Should We Abolish The Cops?


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
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The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?

Go away, moron.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

The problem isn't how the cops deal with criminals.

It's how they deal with average citizens for petty offenses or sometimes no offense at all.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

The problem isn't how the cops deal with criminals.

It's how they deal with average citizens for petty offenses or sometimes no offense at all.

And yet, almost every time media brings up these issues, it is the cops killing a criminal.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?

Go away, moron.

Wow, some dope wrote an opinion police and you attribute that to 1/2 of the population. You're a retarded loser.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Might as well; they've already signaled they aren't going to protect anybody but the wealthy, and leave 'everybody else' on their own anyway, so why waste money paying them? It's clear they're also going to focus on arresting and prosecuting any uppity white proles who dare defend themselves from hate crimes from violent black criminals and sociopaths if the last few weeks have shown us anything.

As I said in a post elsewhere, the police and the Guard and the military are not going to be any kind of savior for anybody but the well heeled, they will only work for those who sign their paychecks; those that do have principles and morals are retiring or quitting; most cities will be left with a lot of manpower shortages and or an even worse collection of officer candidates; many cities were already hiring gang bangers and laughably unqualified 'minorities'.

The GOP is showing its true colors re those uppity proles who suffer from some delusion that they are citizens with the right to resist being injured or killed by hood rat violence as well, at least the establishment hacks are. Whites who don't meet certain incomes and asset levels or live in certain zip codes are expendable to the DNC and GOP both.
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And yet, almost every time media brings up these issues, it is the cops killing a criminal.

No, it's a cop killing someone over a minor offense.

Mike Brown engaged in shoplifting.
LaQuan McDonald was trying to break into a truck to keep warm.
George Floyd unknowingly passed a fake $20.00
Tamir Rice was playing with a toy gun.
Walter Scott was shot for a traffic violation

If you shoot at a cop in the middle of a robbery and he takes you out, NO ONE COMPLAINS about that.

Cops need to be taught deescalation tactics, they need to not be incentivized to hassle people over minor complaints.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
If you shoot at a cop in the middle of a robbery and he takes you out, NO ONE COMPLAINS about that.

lol what a load of rubbish. Brown, for instance, was assaulting officer Wilson and trying to grab his gun, and this after assaulting the store keeper he was robbing. the fact is, in the climate produced under Obama and the waves of hate crimes committed by blacks, all encorauged and supported by Democrats, white people just need to shoot any strange blacks who approach them within 20 feet on sight, to be truly safe. The fact that they don't is a testament to their bravery and tolerance in the face of a nationwide rampage of feral animals and serial killer gang bangers.
If you shoot at a cop in the middle of a robbery and he takes you out, NO ONE COMPLAINS about that.

lol what a load of rubbish. Brown, for instance, was assaulting officer Wilson and trying to grab his gun, and this after assaulting the store keeper he was robbing. the fact is, in the climate produced under Obama and the waves of hate crimes committed by blacks, all encorauged and supported by Democrats, white people just need to shoot any strange blacks who approach them within 20 feet on sight, to be truly safe. The fact that they don't is a testament to their bravery and tolerance in the face of a nationwide rampage of feral animals and serial killer gang bangers.
Brown was a POS hoodlum and got put down like the turd he was. That didn't stop people from rioting about it like retards.
He had just robbed that man with the store.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?

Go away, moron.

Wow, some dope wrote an opinion police and you attribute that to 1/2 of the population. You're a retarded loser.

It was an opinion leader from NYT. Not just "some dope". The leftist drones take the opinions they are told to take.
Why do you lie so much?
If you want to be the exception, a lefty ths5 does not want to legalize criminal behavior, go ahead

But the bulk of your tribe is pro criminal and anti law and order

Nope. The bulk of my "tribe" never said a thing about getting rid of the police. What they want is an acceleration of the trend that we saw (back before covid and the Floyd affair) to where instead of the police being dispatched to every disturbance by the 911 operator, they can send a mediator instead which will not result in an arrest or as we have seen, official oppression. If the mediator cannot effectively remedy the situation, they call the police. This is what the "defunding" was initially about. I'm sure there are some on the left who would like to disband the police just like there are some on the right who were calling for martial law.
Why do you lie so much?
If you want to be the exception, a lefty ths5 does not want to legalize criminal behavior, go ahead

But the bulk of your tribe is pro criminal and anti law and order

Nope. The bulk of my "tribe" never said a thing about getting rid of the police. What they want is an acceleration of the trend that we saw (back before covid and the Floyd affair) to where instead of the police being dispatched to every disturbance by the 911 operator, they can send a mediator instead which will not result in an arrest or as we have seen, official oppression. If the mediator cannot effectively remedy the situation, they call the police. This is what the "defunding" was initially about. I'm sure there are some on the left who would like to disband the police just like there are some on the right who were calling for martial law.

and then when mediators start getting plugged, you will increase your calls for gun control.

We all see where you are going with this.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans to take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

Utter rubbish.

Why do you lie so much?

Go away, moron.

Wow, some dope wrote an opinion police and you attribute that to 1/2 of the population. You're a retarded loser.

It was an opinion leader from NYT. Not just "some dope". The leftist drones take the opinions they are told to take.

Another lie. She doesn't even work for the NYT.

Really...why do you lie so much?
Why do you lie so much?
If you want to be the exception, a lefty ths5 does not want to legalize criminal behavior, go ahead

But the bulk of your tribe is pro criminal and anti law and order

Nope. The bulk of my "tribe" never said a thing about getting rid of the police. What they want is an acceleration of the trend that we saw (back before covid and the Floyd affair) to where instead of the police being dispatched to every disturbance by the 911 operator, they can send a mediator instead which will not result in an arrest or as we have seen, official oppression. If the mediator cannot effectively remedy the situation, they call the police. This is what the "defunding" was initially about. I'm sure there are some on the left who would like to disband the police just like there are some on the right who were calling for martial law.

and then when mediators start getting plugged, you will increase your calls for gun control.

We all see where you are going with this.

I'm sure some mediators will get injured or killed just as police are sometimes injured or killed. Its the nature of the business.
As for gun're fantasies are your business.

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