Should Those Who Gave Info To Whistle Blower Be Executed?

So you think payback is more important than effective government?
Paybacks are what you want.....not a government that does the will of the people, correct?

BTW, talking about paybacks......who's the motherfuckers that have pulled every trick on the book to get rid of Trump?
When are they going to get paid back?

LOL..trump lives for payback. He tweets like a crybaby every five minutes when there is a hint of criticism.

As long as you have a clown in the WH you will have a fucked govt.

They won't get payback. They're doing a public service...
This economic prosperity didn't stop you d1c suckers from hating Obama did it? so fuck what you yapping about
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LOL....Obama expressed that the milase felt by the American people during his Presidency was "the new norm", in fact, he even mocked Trump during the 16 campaign saying that Trump would need a magic wand to change the economy...Now, you dolts try to credit Trumps sucess to Obama...It's laughable...

Anyone with two eyes, and a working brain could see that during your messiah's reign, misery was the only norm being promoted.
So you are going to ignore the fact that in Obama's last 30 months in office, more jobs have been created than in Trump's first 30 months...

You are going to ignore the fact that Obama lowered black unemployment by the largest percentage reduction in US history -- but since it was a black guy in office while it happened, trumpers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment....

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you are also going to ignore that for the first time in 10 years the manufacturing sector contracted......and you will ignore as long as your cult leader keeps pissing in your face and calling it prosperity...
How many jobs are there left to "create," when we are at around 3% unemployment? Obviously there is the potential for more job creation at 6% than 3%, and labor force participation rate of 62% compared to 63%.
You can keep bragging about the economy, but people do not have increased buying power. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living for a long time. So everyone's working, but still no better off. Never trust those stats from the government. Obama's admin did the same thing. Look at your own community. Are people driving better cars? Living in nicer homes? Why are people struggling to pay their rent? Why do more and more people have kids eligible for free lunch at school?

I don't know every situation of every household out there, maybe they need to seek better jobs, maybe they need to alter their spending habbits, maybe they are just bad with their money...How should I know? All I can tell you for sure is that I am better off now, than I was under President Obama's policies, and for that I am thankful....And believe me I am NOT rich by any standard....
That's good--I'm glad you're doing better.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Because honest people hate being lied about.

Another Trumpette who thinks people owe loyalty to Trump instead of the USA.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Republicans, always wanting to kill somebody....



Let's go all the way back to a whole couple of days ago....

"WASHINGTON – Former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld slammed President Donald Trump's contacts with the government of Ukraine in a television interview on Monday morning, calling Trump's actions "treason."

"Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election. That's not just undermining democratic institutions. That is treason. It's treason pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty," Weld said, speaking on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

GOP challenger Bill Weld says Trump committed 'treason,' mentions death penalty
Bill weld is a republican.

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Who is it that you think that you are "derping" ?
The fact that Weld is a member of the GOP is mentioned throughout.
You need to reread the thread.

So you don't know.
Is he? Is he really? Me thinks not really.
Lol, everyone else thinks he is.

"Everyone else"? as in who? Never Trumpers?
I'm sure they are in there somewhere. How hard is "everyone else" for you to comprehend? got nothing but troll like responses....Come on back when you have substance....
Huh? That was an honest question.

No, it was an insulting question...Plus you continue to dodge my original question to you so, I don't think any further dialouge with you is productive.
LOL....Obama expressed that the milase felt by the American people during his Presidency was "the new norm", in fact, he even mocked Trump during the 16 campaign saying that Trump would need a magic wand to change the economy...Now, you dolts try to credit Trumps sucess to Obama...It's laughable...

Anyone with two eyes, and a working brain could see that during your messiah's reign, misery was the only norm being promoted.
So you are going to ignore the fact that in Obama's last 30 months in office, more jobs have been created than in Trump's first 30 months...

You are going to ignore the fact that Obama lowered black unemployment by the largest percentage reduction in US history -- but since it was a black guy in office while it happened, trumpers didn't give a fuck about black unemployment....

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you are also going to ignore that for the first time in 10 years the manufacturing sector contracted......and you will ignore as long as your cult leader keeps pissing in your face and calling it prosperity...
How many jobs are there left to "create," when we are at around 3% unemployment? Obviously there is the potential for more job creation at 6% than 3%, and labor force participation rate of 62% compared to 63%.
You can keep bragging about the economy, but people do not have increased buying power. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living for a long time. So everyone's working, but still no better off. Never trust those stats from the government. Obama's admin did the same thing. Look at your own community. Are people driving better cars? Living in nicer homes? Why are people struggling to pay their rent? Why do more and more people have kids eligible for free lunch at school?

I don't know every situation of every household out there, maybe they need to seek better jobs, maybe they need to alter their spending habbits, maybe they are just bad with their money...How should I know? All I can tell you for sure is that I am better off now, than I was under President Obama's policies, and for that I am thankful....And believe me I am NOT rich by any standard....
That's good--I'm glad you're doing better.

I am...No thanks to liberal progressive policies.
Republicans, always wanting to kill somebody....



Let's go all the way back to a whole couple of days ago....

"WASHINGTON – Former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld slammed President Donald Trump's contacts with the government of Ukraine in a television interview on Monday morning, calling Trump's actions "treason."

"Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election. That's not just undermining democratic institutions. That is treason. It's treason pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty," Weld said, speaking on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

GOP challenger Bill Weld says Trump committed 'treason,' mentions death penalty
Bill weld is a republican.

View attachment 281438

Who is it that you think that you are "derping" ?
The fact that Weld is a member of the GOP is mentioned throughout.
You need to reread the thread.

So you don't know.
Lol, I do. But you seem to be pretty lost.
This proves that Pompeo and the rest of the intelligence agents are still under the command of Obama. That they are working behind the scene. Trying their best not to be notice.

You can keep bragging about the economy, but people do not have increased buying power. Wages have not kept up with the cost of living for a long time. So everyone's working, but still no better off. Never trust those stats from the government. Obama's admin did the same thing. Look at your own community. Are people driving better cars? Living in nicer homes? Why are people struggling to pay their rent? Why do more and more people have kids eligible for free lunch at school?
That is a silly response. We are at 3% unemployment, of course people have increased buying power, because more people actually have jobs. It's obvious that employers are taking profits and turning them into new employee hires. Give employers time, they will start to increase wages too.

As to wage increases,
the minimum wage Increased in 20 States Why hasn't this made a difference? I thought government mandating the raising the minimum wage is supposed to give us Nirvana.

Out of the 20 states increasing their minimum wage in 2019, six of them -- California, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York and Rhode Island -- are increasing wages thanks to laws set by their state legislatures, according to the Economic Policy Institute.

In Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Missouri and Washington, voters approved a minimum wage increase through ballot measures. And in eight other states -- New Jersey, Ohio, South Dakota, Vermont, Alaska, Florida, Minnesota and Montana -- the minimum wage was raised as a result of automatic adjustments for inflation.

To recap, business are hiring more and more people, until we are at historic lows in unemployment, while at the same time states are mandating increased wages for unskilled employees, and on top of all that, you are complaining employers are not also increasing wages to all employees to suit you? So you think employers have money just laying around gathering dust?

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