Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

Should there be a wisdom test for voting?

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Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?

Only God has wisdom and he gave us the US Constitution..

So thread closed

What if trump declares a broken govt and sets up A wisdom test for voting before the 2020 elections and let them decide to throw out the current congress or all new ?

The states still control voting requirement, they just have to let women vote. Trumpybear doesn't have the power to dictate to the states how they do it.

Wouldn't that be the time for a 25th Amendment solution? "The man thinks he's a Dictator! "Quick call the quack."
You need to pass a test to stay in a school, to drive a car, to get a skilled job, and to own a firearm. Voting is more important than all the three I mentioned put together. The quiz can't be slanted toward one party or another or any religious affiliation, property ownership, race, etc. It should be a test about basic American civics; what the House does, what the Senate does, how a president gets elected and how legislation becomes law and remains law after judicial review. And it should be about American history...who we fought in our wars, what caused the Great Depression and the Great Recession. What presidents did what and when, and why, and why America is an exceptional country and why free-enterprise and having to work to eat and have shelter is the American way.
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?
Yes, it could work like this:

You contribute -> you get to vote.

You don't contribute -> you don't get to vote.

Oh wait, that's exactly what we had back when things worked better and politicians weren't pro invasion of their own country. Today we instead have Muslims who might accidentally reveal their plan of Jew extermination at any moment.
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?
Yes, it could work like this:

You contribute -> you get to vote.

You don't contribute -> you don't get to vote.

Oh wait, that's exactly what we had back when things worked better and politicians weren't pro invasion of their own country. Today we instead have Muslims who might accidentally reveal their plan of Jew extermination at any moment.

Dead wrong

Logic covers all of that and much more

The test must be on the highest levels of logic

Because they can see how a prosperous nation helps them the most

So logic covers it all

Common sense is logic. But the test must be for complex situations where only the highest common sense and logic can see and understand

It's like an eye test

Everyone obeys the best eyesight

Same as everyone obeys the highest logic Which are the prophets !!
You need to pass a test to stay in a school, to drive a car, to get a skilled job, and to own a firearm. Voting is more important than all the three I mentioned put together. The quiz can't be slanted toward one party or another or any religious affiliation, property ownership, race, etc. It should be a test about basic American civics; what the House does, what the Senate does, how a president gets elected and how legislation becomes law and remains law after judicial review. And it should be about American history...who we fought in our wars, what caused the Great Depression and the Great Recession. What presidents did what and when, and why, and why America is an exceptional country and why free-enterprise and having to work to eat and have shelter is the American way.


Knowing the details of history does not give you the reasons why history repeats

Logic is the answer
Again who can pass a logic test??

What does the 18 yr old voter and the 50-64 age voter


What does that prove

Without giving the clues one would get a higher grade on a logic test

What does that prove. I give one clue

What does the difference prove?

A higher logic can see the important difference without being told
Again who can pass a logic test??

What does the 18 yr old voter and the 50-64 age voter


What does that prove

Without giving the clues one would get a higher grade on a logic test

What does that prove. I give one clue

What does the difference prove?

A higher logic can see the important difference without being told
Maybe the GOP should just raise the voting age to 50 instead of having to administer and score all these tests.

Would that be a better idea?
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?
Sounds like great way to weaken voting rights and further corrupt gov.
Even if such a test would be consistent with the democratic ideal of government by consent by of the governed, I doubt that anyone outside of maybe ten people in the U.S. could pass it. Frankly, I can't think of anyone who could.
Logic will over rule

Moron teachers and corrupt to the core teachers

Even at 18

Logic covers all of that and much more

The test must be on the highest levels of logic

Because they can see how a prosperous nation helps them the most

So logic covers it all

Common sense is logic. But the test must be for complex situations where only the highest common sense and logic can see and understand


Same as everyone obeys the highest logic Which are the prophets !!



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Besides, college educated liberals are some of the stupidest people on the planet. That guy who collects carts in the grocery store parking lot is probably smarter.
Even the least intelligent among us are entitled to representation and a say in our government. That's one of the things that is most impressive about the USA. Lets not return to the past where a king and bought off Nobel class ran everything and the people had no say. Today's Dem's would love that, they drool over the prospect. We fought wars to end that type of tyranny and oppression.

I like what you makes perfect sense....The problem is; we are no longer a nation of good, decent, true, real Americans. Something radical will need to be done.
You need to pass a test to stay in a school, to drive a car, to get a skilled job, and to own a firearm. Voting is more important than all the three I mentioned put together. The quiz can't be slanted toward one party or another or any religious affiliation, property ownership, race, etc. It should be a test about basic American civics; what the House does, what the Senate does, how a president gets elected and how legislation becomes law and remains law after judicial review. And it should be about American history...who we fought in our wars, what caused the Great Depression and the Great Recession. What presidents did what and when, and why, and why America is an exceptional country and why free-enterprise and having to work to eat and have shelter is the American way.


Knowing the details of history does not give you the reasons why history repeats

Logic is the answer
Knowing the details of history does not give you the reasons why history repeats
Logic is the answer

Wrong? LMAO!! History doesn't always repeat itself or we'd have fought two more world wars against the Germans by now. Or had another civil war, or a revolution. Whatever you believe "logic" may be, the Rats use that word to describe "climate-change" formerly known as "global warming". People react by first impressions and life-experience....good looking people get away with twice the crap that ugly people do....nothing "logical" about it.
Our founders did not intend for a democracy of unwise voters to elect our govt..

They used a property test as their wisdom test

They let women own property but could not vote. Seen as too emotional

But with modern times we can make a logjc ability test to find the most logical voters who cannot be fooled by crooks

The sat math test scores at the highest level could be a good start in making this high logic ability test

Who now would go for a wisdom tests for voting ?

I've said it before; a simple fix would be to prohibit ALL anchor babies from voting in any election on American soil.
If you were born here to illegals you should be considered kind of illegal and treated as such. Our founders fucked up here BIG TIME!
Perhaps you could provide a few sample questions & answers so we could have a better idea of what this test would entail.
Do stupid asses who claim to hate identity politics and vote for the party that only uses identity politics and nothing else, be qualified as a legit voter, even though his IQ barely reaches Ocasio's shoe size?

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