrs of history to prove this

China has just wised up and stopped their women's freedoms and voting

This always happens

Europeans had superior technology and a superior strategy.

Women are the superior strategists. Look out, soon men will be subservient to's their plan.

Of course some men might like being crushed under their spiked heels........

Wrong white men are the winners

White men that are Protestant

All men are the winners of all women

All the native Americans had their Chiefs as men

Get some help. And learn history

Open your eyes to the sat math test scores at the highest level
Really foolish in debating this easy issue to understand

Men has higher logic than women
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Also check the sat math test scores at the highest level to see how men do have the higher logic

Some of the smartest people I know have absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

When given the same opportunity as males, women equal or exceed males in math and logic skills.
What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."

The founders knew states rights was the answer to bring the best system for all states when states can experiment

The first state that brings a high logic test for its voters will then have all the high logic prophets stampeding to that state

And together in that state the best progress ever would come and other states with their increased pain from losing their wise will also change and copy

This same stampede came when books got printed and religions got compared. The wise of all religions then stampeded to the bible !!

And they then became the most powerful and prosperous

Hogwash, women are superior strategists. The only reason they became subservient to men is because of brute strength, not logic.

No poll tests.

Also check the sat math test scores at the highest level to see how men do have the higher logic

Some of the smartest people I know have absolutely no common sense whatsoever.

When given the same opportunity as males, women equal or exceed males in math and logic skills.

You have no idea what you say

You don't know what wisdom is

And the sat math test scores are now when women has got the same grades in math class

Then when they take the test to prove it they fail in comparison to the men

Proving educators are outrageous liars
Another logjc test question could be

What was the founders test for voting ?
Perhaps you could provide a few sample questions & answers so we could have a better idea of what this test would entail.

Knowing Trump, the first question would be"Do you pledge Allegiance to the Donald". If you answer yes, continue the test. If the answer is no, you are finished and turn the test in and you can't vote.
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?
Trump voters would catastrophically fail a logic test. They prove it with damn near every post they make on this forum.
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test
Actually, no. A requirement to own property is not in the Constitution.

There were SOME states which bestowed suffrage only on property owners. However, four states allowed freed slaves to vote. New Jersey even allowed women to vote.

I get tired of people who speak of our Founders as some monolithic body.
A test designed by those to be voted for.

No thanks. that would just take gerrymandering to a whole new level.


Logic is like eyesight

The best of anything can be seen with logic

I believe in logic also, and it is that logic that leads to the conclusion I came to on this question. they would manipulate this to their own ends. zero doubt in my mind.


logic does not bring crooks

Logic brings progress for all

Same as the higher logic whites that brought the native Indians a big decrease in infant mortality and brought then comfort

Logic helps all

Logic understands how all abilities are needed to bring the best for all

Logic knows a bridge cannot be built with only logic ability

Logic brings all abilities together to bring the best progress

It seems trump understands this and trying to help other nations to understand how to prosper as a world team.

Trump could end all bad wars

The crooks are already there, they don't need to be "brought".

they control any process of implementing such a system.

Were they to be allowed to implement, which they wouldn't anyhow, they'd bastardize the hell out of it from the jump.


Trump declares a broken govt because low logic voters have been brainwashed by crooks

Sets up a new voting system before the 2020 election based on logic

Some questions would be

What does the voting difference prove between the 18-29 age group and the 50-64 age group

What does that prove

Without a clue or hint if you can see what that proves you get a high score on a logic test

Also what was the property test for voting prove. By our founders ??

Also what profit sites props up the democrats to make it equal in power to conservatives ??

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