Should Trump be impeached?

If that were true, the deficit wouldn't skyrocket after their passed. Unless you think deficits work for everyone; which being a brain-dead con, you might actually b'lieve.
Why did Obama extend it? Mic drop lol
I already explained why. It's not my problem you're too brain-dead to recall the reason.
Yea yea pay the debt increase social programs encourage more people on welfare .. we know the drill
Regardless of what we're paying for, tax cuts drive up the debt. You already declared that you don't care that someone else will have to pay back your debt.
I haven’t paid taxes since 2014 .. come and get me lol
Come get you for what? Half of Americans don't pay taxes. I myself prefer to make a good living and pay taxes so I can live a better lifestyle.
No the Democrats should not impeach for many of the reasons already posted in fact the Democrat leadership should say flat out we are not going to impeach and that impeachment is 100% off the table. Rather they are smart enough to do this is highly questionable I have my doubts.
Trump never wanted to be president and he doesn't want to be president now. It was never anything but a publicity stunt gone horribly wrong. He wants to be impeached because he could then end this misery and go out as a martyr and not a quitter, which he isn't. Perhaps Pelosi recognizes that and won't impeach him to make him suffer.
Well that response took stupid to a new level.
Why did Obama extend it? Mic drop lol
I already explained why. It's not my problem you're too brain-dead to recall the reason.
Yea yea pay the debt increase social programs encourage more people on welfare .. we know the drill
Regardless of what we're paying for, tax cuts drive up the debt. You already declared that you don't care that someone else will have to pay back your debt.
I haven’t paid taxes since 2014 .. come and get me lol
Come get you for what? Half of Americans don't pay taxes. I myself prefer to make a good living and pay taxes so I can live a better lifestyle.
Taxes help your life style? Ha you need help huh? How old are you haha
No the Democrats should not impeach for many of the reasons already posted in fact the Democrat leadership should say flat out we are not going to impeach and that impeachment is 100% off the table. Rather they are smart enough to do this is highly questionable I have my doubts.
Trump never wanted to be president and he doesn't want to be president now. It was never anything but a publicity stunt gone horribly wrong. He wants to be impeached because he could then end this misery and go out as a martyr and not a quitter, which he isn't. Perhaps Pelosi recognizes that and won't impeach him to make him suffer.
Well that response took stupid to a new level.
Your vacuous response doesn't even put a dent in my post. But thanks for tryin'. Here's your participation trophy...

I already explained why. It's not my problem you're too brain-dead to recall the reason.
Yea yea pay the debt increase social programs encourage more people on welfare .. we know the drill
Regardless of what we're paying for, tax cuts drive up the debt. You already declared that you don't care that someone else will have to pay back your debt.
I haven’t paid taxes since 2014 .. come and get me lol
Come get you for what? Half of Americans don't pay taxes. I myself prefer to make a good living and pay taxes so I can live a better lifestyle.
Taxes help your life style? Ha you need help huh? How old are you haha

No, ya dumbfuck. Making more money which compels me to pay more in taxes helps my lifestyle. Jeez, are you ever ignorant. Are you so poor you have to eat paint chips?
Yea yea pay the debt increase social programs encourage more people on welfare .. we know the drill
Regardless of what we're paying for, tax cuts drive up the debt. You already declared that you don't care that someone else will have to pay back your debt.
I haven’t paid taxes since 2014 .. come and get me lol
Come get you for what? Half of Americans don't pay taxes. I myself prefer to make a good living and pay taxes so I can live a better lifestyle.
Taxes help your life style? Ha you need help huh? How old are you haha

No, ya dumbfuck. Making more money which compels me to pay more in taxes helps my lifestyle. Jeez, are you ever ignorant. Are you so poor you have to eat paint chips?
You need a baby daddy? Lol
Papadopoulos met a man he knew was a Russian government official, Ivan Timofeev, on March 24, 2016, and had numerous Skype meetings with Timofeev that April—during which the two reached a meeting of the minds on what Timofeev called Trump-Russia "cooperation."

Trump is a Republican responsibility and they should do the impeaching. Trump has already damaged the Republican party and more is coming, at the least the Republicans could say "We nominate a sick president and we remove him."
Think of the damage a mentally sick president can do the US and even the world. Some Americans are not fit to be president, and we have one now.
I am fully aware of what happened today, what Trump did, what Trump said. Trump is begging to be impeached, which is exactly my point.

The worst mistake the Democrats could make is to impeach Trump!

In the first place, heading into the 2020 Presidential election, Democrats should not do exactly what their main rival wants them to do.

In the second place, what exactly would be accomplished by impeachment? Some naive congressmen and women think impeachment is an end onto itself. It is not. Impeachment is merely an indictment. The trial takes place in the Trump Republican held Senate where conviction will only happen when pigs can fly. Trump would become a martyr, a victim of Democratic overreach. Why do you think Trump wants to be impeached?

In the third place, these immature lawmakers who think Trump should be impeached should look back on 1998 and the failed impeachment of Bill Clinton which was led by the Republicans. After Clinton was vindicated he became more popular. The pending election was a disaster for the GOP. The Speaker, Newt Gingrich, first lost his post. Months later, he was booted out of the House. That is what impeachment accomplished for the Republicans, and Pelosi and others with more experience remember it well.

In the fourth place, a recent poll showed that only 37% want Trump impeached, probably mostly Republicans. It is Trump's only chance. 60% of Americans oppose impeachment. When asked should Trump be reelected, 60% said no, 37% said yes. Twice in the last two days, two different federal courts have ruled against Trump and in favor of the House Democrats.

What does this mean? It means the Democrats are already winning. Taking into consideration 1998, why risk throwing the election in favor of Trump?

OLC, Tlaib, Omar and others calling for impeachment say that it is a Constitutional duty for the House to impeach Trump. Consider this. The worst possible threat to our Constitution is another four years of the Trump Presidency.

This was illustrated in living color today.
I agree. It's a terrible idea. There is about zero chance of the Senate convicting Trump. If the House released a bill of impeachment tomorrow. The Senate would exonerate him and he would ride into 2020 with a congress proclamation of his innocence. It would be a dream come true for Trump. A far better plan is to continue investigations and gather evidence to be put put before the voters. Voters should decide. They put him in office and they should kick him out.
The voters are satisfied with the Mueller report, bud. They're not gonna "kick him out". And the more the left investigates him, the more they're gonna want to teach them a lesson and reelect him. They'll decide, all right, but it won't be the decision you THINK it'll be.
The House should not impeach Trump, at least with what is known now. They should continue to investigate. There's no doubt that there're going to come up with stuff. It's an ideal climate for democrats going into 2020, with Trump under a cloud of suspicion, impeachment hanging over his head, illegal immigrants pouring into the country, and Rowe v Wade under danger of repeal with only 28% supporting repeal. All Democrats have to do is don't screw up by nominating a far left candidate.

They tried for two years and failed. Did you ever think perhaps he did nothing wrong?

Illegal immigrants pouring into this country are the fault of the Democrats. They will be running against their own records.

So which non-far left candidate do you think is waiting in the wings to run?
Trump is a Republican responsibility and they should do the impeaching. Trump has already damaged the Republican party and more is coming, at the least the Republicans could say "We nominate a sick president and we remove him."
Think of the damage a mentally sick president can do the US and even the world. Some Americans are not fit to be president, and we have one now.

If you think Trump is sick, that says a lot more about YOUR mental health or lack thereof!
I am fully aware of what happened today, what Trump did, what Trump said. Trump is begging to be impeached, which is exactly my point.

The worst mistake the Democrats could make is to impeach Trump!

In the first place, heading into the 2020 Presidential election, Democrats should not do exactly what their main rival wants them to do.

In the second place, what exactly would be accomplished by impeachment? Some naive congressmen and women think impeachment is an end onto itself. It is not. Impeachment is merely an indictment. The trial takes place in the Trump Republican held Senate where conviction will only happen when pigs can fly. Trump would become a martyr, a victim of Democratic overreach. Why do you think Trump wants to be impeached?

In the third place, these immature lawmakers who think Trump should be impeached should look back on 1998 and the failed impeachment of Bill Clinton which was led by the Republicans. After Clinton was vindicated he became more popular. The pending election was a disaster for the GOP. The Speaker, Newt Gingrich, first lost his post. Months later, he was booted out of the House. That is what impeachment accomplished for the Republicans, and Pelosi and others with more experience remember it well.

In the fourth place, a recent poll showed that only 37% want Trump impeached, probably mostly Republicans. It is Trump's only chance. 60% of Americans oppose impeachment. When asked should Trump be reelected, 60% said no, 37% said yes. Twice in the last two days, two different federal courts have ruled against Trump and in favor of the House Democrats.

What does this mean? It means the Democrats are already winning. Taking into consideration 1998, why risk throwing the election in favor of Trump?

OLC, Tlaib, Omar and others calling for impeachment say that it is a Constitutional duty for the House to impeach Trump. Consider this. The worst possible threat to our Constitution is another four years of the Trump Presidency.

This was illustrated in living color today.
I agree. It's a terrible idea. There is about zero chance of the Senate convicting Trump. If the House released a bill of impeachment tomorrow. The Senate would exonerate him and he would ride into 2020 with a congress proclamation of his innocence. It would be a dream come true for Trump. A far better plan is to continue investigations and gather evidence to be put put before the voters. Voters should decide. They put him in office and they should kick him out.
The voters are satisfied with the Mueller report, bud. They're not gonna "kick him out". And the more the left investigates him, the more they're gonna want to teach them a lesson and reelect him. They'll decide, all right, but it won't be the decision you THINK it'll be.
The House should not impeach Trump, at least with what is known now. They should continue to investigate. There's no doubt that there're going to come up with stuff. It's an ideal climate for democrats going into 2020, with Trump under a cloud of suspicion, impeachment hanging over his head, illegal immigrants pouring into the country, and Rowe v Wade under danger of repeal with only 28% supporting repeal. All Democrats have to do is don't screw up by nominating a far left candidate.

They tried for two years and failed. Did you ever think perhaps he did nothing wrong?

Illegal immigrants pouring into this country are the fault of the Democrats. They will be running against their own records.

So which non-far left candidate do you think is waiting in the wings to run?
You don’t read much, do you?
Democrats CANT GOVERN.. it’s to the point where we might have to coup them.. Schiff is our INTEL guy.. we are going to be attacked .. he is in fit to sit.
How'd those two years with the GOP in charge of all three branches go? Got a Wall? Mexico pay for it? H. Clinton locked up? Obamacare gone? Budget balanced? ISIS gone?
Hmmm economy lol North Korea stop shooting ballistic missiles , new trade deals, are you retarted??

No, but you might be if you cannot spell the word. Isn't that when you load a second Pop Tart into the toaster?
But it wasn't. According to you, people couldn't get good jobs under the trump economy. That's what you said, despite your backpedaling now.
Trump was president when Obama was president??? What are you smoking
I could ask you that since I said no such thing.
And I didn’t say people can’t find jobs under trump quote me
You said people couldn't find jobs because of the individual mandate. That was in effect during most of trump's presidency.

Don't you think it would be prudent for you to understand what you write without needing me to explain your posts to you?
Are you retarted?

Damn it! The word is retarded, you retard!

The question isn’t .,.,.,.

Should Trump be impeached?

The responsible party to answer that question goes too "The House of Representatives".

As I see it, this is not a question directed to the public, i.e.;the vast majority; but instead; it’s a question directed to "The House of Representatives".

Let "The House of Representatives". seek out the answer to that question for all to see.

If a Republican Senator supports what Trump is and has been doing then let this Republican Senator stand up and vote, Ya or Ney

What say you—?

let this Republican Senator stand up and vote—

Ya or Ney
For all to see :)-

"Goes too the House of Representatives?" to - too - two Learn the difference!

Did you even finish elementary schools?
The is not a question directed to the public, the vast majority, it’s a question directed to The House of Representatives.
& Let the chips fall wherever they may,
If a Republican Senator supports what Trump is and has been doing then let this Republican Senator stand up and vote, Ya or Ney
What say you—
let this Republican Senator stand up and vote—
Ya or Ney
for all to see


How many times are you going to repeat this idiocy?
Trump should be removed from office. I don't much care how that happens.

The thing with impeachment is, if it isn't a lock - if Trump can find any way to weasel out of it - then they shouldn't try. If Democrats are serious about combatting Trump, they should focus more on coming up with a more appealing alternative. They need to figure out how to win back the swing voters they lost.

They've apparently convinced themselves that they lost voters, in 2016 to Bernie's gang - failing to recognize that they've lost a couple of generations of white, working class voters to the Republicans. Don't they even wonder why?

Why should Trump be removed from office? Can that microscopic brain cell of yours come up with a valid reason? Of course not, so sit down and shut up until you can!
Trump should be removed from office. I don't much are how that happens.

Maybe you should rethink that statement. Or are you okay with murder?

For better or worse, the man was lawfully elected, would you support unlawful or dishonest methods to remove anyone who was lawfully elected or just Trump?

Fair to say. No, of course I'm not condoning anything illegal. But if they can boot him out on a technicality, however irrelevant, I'm fine with that.

When are you going to come up with one?

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