Should Trump close up the Internet?

Should Trump close up the Internet?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 14, 2012
So Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet to hinder ISIS from recruiting in America.
As far as I know, there is a central Internet hub in the US. Shut it down and thats it. One button, Mr. Trump. Dare to push it?
Complete idiocy !!
Shut down the internet and another network will come out eventually . It may take years, but it will happen.
The argument is worse if you consider terrorist groups have been able to recruit people many years before the internet was even drafted.
Odd isn't it that CHINA can CLOSE DOWN any sites they want to...they did it to Google, if anyone has a brain to remember that incident, while letting all other information, and industry go along unmolested... Now I'm SURE if China can do that, as Trump suggested, we SHUT DOWN all MUSLIM social sites thus curtailing any RADICALIZATION through that media....Oh Remember Major Hasan, was in contact with a radical Iman while in the Army!
Odd isn't it that CHINA can CLOSE DOWN any sites they want to...they did it to Google, if anyone has a brain to remember that incident, while letting all other information, and industry go along unmolested... Now I'm SURE if China can do that, as Trump suggested, we SHUT DOWN all MUSLIM social sites thus curtailing any RADICALIZATION through that media....Oh Remember Major Hasan, was in contact with a radical Iman while in the Army!

I don't think they can "close down" the internet. They might be able to block sites though.
The government can shut down the main hub, yes.

That will damage our economy terribly.

What the government is after are the keys to the encryption codes.

The trouble with that is that creating new encryption codes can be done by skilled folks.
The government can shut down the main hub, yes.

That will damage our economy terribly.

What the government is after are the keys to the encryption codes.

The trouble with that is that creating new encryption codes can be done by skilled folks.

So Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet to hinder ISIS from recruiting in America.

That is not what he said at all.
What did he say, then?????????

He said that he would get top people like Microsoft and others to discuss how best to shut down Radical Jihadists propaganda sites.
Which is already being done now but not completely efficiently.
He wants it done much more effectively than what is being done now.
Shutting down the internet as Donald the Chump suggests is not only impractical, but almost impossible as well.

About as stupid as his ban all Muslims from entering the US.
The government can shut down the main hub, yes.

That will damage our economy terribly.

What the government is after are the keys to the encryption codes.

The trouble with that is that creating new encryption codes can be done by skilled folks.
I assume the US government has full control over the Internet. Being the civilian offshoot of an US military network, the whole thingy is an US government project. There is a "darknet", though, but it is tolerated by almost everyone.
So Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet to hinder ISIS from recruiting in America.

That is not what he said at all.
What did he say, then?????????

He said that he would get top people like Microsoft and others to discuss how best to shut down Radical Jihadists propaganda sites.
Which is already being done now but not completely efficiently.
He wants it done much more effectively than what is being done now.
Can you give us a source and prove all the reports are nonsense? And are facebook and twitter jihadist websites?
The government can shut down the main hub, yes.

That will damage our economy terribly.

What the government is after are the keys to the encryption codes.

The trouble with that is that creating new encryption codes can be done by skilled folks.

Well??? Where is your link? Don't have one because you are making things up?
So Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet to hinder ISIS from recruiting in America.

That is not what he said at all.
What did he say, then?????????

He said that he would get top people like Microsoft and others to discuss how best to shut down Radical Jihadists propaganda sites.
Which is already being done now but not completely efficiently.
He wants it done much more effectively than what is being done now.
Can you give us a source and prove all the reports are nonsense? And are facebook and twitter jihadist websites?

He campain speech was on c-span
Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Rally Mount | Video |

Start at around 36:00 minutes.
Last edited:
Well, Trump doesn't have the authority to do anything of the sort!

Could the U.S. shut down the internet? -

Could the United States do the same?

Technically, the United States could do the same thing Egypt did to block internet access, Faris said.

The government would have to call four or five top internet providers and order them to disrupt Border Gateway Protocols in a way that shut down the majority of American internet traffic, he said. Others said the government would have to deal with the country's thousands of internet providers in order to fully clamp down on internet access, which would be logistically difficult.

But that's unlikely to happen here, experts said.

For one thing, the internet in the U.S. is bigger. There are more companies involved, more data at play and more locations where the internet comes in and out of the country.

Moreover, U.S. law would prevent such an authoritarian shutdown.

"The internet is a network of networks," said Andrew Blum, a correspondent for CNN content partner Wired magazine and author of an upcoming book on internet infrastructure, "and they're all commercially operated.

"They're all businesses. Their autonomy is sort of their bread and butter. And they're mostly unregulated. So the idea of having to comply fully with any government order to shut them off is pretty extreme. It's as if there were a government order to close every McDonald's -- all at once."

A country's legal framework, not its technical infrastructure, determines whether it is able to shut down its citizens' access to the internet, said Cowie.

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