Should We Abolish The Cops?

No one is going to look at this tape of him shooting the guy in the back and say, "Good job."

Never said that was the case. The jury doesn't rate good or bad job. They rate justified or unjustified according to the laws. Guilty or not guilty. The officer was fired upon with a deadly weapon. That gives him reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious harm or death. It's legal to use deadly force in that situation.

Since you really don't understand what "Defund the Police" means, it's kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation with you as to what that entails.

Defund the police can only mean one thing. Less money means officers will be getting laid off. That means much slower response times, if a response can even be provided.

Because he's probably still getting money for it. But it's still a racist image.

How would he be getting money from it? The contract was with her, not her family. Unlike you, they understand the history of Aunt Jemima. There is nothing racist about it.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.

I would think that conservatives would WANT an end to the police departments.

seems to me that if conservatives didn't have to worry about cops or being arrested they'd kill a LOT of people....
A portion of Seattle abolished the cops. Two killings occurred. They are treated as legal activities.
I would think that conservatives would WANT an end to the police departments.

seems to me that if conservatives didn't have to worry about cops or being arrested they'd kill a LOT of people....

We do want an end to police departments by Democrat leaders. Look.....we need to show the entire country how Democrats would handle the US on a national level. We have a very important presidential election coming up. Nothing would please us more than a huge increase in crime in those Democrat cities and states because they defunded their police departments.
Indeed. That's exactly what we seen happen during the Ferguson Effect. Today I came across an article where the NYPD are considering a strike on 4th of July. Can you imagine the new riots and looting that would take place? It would make the last one look like a warmup act.
I encourage the cops guarding the mayor and city hall officials to go on strike

let deblasio call a an unarmed social worker to protect him if there is an emercency
Never said that was the case. The jury doesn't rate good or bad job. They rate justified or unjustified according to the laws. Guilty or not guilty. The officer was fired upon with a deadly weapon. That gives him reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious harm or death. It's legal to use deadly force in that situation.

Yeah, buddy, the days when juries acquit cops who engage in misconduct are over... These guys are going to prison.

Defund the police can only mean one thing. Less money means officers will be getting laid off. That means much slower response times, if a response can even be provided.

No, defund the police means you take some of the money you are spending providing cops with discarded military equipment and spend it on social programs and outreach instead. No problem with a cop arriving in 1 minute of 5 minutes after the crook has fled. It's him showing up in a tank that's ridiculously expensive.


How would he be getting money from it? The contract was with her, not her family. Unlike you, they understand the history of Aunt Jemima. There is nothing racist about it.

Actually, I understand the history just fine. They paid this woman to be a mascot. I'm sure her relatives are still getting money off the use of her image through her estate, even though after a few makeovers, she looks nothing like that anymore.

Which is how we went from THIS..


to this.

No, defund the police means you take some of the money you are spending providing cops with discarded military equipment and spend it on social programs and outreach instead. No problem with a cop arriving in 1 minute of 5 minutes after the crook has fled. It's him showing up in a tank that's ridiculously expensive.

Yet you have zero evidence to support that made-up claim. Out of the last several riots we seen, how many tanks were there?

You mean to tell me New York spends 1 billion a year on military equipment?
You mean to tell me that LA spends 150 million a year on military equipment?
You mean Norman Oklahoma spends over 800,000 a year on military equipment?

Your claim holds no water. The only real place to make up those losses are in manpower. I hope Chicago does the exact came thing or even more. Then if you really need a cop, you can call a social worker.

Actually, I understand the history just fine. They paid this woman to be a mascot. I'm sure her relatives are still getting money off the use of her image through her estate, even though after a few makeovers, she looks nothing like that anymore.

Which is how we went from THIS..

Of course they changed the picture as time went on. Aunt Jemima was started in the early 1900's for crying out loud. So you don't mind seeing a black family robbed of their income to satisfy your obsession for political correctness? You leftists are really heartless people.
Yet you have zero evidence to support that made-up claim. Out of the last several riots we seen, how many tanks were there?

Here, go ahead and educate yourself. We have militarized our police departments.

Your claim holds no water. The only real place to make up those losses are in manpower. I hope Chicago does the exact came thing or even more. Then if you really need a cop, you can call a social worker.

Again, if we got rid of half the CPD, the corrupt half, no great loss. The CPD is not well loved in this city, less so after the riots.

Of course they changed the picture as time went on. Aunt Jemima was started in the early 1900's for crying out loud. So you don't mind seeing a black family robbed of their income to satisfy your obsession for political correctness? You leftists are really heartless people.

The picture is racist and demeaning to the other 99.9999% of black people who weren't getting a check from Quaker Oats.
Here, go ahead and educate yourself. We have militarized our police departments.

Why make a stupid statement like "go ahead and educate yourself" when you didn't even read your own link? Had you done that, you would have learned that the equipment provided was paid for by the federal government UNDER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON and not the police budgets. They only paid for shipping costs. Strike three-you're out.

Again, if we got rid of half the CPD, the corrupt half, no great loss. The CPD is not well loved in this city, less so after the riots.

I guess that's why you had over 60 shootings--10 of them fatal in your city over this past weekend. I don't know how many of those incidents were blacks getting shot and killed, but I'm guessing most if not all of them. So where is BLM to protect those people? After all, you said your city hates the cops. Makes me wonder who they called when their friends or family members were gunned down.

The picture is racist and demeaning to the other 99.9999% of black people who weren't getting a check from Quaker Oats.

Right, because you know all the other 99.9999% of blacks in this country. They can't speak for themselves, only white liberals can. If Quaker Oats thought they were losing black customers over that image, it wouldn't' have taken a bunch of left-wing terrorists that destroyed cities to change it. They would have done it for business reasons long before. Obviously they didn't have a problem selling their products in black communities.

And I'll be the one laughing when in ten years or so, blacks start complaining that black images or pictures are not being used on products.
Why make a stupid statement like "go ahead and educate yourself" when you didn't even read your own link? Had you done that, you would have learned that the equipment provided was paid for by the federal government UNDER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON and not the police budgets. They only paid for shipping costs. Strike three-you're out.

Oh, come on, buddy, we are pissing away billions arming police like soldiers, that's the point you don't seem to get.

It got much worse after 9/11.

I guess that's why you had over 60 shootings--10 of them fatal in your city over this past weekend. I don't know how many of those incidents were blacks getting shot and killed, but I'm guessing most if not all of them. So where is BLM to protect those people? After all, you said your city hates the cops. Makes me wonder who they called when their friends or family members were gunned down.

We have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries across the country every year. We need to ban guns, not arm the cops like soldiers and give them free license to shoot black people for parking violations.

Of course, the incompetent CPD only clears about 17% of murders, so that's also part of the problem. But they have those shiny new police tanks, and that's the important thing.

Right, because you know all the other 99.9999% of blacks in this country. They can't speak for themselves, only white liberals can. If Quaker Oats thought they were losing black customers over that image, it wouldn't' have taken a bunch of left-wing terrorists that destroyed cities to change it. They would have done it for business reasons long before. Obviously they didn't have a problem selling their products in black communities.

They did speak for themselves.

Here's the thing you don't get. People on my side have been trying to have conversations about racism for years. People on your side are ONLY paying attention now because there are demonstrations and some riots. Shouldn't have gotten to this point.

Now, getting rid of a few racist mascots isn't a big deal. But it's a step in the right direction. They also got rid of the Land of Lakes Indian Girl... and that was before the riots kicked off.
Oh, come on, buddy, we are pissing away billions arming police like soldiers, that's the point you don't seem to get.

It got much worse after 9/11.

We aren't pissing away anything. This equipment is offered to cities when our military replaces their equipment. It's second hand and doesn't cost the taxpayer very much. Whether they donate it or melt it down, or even trash these items, it costs about the same to the taxpayer.

We have 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries across the country every year. We need to ban guns, not arm the cops like soldiers and give them free license to shoot black people for parking violations.

Of course, the incompetent CPD only clears about 17% of murders, so that's also part of the problem. But they have those shiny new police tanks, and that's the important thing.

So when was the last time they used those shiny USED tanks? Oh, since I'm a guy that will admit mistakes, it wasn't 60 people shot in your city, it was over 70, with 10 deaths including 10 minors.

I thought you city and state were tough on gun possession. What happened with that? How come it didn't work? I mean......if people getting shot and killed is the fault of the gun and not the owner, then you shouldn't have had any shootings yet alone all those people injured or killed.

Now you see the results with gun restrictions. The good law abiding people in your city can't get a gun, or otherwise feel it useless because of your laws, and now you only have the cops and criminals with guns. Why would you want to see your failures spread coast to coast?

They did speak for themselves.

Here's the thing you don't get. People on my side have been trying to have conversations about racism for years. People on your side are ONLY paying attention now because there are demonstrations and some riots. Shouldn't have gotten to this point.

Now, getting rid of a few racist mascots isn't a big deal. But it's a step in the right direction. They also got rid of the Land of Lakes Indian Girl... and that was before the riots kicked off.

Sissifying America doesn't solve anything. You people don't want to have a conversation about racism, because if it's an honest one, you'll lose each and every time. You are the epitome of the left when it comes to that topic. If I told you I was having coffee with cream in it, you'd scream racism. That's the problem.

You can't have an honest conversation with dishonest people. We've repeatedly pointed out to you how the media has you fools brainwashed. When did they ever run a national story about a white getting shot or killed by a police officer? When did they ever air a story about an unarmed white getting killed by a cop? We have the statistics, and it shows whites getting treated the exact same way by police as blacks.

We also provided the solution to the problem: obey all orders of a police officer, and nobody gets shot or killed. Every single situation where a person is killed by an officer has one thing in common, and that is they refused to obey orders. The situation where that wasn't a factor, the officer was brought to justice.
So when was the last time they used those shiny USED tanks? Oh, since I'm a guy that will admit mistakes, it wasn't 60 people shot in your city, it was over 70, with 10 deaths including 10 minors.

Yes, the police are pretty fucking incompetent in this city... but that's been the case for a while.

You can't have an honest conversation with dishonest people. We've repeatedly pointed out to you how the media has you fools brainwashed. When did they ever run a national story about a white getting shot or killed by a police officer? When did they ever air a story about an unarmed white getting killed by a cop? We have the statistics, and it shows whites getting treated the exact same way by police as blacks.

Well, no, they don't. Blacks are more likely to be shot, more likely to be clubbed, more likely to be pulled over for bullshit.

We also provided the solution to the problem: obey all orders of a police officer, and nobody gets shot or killed.

sorry, man, this isn't a police state. They work for us, not the other way around.

Every single situation where a person is killed by an officer has one thing in common, and that is they refused to obey orders.

No, not really. Tamir Rice never heard any "orders", they just shot his ass the second McWeepy jumped out of the car.
Yes, the police are pretty fucking incompetent in this city... but that's been the case for a while.

And yet you people keep voting Democrat. Tsk, tsk. But don't feel bad, every major Democrat city is Fd up. Oh, and once again I will tell you I was wrong. The final count for people shot in your city on Fathers day weekend was 106.

Well, no, they don't. Blacks are more likely to be shot, more likely to be clubbed, more likely to be pulled over for bullshit.

Of course we both know you're making that up.

sorry, man, this isn't a police state. They work for us, not the other way around.

That's exactly true Doctor Joe, they do work for us. And we give them the authority over citizens when laws are broken.

No, not really. Tamir Rice never heard any "orders", they just shot his ass the second McWeepy jumped out of the car.

According to the officers, the first they they yelled at him was to freeze. Not too surprised by that are you? That's what police tell every suspect with a gun.
And yet you people keep voting Democrat. Tsk, tsk. But don't feel bad, every major Democrat city is Fd up. Oh, and once again I will tell you I was wrong. The final count for people shot in your city on Fathers day weekend was 106.

And so what? Cleveland has far more murders per capita than IL had.

That's exactly true Doctor Joe, they do work for us. And we give them the authority over citizens when laws are broken.

I didn't give then the authority to abuse black people. But clearly with everyone up in arms, we are clearly revoking that authority...

According to the officers, the first they they yelled at him was to freeze. Not too surprised by that are you? That's what police tell every suspect with a gun.

Yeah, I'm sure they said that afterwards, but I don't believe anything those two lying sacks of shit said. Neither did their own superiors, which is why they don't have jobs anymore.
The U.S. has had municipal police for 175 years. Got along fine without them before that.
And so what? Cleveland has far more murders per capita than IL had.

I'm sure that will change by the end of the year. I think we had 8 shootings and 1 death over the very same weekend.

I didn't give then the authority to abuse black people. But clearly with everyone up in arms, we are clearly revoking that authority...

And we on the right can't wait. Your liberal shitholes will turn into larger shitholes when police can no longer protect the public, or otherwise do another Ferguson. Trump's people are taking dates and notes for the campaign trail, and I'm sure statistics later on. We need to show the rest of the country what Democrat leadership on a national scale will look like when something like this happens again.

Yeah, I'm sure they said that afterwards, but I don't believe anything those two lying sacks of shit said. Neither did their own superiors, which is why they don't have jobs anymore.

No, they said it in their first report. It's standard to tell a gun suspect to freeze.
And we on the right can't wait. Your liberal shitholes will turn into larger shitholes when police can no longer protect the public, or otherwise do another Ferguson. Trump's people are taking dates and notes for the campaign trail, and I'm sure statistics later on. We need to show the rest of the country what Democrat leadership on a national scale will look like when something like this happens again.

How, hum, you still think the Furgeson thing was a thing.

Here's the reality. Come November, people are going to remember that Trump turned the Riots into police actions by gassing peaceful protesters... He's a full 10 Points behind Biden now...

No, they said it in their first report. It's standard to tell a gun suspect to freeze.

Again, they were a couple of lying sacks of shit. You can watch the tape and see pretty clearly that he jumps out of the car less than two seconds and shoots.. No way he yelled, "Freeze"

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