Should Trump & Co. do all they can to destroy the Republican Party over the next four years?

I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing
They are afflicted by small-town RINO syndrome = Republicans In Name Only. There's a Jewish business district downtown that supports Republican candidates but does nothing to separate itself from radical leftist Jewish communism.
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's like mana from heaven. Yes, please.

Careful what you wish for.....

Two parties that don't know how to govern competing for the same vote, I'm good with it.

Versus that other Party that only governs for the people of Mexico and the dregs of American society?

At least you admit the right doesn't know how to govern in the mean time I'll leave the Mexican government to take care of Mexico.
Of course I'll admit the right doesn't know how to govern for America's filth and Mexico's citizens. That's why you hate them in power.
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's like mana from heaven. Yes, please.

Careful what you wish for.....

Two parties that don't know how to govern competing for the same vote, I'm good with it.

Versus that other Party that only governs for the people of Mexico and the dregs of American society?

At least you admit the right doesn't know how to govern in the mean time I'll leave the Mexican government to take care of Mexico.
Of course I'll admit the right doesn't know how to govern for America's filth and Mexico's citizens. That's why you hate them in power.

I prefer those who govern not to get hung up on bashing different races and religions, it tends to hold us back.
On January 21 Trump needs to announce that he's launching a Nationalist Party, now is the time.

Yeah! And he can hold another rally in D.C. but this time his mob of redneck white trash haters can storm the White House. Right, Bubba? Your real name is Bubba, isn't it?
You want to splinter the Party of Dumb to the Party of Really Dumb.
On January 21 Trump needs to announce that he's launching a Nationalist Party, now is the time.

Yeah! And he can hold another rally in D.C. but this time his mob of redneck white trash haters can storm the White House. Right, Bubba? Your real name is Bubba, isn't it?
It does bring up the question of whether capital police will now wear armor and carry rifles. The secret service really screwed up on security when Obama was president. And Trump put up … a wall. Seems to be a trend with him.
I'm good with that.

Go full David Koresh and burn it down.
On January 21 Trump needs to announce that he's launching a Nationalist Party, now is the time.
Proud Boys and Richard Spencer. It'll be fantastic. LOL

Didn't you hear? Richard Spencer broke up with Trump awhile ago. He appears to keep trying to attach himself to liberal causes but nobody but the right is biting on it.
Too bad your speaker of the (FBI Big) house is in jail.


Rick Barnett your table is ready.
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's time for both parties to stop the partisan bullshit and start working for the people who elected them, and I'm not talking about the wealthy and the oligarchs, or the corporations, I'm taking about working Americans.

Trump likes to tell that story of the frog and the snake. What he doesn't tell you is that Trump is the snake. He asked you what do you have to lose in voting for him.

4 years of Trump and no you know exactly what you have to lose. Your democracy, your economy and your health.
the reason partys exist is to make it partisan,,, what youre really saying is to see things my way or we will crush you,,,,

You are even dumber than you appear, which is pretty fucking dumb.

Politicians are elected to work on behalf of their constituents, and to their benefit. There is no benefit to anyone in partisan bickering. To create a climate where ALL Americans can prosper. You see to think you elect representatives to wage war on the other side, and reject all of their ideas out of hand.

They're supposed to be running the country, and by "the country", I'm talking about the infrastructure, courts, and property protections that make the USA a first world country. To find policies to help both the people and the nation thrive.

Instead Republicans are finding more and better ways to strip working people of their cash and passing it on to the wealthy.
On January 21 Trump needs to announce that he's launching a Nationalist Party, now is the time.

Yeah! And he can hold another rally in D.C. but this time his mob of redneck white trash haters can storm the White House. Right, Bubba? Your real name is Bubba, isn't it?

I’ll take redneck white trash all day everyday over this bunch of amazing sub human Liberal filth...wouldn’t you?
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's time for both parties to stop the partisan bullshit and start working for the people who elected them, and I'm not talking about the wealthy and the oligarchs, or the corporations, I'm taking about working Americans.

Trump likes to tell that story of the frog and the snake. What he doesn't tell you is that Trump is the snake. He asked you what do you have to lose in voting for him.

4 years of Trump and no you know exactly what you have to lose. Your democracy, your economy and your health.
the reason partys exist is to make it partisan,,, what youre really saying is to see things my way or we will crush you,,,,

You are even dumber than you appear, which is pretty fucking dumb.

Politicians are elected to work on behalf of their constituents, and to their benefit. There is no benefit to anyone in partisan bickering. To create a climate where ALL Americans can prosper. You see to think you elect representatives to wage war on the other side, and reject all of their ideas out of hand.

They're supposed to be running the country, and by "the country", I'm talking about the infrastructure, courts, and property protections that make the USA a first world country. To find policies to help both the people and the nation thrive.

Instead Republicans are finding more and better ways to strip working people of their cash and passing it on to the wealthy.
sure theyre supposed to represent their constituents but as we see once elected they are forced to represent the party first,,, and that goes for both .partys,,

you should check yourself before calling others stupid,,,
Any trumpers remaining should join that party, loyal to trump and no longer loyal to The United States of America. Violent overthrow of our country is not what most Republicans support, only the rabid trump supporters. I agree. These traitors should start their own party, rather than ride the tarnished name of the Republican Party for cover (to spread the blame) and name recognition to enhance fund raising.
I think it's best to just get out of the way and let them do what they're doing.
This week in Trumponomics: Deplorable

Rick Newman
Rick Newman

·Senior Columnist
Fri, January 8, 2021, 1:31 PM EST

President Trump is boldly ending his presidency with new depravities.
As the whole world knows, Trump goaded thousands of supporters into ransacking the U.S. Capitol this week, disrupting the formal certification of Joe Biden’s presidential victory. Five people died. Rioters killed a Capitol police officer. Police shot and killed one of Trump’s rioting supporters. Three other Trump rioters died of medical trauma while marauding through the Capitol. Congress certified Biden’s win anyway.
The Trump riots didn’t directly affect the U.S. economy, which is doing poorly enough on its own. But the bloody culmination of Trump’s pathetic effort to overturn the U.S. election reflects his complete neglect of everything that matters since he lost on Nov. 3.
The data confirms Trump’s awful performance. The jobs recovery has ended, with the economy losing 140,000 jobs in December. This could be the double-dip recession economists have been worried about. After the huge loss of jobs in March and April, the job market began to recover, with job gains every month from May through November. But the pace of job growth slowed sharply in the fall, and it has now reversed. Lost jobs since February still total more than 9.8 million.
There’s no secret why. The coronavirus pandemic is more disruptive than ever, with more than 4,000 deaths per day. The pandemic has now killed 375,000 Americans, and the death toll will likely exceed half a million by March. The Trump administration has given up on any effort to control the disease, instead touting the initial rollout of two vaccines. But the vaccination effort is already going much slower than hoped, and the service sector—especially restaurants and travel—is simply getting crushed as people stay home.
It’s difficult to overstate what a disaster the Trump presidency has become. The best we can do is create a new category on the Trump-o-meter: DEPLORABLE. The worst rating used to be SAD, but that’s not bad enough to characterize Trump on his way out.
Sane Americans will be holding their breath until Jan. 20, wary of what other bombs Trump may set off before he leaves. Trump may be chastened by the prospect of criminal charges for his role inciting violence that led to deaths. The House of Representatives might impeach Trump again, though conviction in the Senate seems unlikely unless Trump goes bananas. Trump, meanwhile, thinks he can pardon himself and he has a remarkable record of evading justice. So far.
Financial markets represent a lone dose of optimism. Stocks rose after Democrats won two Senate races in Georgia on Jan. 5, taking control of the Senate—despite predictions of a stock-market correction if Democrats captured the Senate. Investors think Biden and his fellow Democrats will pass a much bigger fifth stimulus bill in 2021 than would have been possible with Republicans in charge of the Senate – perhaps totaling $1 trillion or more, four or five times more than what Republicans might have approved. This would help the economy in the short run. Deutsche Bank this week raised its GDP forecast for 2021 by two points, to growth of 6.3%. Most of that would come in the second half of the year.
Rising stock prices also reflect a belief in the resilience of corporate profits, although some investors warn a bubble has formed and a pullback is coming. If it happens, it surely won’t be the worst news of 2021. But by then Trump should be gone, which will be stabilizing in itself. Maybe the market likes that as well.
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's like mana from heaven. Yes, please.

Careful what you wish for.....

Two parties that don't know how to govern competing for the same vote, I'm good with it.

Versus that other Party that only governs for the people of Mexico and the dregs of American society?

At least you admit the right doesn't know how to govern in the mean time I'll leave the Mexican government to take care of Mexico.

The left is worse.
I cant wait to see how bad things get under Hiden and Heels in the air Harris.
It wont hurt me unless they attack my bank accounts,of course if they do it's gonna get nasty.

Nobody gives a shit about your bank account.
Well I believe everyone who thinks this is bullshit should run the banks and pull out of all stocks. Same day Same time. Banks close at 9:20. Come back tomorrow. When they close at 9;02, come tomorrow. rinse and repeat.

Neat stuff, kid. Nobody cares about your wet dreams.
Ewwwww. You really impress me with 3rd grade. And you bought the Russia hoax....LOLOL
Any trumpers remaining should join that party, loyal to trump and no longer loyal to The United States of America. Violent overthrow of our country is not what most Republicans support, only the rabid trump supporters. I agree. These traitors should start their own party, rather than ride the tarnished name of the Republican Party for cover (to spread the blame) and name recognition to enhance fund raising.
I think it's best to just get out of the way and let them do what they're doing.
I think organizing a run on the bank day and stock day helps. I hope Trump suggests that at his rally in Fla 1/21 from 11am to 2pm.
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's like mana from heaven. Yes, please.

Careful what you wish for.....

Two parties that don't know how to govern competing for the same vote, I'm good with it.

Versus that other Party that only governs for the people of Mexico and the dregs of American society?

At least you admit the right doesn't know how to govern in the mean time I'll leave the Mexican government to take care of Mexico.

The left is worse.
I cant wait to see how bad things get under Hiden and Heels in the air Harris.
It wont hurt me unless they attack my bank accounts,of course if they do it's gonna get nasty.

Nobody gives a shit about your bank account.
Well I believe everyone who thinks this is bullshit should run the banks and pull out of all stocks. Same day Same time. Banks close at 9:20. Come back tomorrow. When they close at 9;02, come tomorrow. rinse and repeat.

Neat stuff, kid. Nobody cares about your wet dreams.
Ewwwww. You really impress me with 3rd grade. And you bought the Russia hoax....LOLOL

While you are busy laughing out loud out loud (sic) I kind of stopped caring about your posts.
I'm all for it.
I will donate all I can to such a cause. It's time the Republican Party breaks free of the Lefts PC programing

It's like mana from heaven. Yes, please.

Careful what you wish for.....

Two parties that don't know how to govern competing for the same vote, I'm good with it.

Versus that other Party that only governs for the people of Mexico and the dregs of American society?

At least you admit the right doesn't know how to govern in the mean time I'll leave the Mexican government to take care of Mexico.

The left is worse.
I cant wait to see how bad things get under Hiden and Heels in the air Harris.
It wont hurt me unless they attack my bank accounts,of course if they do it's gonna get nasty.

Nobody gives a shit about your bank account.
Well I believe everyone who thinks this is bullshit should run the banks and pull out of all stocks. Same day Same time. Banks close at 9:20. Come back tomorrow. When they close at 9;02, come tomorrow. rinse and repeat.

Neat stuff, kid. Nobody cares about your wet dreams.
Ewwwww. You really impress me with 3rd grade. And you bought the Russia hoax....LOLOL

While you are busy laughing out loud out loud (sic) I kind of stopped caring about your posts.
Yawn Don't answer.

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