Should We Abolish The Cops?

Passing counterfeit $20s is no longer a crime in libdom?

Not one worth killing a man over.

hey, what if he didn't know it was a fake? Frankly, most of us don't know how to identify fake money.

Yes we do. When you hand a cashier a 20 dollar or larger bill, and you see her take that marker and draw a line on it, do you think she's doing that out of boredom?
They'll prioritize actual crime and not use them to shake down and harass people.

Nope. Crime will get out of control just like it did during the Ferguson effect. Once criminals get the news they can break our laws with impunity, that's exactly what they're going to do.

But the problem is we ask cops to do this kind of work, and they shouldn't be.

Nope. Police respond to calls about people breaking the law. You want to send out social workers to handle domestic disputes? Domestic disputes are one of the most violent for police officers.

Like I said, we are on the same side with this idiotic idea. You want to defund or eliminate your police force, and we on the right want you to defund or eliminate your police force. We need to show the country what Democrat leadership would look like on a national level. This is important to us given the presidential election coming up.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.
When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.

That's your dopey interpretation. No one has suggested what you are saying, dope.

What do you think happens when they take money from the police department, you dope? Do you think cops will work for less money, less benefits? God you people are the uniformed voters if I ever seen any. There is only one place they can make cuts, and that is to the size of the force.
What do you think happens when they take money from the police department, you dope? Do you think cops will work for less money, less benefits? God you people are the uniformed voters if I ever seen any. There is only one place they can make cuts, and that is to the size of the force.

No one has suggested this but you, dope
The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services.

I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you what it is. So tell me genius, where else could a police department make cuts if not the size of their force? LA is talking about removing up to 150 million dollars from their PD to waste money in black communities. NYC is talking about a billion dollar cut in next years police budget.
I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you what it is.
You're not. You're making shit up to fit your dopey narratives.
No one except you has suggested that this be done to "empower criminals" , ya degenerate liar.

So what do you think would happen with many less police officers? Talk about a dope.
So what do you think would happen with many less police officers? Talk about a dope.
Try reading the pages of articles available when searched on this subject instead of making up dumb shit.

The police would only respond to criminal complaints. All otherss would be handled by appropriately trained professionals.

No one has suggested that criminals be empowered, dope.

Police are appropriately trained professionals, dope. So who is training these so-called professionals of yours? If they attend the police academy, they are no better or worse than the cops they have now. Are they going to work for free, because somebody has to pay them. It's got to come out of the police budget.

Again, less cops means more crime, and I can hardly wait for it to happen. We need to show everybody in the country what Democrat leadership looks like before our next national election.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
Police are appropriately trained professionals, dope.
They aren't at all, dope.
They aren't crisis counselors who should be dealing with domestic dispute issues, the suicidal, the mentally ill, those with substance abuse issues or the homeless.

The police should deal with criminal matters. Period.
And whom has been shot and killed by the police lately that fit your list? hmmmm? Name one - in fact give me ten.
Police will walk creating a shortage. Those remaining will ignore crime in action if a suspect fits a profile. Why risk your life or career? Than what? Crime rates spike and the Left will have the audacity to blame the police.

Atlanta Wendy’s shooting in self defense provided US a golden opportunity to reset things back to reason but the politicos could not help themselves and chose to arrest the officer instead.
Yes we do. When you hand a cashier a 20 dollar or larger bill, and you see her take that marker and draw a line on it, do you think she's doing that out of boredom?

I wouldn't know. I've never seen a cashier do that. Then again, I don't live in the Ghetto like you do.

Nope. Crime will get out of control just like it did during the Ferguson effect. Once criminals get the news they can break our laws with impunity, that's exactly what they're going to do.

Cops showing up to fill out paperwork never does deter crime. Neither does harassing people for petty crimes.

Like I said, we are on the same side with this idiotic idea. You want to defund or eliminate your police force, and we on the right want you to defund or eliminate your police force. We need to show the country what Democrat leadership would look like on a national level. This is important to us given the presidential election coming up.

Uh, guy, you've already lost the upcoming presidential election. Trump is trailing by 9 points now in the RCP Average, and that's only because Right Wing RCP isn't including the REALLY bad polls for Trump.

People right now are more sick of the cops than they are of the crooks. Big corporations are all showing solidarity with BLM. You guys have really lost this argument.
Police will walk creating a shortage. Those remaining will ignore crime in action if a suspect fits a profile. Why risk your life or career? Than what? Crime rates spike and the Left will have the audacity to blame the police.

Atlanta Wendy’s shooting in self defense provided US a golden opportunity to reset things back to reason but the politicos could not help themselves and chose to arrest the officer instead.

Uh, no. These cops shot a man in the back over a parking violation.

This is not the kind of thing to make cops look good.

I agree

but one black guy dying from heart failure while resisting arrest is not worth burning down the cities and neighborhoods where most black people live either

Last time I checked, the cities are still here. Now, look, I know you are living in whatever lily-white neighborhood you live in watching Fox News and pissing yourself.... but the reality is, most people are with the protesters right now.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.
When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.

That's your dopey interpretation. No one has suggested what you are saying, dope.

What do you think happens when they take money from the police department, you dope? Do you think cops will work for less money, less benefits? God you people are the uniformed voters if I ever seen any. There is only one place they can make cuts, and that is to the size of the force.
What do you think happens when they take money from the police department, you dope? Do you think cops will work for less money, less benefits? God you people are the uniformed voters if I ever seen any. There is only one place they can make cuts, and that is to the size of the force.

No one has suggested this but you, dope
The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services.

I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you what it is. So tell me genius, where else could a police department make cuts if not the size of their force? LA is talking about removing up to 150 million dollars from their PD to waste money in black communities. NYC is talking about a billion dollar cut in next years police budget.
I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you what it is.
You're not. You're making shit up to fit your dopey narratives.
No one except you has suggested that this be done to "empower criminals" , ya degenerate liar.

So what do you think would happen with many less police officers? Talk about a dope.
So what do you think would happen with many less police officers? Talk about a dope.
Try reading the pages of articles available when searched on this subject instead of making up dumb shit.

The police would only respond to criminal complaints. All otherss would be handled by appropriately trained professionals.

No one has suggested that criminals be empowered, dope.

Police are appropriately trained professionals, dope. So who is training these so-called professionals of yours? If they attend the police academy, they are no better or worse than the cops they have now. Are they going to work for free, because somebody has to pay them. It's got to come out of the police budget.

Again, less cops means more crime, and I can hardly wait for it to happen. We need to show everybody in the country what Democrat leadership looks like before our next national election.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh
Police are appropriately trained professionals, dope.
They aren't at all, dope.
They aren't crisis counselors who should be dealing with domestic dispute issues, the suicidal, the mentally ill, those with substance abuse issues or the homeless.

The police should deal with criminal matters. Period.

Good luck hiring and sending out shrinks to calls. The police are out there to enforce the law. Their motto is to serve and protect. That's their job. The issues you outline are for social workers, not police. If nobody is breaking the law, then the police are not called.
Good luck hiring and sending out shrinks to calls. The police are out there to enforce the law. Their motto is to serve and protect. That's their job. The issues you outline are for social workers, not police. If nobody is breaking the law, then the police are not called.
You, as always, are not required to take my word for it. There are plenty of examples out there of police saying the same things as I am. None of the examples I posted are criminal matters.

The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.

Have they thought about this to the end? When the looting starts... the shooting starts.

Maybe it would be good idea to abolish the cops and let Americans take care of the criminality problem, once and for all! If they thought the police was brutal, just wait and see how Americans deal with criminals.
The leftists want to abolish the cops because they want to make it legal to commit crime.
Not one person has suggested that police should be abolished, dope.

When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.
When you remove money from the police, they need to cut officers. The more defunding, the more officers laid off.

The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services. Then when an emergency situation happens to somebody, and it takes two hours for an officer to respond, these very same people will be the first ones to cry the loudest.

That's your dopey interpretation. No one has suggested what you are saying, dope.

What do you think happens when they take money from the police department, you dope? Do you think cops will work for less money, less benefits? God you people are the uniformed voters if I ever seen any. There is only one place they can make cuts, and that is to the size of the force.
What do you think happens when they take money from the police department, you dope? Do you think cops will work for less money, less benefits? God you people are the uniformed voters if I ever seen any. There is only one place they can make cuts, and that is to the size of the force.

No one has suggested this but you, dope
The idea is to empower criminals and remove power from their protective services.

I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you what it is. So tell me genius, where else could a police department make cuts if not the size of their force? LA is talking about removing up to 150 million dollars from their PD to waste money in black communities. NYC is talking about a billion dollar cut in next years police budget.
I'm not suggesting anything, I'm telling you what it is.
You're not. You're making shit up to fit your dopey narratives.
No one except you has suggested that this be done to "empower criminals" , ya degenerate liar.

So what do you think would happen with many less police officers? Talk about a dope.
So what do you think would happen with many less police officers? Talk about a dope.
Try reading the pages of articles available when searched on this subject instead of making up dumb shit.

The police would only respond to criminal complaints. All otherss would be handled by appropriately trained professionals.

No one has suggested that criminals be empowered, dope.

Police are appropriately trained professionals, dope. So who is training these so-called professionals of yours? If they attend the police academy, they are no better or worse than the cops they have now. Are they going to work for free, because somebody has to pay them. It's got to come out of the police budget.

Again, less cops means more crime, and I can hardly wait for it to happen. We need to show everybody in the country what Democrat leadership looks like before our next national election.

"Folks, when you see your adversary making a complete fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is stand back and watch."
Rush Limbaugh

You are using too many facts, and too little feels.
You are using too many facts, and too little feels.
He hasn't ptesented any facts. Only his dopey opinions.

Right, because you never post your dopey opinions. You only post facts. :laughing0301:
I try to be as truthful and accurate as possible. I provide links. Not just my opinion. You lie and deliberately misrepresent. Why? Who knows.

Your unwillingness to go beyond your own opinions is your issue not mine.
Uh, no. These cops shot a man in the back over a parking violation.

This is not the kind of thing to make cops look good.

Yes, because of a parking violation.

It had nothing to do with Brooks having parole violations, that he was drunk, that he physically fought with the police, stole his taser, ran from the police, and aimed the taser at the officers head and deployed it. He was killed over a parking violation.

I'll tell ya, you people have a lot of nerve talking about how Trump lies. Leftists are the biggest liars on the planet. Speaking of lying, you're going to have to think of a new one. Police can't issue a parking violation on private property unless it's a handicap zone.

Last time I checked, the cities are still here. Now, look, I know you are living in whatever lily-white neighborhood you live in watching Fox News and pissing yourself.... but the reality is, most people are with the protesters right now.

They were until the protesters became rioters. Yes, the cities are still there, with millions of dollars of damage, businesses that are closed up for good, cops retiring or calling off sick, one paralyzed for life, hundreds of police injured.
I wouldn't know. I've never seen a cashier do that. Then again, I don't live in the Ghetto like you do.

Then it's obvious your people aren't very smart if they are not checking large bills. Maybe you have a shitload of counterfeit money in that filthy crime ridden city of yours. Your racist remark about where I live is noted as well.

Cops showing up to fill out paperwork never does deter crime. Neither does harassing people for petty crimes.

Correct, it doesn't deter crime, but armed citizens do. Less police means it will take them much more time to arrive at a crime scene. That gives the criminal more time to get farther away from it making it harder for the police to track him.

But like I said, I can't wait for it to happen.

People right now are more sick of the cops than they are of the crooks. Big corporations are all showing solidarity with BLM. You guys have really lost this argument.

Yes, we know, they are getting rid of Aunt Jemima.
They shot him for resisting arrest

That doesn't make it any better. I'm sure they'll enjoy prison because they just LOVE cops in prison.

Then it's obvious your people aren't very smart if they are not checking large bills. Maybe you have a shitload of counterfeit money in that filthy crime ridden city of yours. Your racist remark about where I live is noted as well.

Naw, we just don't try to counterfeit $20.00 like they do in your ghetto, budd. Then again, it's not like there's any REAL money in Clevleand, it's a slum. Seriously, if there's a city that just needs to be bulldozed over in a mercy killing, it's Cleveland.

Correct, it doesn't deter crime, but armed citizens do. Less police means it will take them much more time to arrive at a crime scene. That gives the criminal more time to get farther away from it making it harder for the police to track him.

But like I said, I can't wait for it to happen.

Naw, your wank fantasies about shooting your HUD neighbors will not end well for you.

Yes, we know, they are getting rid of Aunt Jemima.

Among many other things. Frankly, I'm amazed she was still around
Yes we do. When you hand a cashier a 20 dollar or larger bill, and you see her take that marker and draw a line on it, do you think she's doing that out of boredom?

I wouldn't know. I've never seen a cashier do that. Then again, I don't live in the Ghetto like you do.

Nope. Crime will get out of control just like it did during the Ferguson effect. Once criminals get the news they can break our laws with impunity, that's exactly what they're going to do.

Cops showing up to fill out paperwork never does deter crime. Neither does harassing people for petty crimes.

Like I said, we are on the same side with this idiotic idea. You want to defund or eliminate your police force, and we on the right want you to defund or eliminate your police force. We need to show the country what Democrat leadership would look like on a national level. This is important to us given the presidential election coming up.

Uh, guy, you've already lost the upcoming presidential election. Trump is trailing by 9 points now in the RCP Average, and that's only because Right Wing RCP isn't including the REALLY bad polls for Trump.

People right now are more sick of the cops than they are of the crooks. Big corporations are all showing solidarity with BLM. You guys have really lost this argument.

I get that checking the bill near all the time by cashiers. Sometimes I think its demeaning even if I just took it out of the ATM machine.
Yes we do. When you hand a cashier a 20 dollar or larger bill, and you see her take that marker and draw a line on it, do you think she's doing that out of boredom?

I wouldn't know. I've never seen a cashier do that. Then again, I don't live in the Ghetto like you do.

Nope. Crime will get out of control just like it did during the Ferguson effect. Once criminals get the news they can break our laws with impunity, that's exactly what they're going to do.

Cops showing up to fill out paperwork never does deter crime. Neither does harassing people for petty crimes.

Like I said, we are on the same side with this idiotic idea. You want to defund or eliminate your police force, and we on the right want you to defund or eliminate your police force. We need to show the country what Democrat leadership would look like on a national level. This is important to us given the presidential election coming up.

Uh, guy, you've already lost the upcoming presidential election. Trump is trailing by 9 points now in the RCP Average, and that's only because Right Wing RCP isn't including the REALLY bad polls for Trump.

People right now are more sick of the cops than they are of the crooks. Big corporations are all showing solidarity with BLM. You guys have really lost this argument.

I get that checking the bill near all the time by cashiers. Sometimes I think its demeaning even if I just took it out of the ATM machine.

I never felt that way. Anybody could get a bad bill from somewhere and have no idea.
That doesn't make it any better. I'm sure they'll enjoy prison because they just LOVE cops in prison.
I predict a rise in crime within the inner cities as cops decide to just sleepwalk through their shifts without arresting anyone

Indeed. That's exactly what we seen happen during the Ferguson Effect. Today I came across an article where the NYPD are considering a strike on 4th of July. Can you imagine the new riots and looting that would take place? It would make the last one look like a warmup act.
That doesn't make it any better. I'm sure they'll enjoy prison because they just LOVE cops in prison.

Probably not going to prison unless the jury is corrupted. The law reads that a taser is considered a deadly weapon in that state. The officer was attacked with a deadly weapon and returned fire.

Naw, we just don't try to counterfeit $20.00 like they do in your ghetto, budd. Then again, it's not like there's any REAL money in Clevleand, it's a slum. Seriously, if there's a city that just needs to be bulldozed over in a mercy killing, it's Cleveland.

Actually, every town run by Democrats for decades should be bulldozed. Counterfeiters print smaller bills so they are less noticed. You yourself said you never seen a cashier check a bill, so there you go.

Naw, your wank fantasies about shooting your HUD neighbors will not end well for you.

I live in the burbs. The police are not going to walk off the job, get laid off, or be defunded over here. It's those large commie run cities that are at high risk of that happening. I really don't think the gutless Democrat politicians would carry out their threat. We all know how their audience loves their phony song and dance acts.

Among many other things. Frankly, I'm amazed she was still around

Then why is the Aunt Jemima model great grandson objecting to it?
Probably not going to prison unless the jury is corrupted. The law reads that a taser is considered a deadly weapon in that state. The officer was attacked with a deadly weapon and returned fire.

No one is going to look at this tape of him shooting the guy in the back and say, "Good job."

Actually, every town run by Democrats for decades should be bulldozed. Counterfeiters print smaller bills so they are less noticed. You yourself said you never seen a cashier check a bill, so there you go.

Naw, Just Cleveland, which is what happens when the One Percenters rape you and you lie back and enjoy it.

I live in the burbs. The police are not going to walk off the job, get laid off, or be defunded over here. It's those large commie run cities that are at high risk of that happening. I really don't think the gutless Democrat politicians would carry out their threat. We all know how their audience loves their phony song and dance acts.

Since you really don't understand what "Defund the Police" means, it's kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation with you as to what that entails.

Then why is the Aunt Jemima model great grandson objecting to it?

Because he's probably still getting money for it. But it's still a racist image.

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