Should We Abolish The Cops?

Actually the opposite. Since you would tax your job creators into bankruptcy, they would have to come to our side which would bring us jobs.

Then why is it the Blue states are rich and the red states are poor, buddy?


Your side would be broke in less than five years with all your people getting free everything.

Actually, we could have generous European style benefits and be just fine. We can even afford your welfare check.
Actually the opposite. Since you would tax your job creators into bankruptcy, they would have to come to our side which would bring us jobs.

Then why is it the Blue states are rich and the red states are poor, buddy?

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Your side would be broke in less than five years with all your people getting free everything.

Actually, we could have generous European style benefits and be just fine. We can even afford your welfare check.

They are not really poor, they have a much different cost of living than the commie states.

I watch HGTV all the time. What it costs those people 800K for a home, you can buy a similar one here for less than 300K. Therefore wages don't have to be nearly as high. If an individual makes $20.00 an hour in Alabama or South Carolina, they can maintain a reasonable living. If you make $20.00 an hour in New York, you are lucky if you get to live with four other people, in a two bedroom apartment, and a public restroom down the hall. If you can't find roommates, you are probably living under a bridge.

Poverty statistics are national, not local. They are not indexed for each and every area.
They are not really poor, they have a much different cost of living than the commie states.

No, they really are shit poor.

The Red States are what happens when Republicans get control. Working people live in shit, a few rich people live large. No thank you, hard pass.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I used to deal with a guy who unloaded my truck and we got to talking about jobs and pay. He told me he and his wife moved to California. Between them, they made over 100K a year. They went to a bank for a house loan, and the bank laughed at them.

They moved back here, made much less money, and had a house in a pretty nice suburb. My cousin, who lives in the same state, got a divorce and she kept the house. To make ends meet when the kids became adults and child support stopped, she rented out her in-law suite which was basically a bedroom, kitchenette, and a bathroom. Last I spoke with her about four years ago, she was getting $1,300 a month just for that, and had a list of people wanting that tiny piece of house she had. Given what I've read about Commiefornia the last couple of years, she may be getting much more than that today.

You could live better making $15.00 an hour in Georgia than you can making $24.00 an hour in any of the commie states.
He'll easily win our state. And you know what they say, you have to win Ohio to win the national election.

Actually, nobody says that....

Here are the six states, Biden is leading in all of them, he only has to win 2 or 3. FL, NC, AZ, PA, MI, WI.

Of course, at the rate Trump is burning out, TX, GA, OH and IA are in play, and they really shouldn't be.

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